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Haruto gave a limp as kenma pulled him along, still looking towards the pool that was rather large in size. "kenma.." Haruto mumbled very quietly. Lev came over to the group, putting his stuff down. He saw kenma still had the shirt to his chest. "We've all seen it before." Lev said, pulling his towel out his bag and laying it on the ground to sit on. Yaku ignored Lev. "I'm glad you came, I thought no one else was going to show." Yaku smiled. He could see they were both anxious to be out though. The other boys didn't really acknowledge them, getting up to go jump in the pool. "Put your stuff down" Yaku told them. Kenma held on to Haruto's hand even as they stood in front of Yaku. He noticed most of the team wasn't there, but didn't ask why. He glanced at Haruto for a moment, muttering to the boy, "It'll be okay.." before his attention snapped to Lev. He bit down on his tongue and brought his head down before doing the same as Lev with laying out his towel. He left Haruto on his own to do the same, sitting himself down still insisting on holding the shirt. Haruto followed what they were doing, laying his towel down. He didn't think it was going to be okay but he was willing to put on a brave face and give it a go. Haruto sat down on his towel, eyes fixated on the water to try and see how deep it was. Lev rolled his eyes. Yaku grabbed sun screen from his bag, he didn't want to send them home red from the sun. "I'll do your back kenma" Lev offered, grabbing the sunscreen off of Yaku and squeezing it into his own hand. Yaku rolled his eyes, snatching the sunscreen back to get some out for Haruto. Kenma looked over at the sunscreen, wrinkling up his nose. He always had been sensitive to the smell, but he didn't want to get burned and make himself even more miserable. He decided to just suck it up, giving Lev an uneasy look as he offered. "Okay.." he said while moving his hair out of the way. Lev rubbed his hands together before applying it to kenmas back, rubbing it along kenmas spine a couple of times. Haruto took some to rub on his arms, cringing at the oily feeling. Lev started to rub it tenderly into kenmas shoulders, taking his time in the area. "He has enough on his back." Yaku said with a glare, standing up and then leaning down to help Haruto rub it in on his face. Lev grabbed some more, coming forward in front of kenma. "Move the shirt" Kenma tensed up immediately, it felt cold against his skin. He also didn't like the feeling of Lev's hands rubbing all over his bony back, it hurt a bit considering how fragile he was. He shrugged his shoulders a bit to tell Lev it was enough, looking up at him as he came around front. The blonde quickly shook his head no and kept the shirt. "I can do it myself.." Lev bent down and vigorously rubbed it into kenmas face, snatching the shirt when he had the chance. Haruto closed his eyes tightly, not wanting his eyes to burn from the sunscreen. Yaku finished helping Haruto, standing up again to see Lev wad almost done helping kenma. "I'm gonna go wash my hands." Yaku said, walking off to the bathrooms. "Hurry up, let's go." Lev insisted, pulling kenma up by the arm. Kenma let out a while as he began to spread it on his face. He shoved Lev back, trying to snatch the shirt but unable to as Lev took it away. He crossed his arms over his chest before Lev pulled him up, shaking his head no. "I don't wanna swim.." he told Lev, especially not when Yaku wasn't there with them. It seemed that Yaku tried to keep Lev from harassing Kenma, so he trusted him for now. Lev scoffed, letting go of kenma and the shirt. "You come to the pool but you're not swimming??" He asked. Haruto thought that was a good idea, turning to kenma to speak with him. "kenma.." he said quietly again. "Yeah kenma, don't be boring." Lev snapped. "You'll swim with me Haruto, won't you?" Lev asked, leaning down and scooping Haruto up into his arms before walking off towards the pool. Haruto kicked as much as he could, his leg becoming tired as they got closer to the pool side. "Stop it.." Haruto asked, not wanting to be thrown in. Kenma frowned and went to get his shirt. He pulled it up to his chest again and watched as Lev began to pick on Haruto now. "Cmon Lev, leave him alone.." he said, furrowing his brows as Lev picked the boy up. He started to trail behind and eventually dropped his shirt. "Lev stop being a dick, he's telling you no." he said a little annoyed with Lev trying to control them. Lev came to the edge of the pool, looking to kenma. He smirked to see kenma had finally given up the shirt. "Fineee" He hummed out. Haruto gave a breath of relief, trying to get out of levs grip. Lev swung and tossed Haruto in where it was clear of people. Haruto gasped loudly, going under the surface of the water. "Oops" Lev said sarcastically, it being the easiest way to make someone get in the pool. Lev crossed his arms over and waited for Haruto to resurface, raising an eyebrow as it was taking longer than expected. Kenma furrowed his brows as Lev threw Haruto anyway. "Lev you asshole!" He said and gave the boy a shove, looking nervously at the water to see if Haruto was okay. He began to think of all the bad thoughts he could, what if Haruto hit something and couldnt resurface, or what if he couldn't swim? Lev leaned as kenma shoved him, his eyes still on the water. "He'll come back up.. any second.." Lev said, nodding his head. Another second was too long for his liking, quickly jumping in before a life guard was to notice. Lev could just touch the bottom, pulling Haruto up to the surface and over to the edge of the pool. Haruto gasped uncontrollably, reaching out for anything he could grab onto. Lev pushed Haruto to hold onto the ledge of the pool. Through Harutos coughing and small cries his bottom jaw started to chatter, his body shaking. Lev scoffed a bit "I didn't even throw you that bad." He said to try and excuse his actions. Lev looked up at kenma, not saying a word to him. Kenma was about to jump in himself when he didn't see Haruto, but Lev beat him to it. He watched with a nervous look, relieved when he saw Haruto come up with Lev. Once he was at the edge, Kenma knelt over and tugged the boy to get him out. "That was real shitty of you Lev.." he said. Lev helped himself out the pool, standing with his arms crossed. Lev didn't know what to say back, biting his tongue to stop anything rude slipping out. Haruto got out on all fours, grabbing onto kenma to pull himself up. He gasped and hugged into kenma, shaking his head as he was unable to speak. Yaku came over as Haruto was pulled from the water. "What happened??" He asked, only being gone for no longer then 5 minutes. "I don't know‐ he's the one drinking pool water." He scoffed, biting his tongue again. Kenma helped him out best he could, hugging him and gently patting his back. He looked over as Yaku came back, frowning. "No, Lev pushed him. Haruto said no but Lev threw him in anyway." He spat, pulling Haruto away from the edge. He wasn't having a good time at all, wanting to go home already. Haruto held onto kenma tightly, his whole body dripping wet. Yaku wasn't very pleased to hear that, grabbing onto Haruto to feel he was cold and shaking. "Don't throw anyone in again, it's not safe." Yaku spoke firmly, pulling Haruto along to go sit back down and warm up. Haruto let him, he trusted Yakus help a lot. Lev looked back to kenma, pushing kenma back with anger. "What the hell?" He snapped at kenma. Kenma watched as he pulled Haruto off, standing up to go follow. He stumbled from the push, turning to glare. "Just- leave me alone Lev!" He snapped at the boy, narrowing his eyes a bit. "You ruin everything!" He said. Lev pushed kenma by the shoulders again. "Normally you don't bring someone who can't Swim! You're the asshole!" Lev shouted back, feeling slightly guilty on his behalf. Yaku took Haruto over, sitting him down on his towel and grabbing his own to wrap around the boy. Harutos teeth still chattered together, both cold and in shock.Kenma stumbled back another step, getting closer to the edge of the pool. "I didn't know! But you know you messed up, huh?!" He said, stepping forward again. He was breathing hard out of anger, his ribs moving in a sickening way with each breath he took. "This is why no one likes you.." Lev clenched his jaw tightly, not liking kenmas words. "Yeah right!" He shouted back, not caring if they were causing a scene. He shoved kenma backwards into the pool. "Lets see if it's two out of two!" He spat, letting kenma fall into the pool. Haruto sniffled and wiped his face against the towel around him, moving himself to lay down and catch his breath. Yaku decided to stay beside him just in case. Kenma gave a quick cry as Lev pushed him back, taking a sharp inhale before he fell under the water. He started to move his arms around to get up, kicking his legs and reaching for the side. He hated the feeling of the water that was now up his nose. Kenma eventually found the side and pulled himself up, coughing a little bit. "You're a jerk!" He said. Lev watched kenma for a moment, jumping in next to him. "The biggest apparently!" He shouted back, wrapping his arm around kenma while trying to pull him away from the side. He was mad that kenma hadn't said anything to him about it, knowing he would of never thrown Haruto in if he had known. He pulled kenma further away from the edge of the pool, water waving into his own mouth as he spat it out. Kenma began to struggle against Lev as he pulled him away from the edge. His feet couldn't touch the farther out the got, and he started to choke on the water as it splashed over his face as Lev pulled him away. "Lev-" he submerged for a moment before gasping for air once he was above. "Stop!" He cried, fists hitting the taller.
Lev ignored kenma, he felt he deserved the same as what Haruto received. Lev grabbed the back of kenmas hair, pushing the boys face down into the water. Haruto calmed down mostly but was exhausted, his breath remaining shallow and slightly wheezy. Yaku looked out over to the pool, trying to see if he could spot Lev or kenma. Kenma tried to take a deep breath before he went under, but he inhaled some water which made him cough out his oxygen under the water. It bubbled up at the top, the water splashing as he flailed his arms and tried to get himself back above the water. Lev could feel kenma struggling, counting under his breath to make sure kenma stayed under just as long as Haruto did. Another moment went by before the whistle was blown towards Lev, them pointing for Lev to let go of kenma. Lev let go, moving over to the side to talk to the lifeguard. His jaw dropped as he was told to get out for 30 minutes for what he did. He scoffed and looked back at kenma to make sure he was going to resurface too. Kenma could feel his heart racing, lungs screaming for air as Lev kept him under. His body began to feel exhausted rather quickly and he felt like he was about to pass out before Lev finally let go. He did everything he could go get above the water, gasping for air and coughing as he weakly swam for the edge. He went under multiple times but finally made it, pulling himself up and panting hard as he stood on shaky legs. Lev got out the water, crossing his arms over and walking back over to sit down. He saw Haruto was laying down near Yaku. Leaning down he grabbed some money out his bag and headed over to buy some things from the canteen. The lifeguard came over to kenma, rubbing his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked, making sure kenma didn't inhale too much water. Kenma's legs felt too weak to walk over, so he let himself sit back down near the edge. He didn't look up at the life guard, flinching away from his touch before leaning over a bit and coughing hard. He spit out some water and grimaced, all the coughing and inhaled water made him feel like he could throw up his lunch. The lifeguard sat down next to kenma, he wasn't going to leave his side until some colour came back to kenmas face. Lev bought chips for himself, also buying Haruto a snack, soda and a pool ring. He liked to think of himself as a cool person to hang out with, letting them have things and do things that they weren't normally allowed. Yaku glanced over to see kenma sitting on the edge of the pool, hoping he was okay. Kenma coughed again, trying to keep them from getting too hard so he wouldn't actually vomit. He panted a little and wiped the corner of his mouth before looking at the life guard. "I'm okay.." he said quietly, looking away right after. The lifeguard stood up, leaving kenma to recover on his own now. As Lev came over Yaku got up. "Stay here and don't touch him." He told Lev, quickly walking over to check up on kenma. Lev sat down beside Haruto, putting the snack and can of soda on Harutos towel. Haruto refused to sit up, eyes gazed on what Lev bought him. Lev opened up the pool ring, blowing it up while watching Yaku walk over to kenma. Yaku kneeled down, putting a hand to kenmas shoulder. "Hey.. what happened? You look sick.." yaku spoke softly.
Kenma sat himself up all the way to try and stand again, sniffling and looking at Yaku. He pointed a finger to Lev, wiping his eyes with his hand. "He was holding me under.." he said, coughing a little and giving a bit of a heave before spitting up more water. Yaku tried to keep kenma sitting, rubbing a hand over kenmas back. "Stay sitting.. that wasn't okay of him." He told kenma, trying to let the boy catch his breath properly first. Haruto finally sat up, his head spinning from his shallow breathing. Lev was running out of breath blowing it up, putting the pool ring to the side. He picked up the soda and opened it for Haruto, handing it over and opening the snack as well. Haruto didn't say anything, taking it while he could since kenma or Yaku were likely to say no. "When you're ready we can go sit back down in the shade.." yaku offered, ready to give kenma the hand he needed. Kenma nodded his head and stayed seated for a minute longer until he stopped coughing. He gave a soft sigh before holding on to yaku and standing up. "Thank you.." he said quietly, leaning on him a bit as they walked back to the shade. Yaku nodded, rubbing a hand over kenmas back while they walked over. Haruto kept his eyes down and sipped from the can quietly. Lev picked up the pool ring and continued to blow it up, looking away as kenma and Yaku were coming back. The other members headed over momentarily, grabbing money and going off to the canteen not bothering to ask if anyone wanted anything. Yaku took kenma to sit on his towel right near Haruto. He sat on the grass, not wanting to take the towel from Haruto right now. Haruto took it upon himself, offering the towel to kenma now he had dried off. Kenma started shivering as they walked, he was getting cold as the water dried. He glanced at the others momentarily before they left, sitting down on his own towel. He thanked Yaku one more time before looking at Haruto, politely declining. He took his own towel and moved it so it was in the sun, laying down and resting an arm over his eyes. His pale skin gleamed in the sun, it would do it some good to get some sunlight. It was warm too, which is why he moved. Haruto frowned and handed the towel back to Yaku, putting the soda can in his lap. Lev watched kenma moved, rolling his eyes to the side. Yaku laid the towel out again, going over and standing in front of Lev. "You do anything again and you're not welcome on outings." He spoke firmly. Lev did the pool ring plug up, handing it over to Haruto. "I didn't know." He muttered. "You need to go say sorry to kenma too." Yaku said, pointing over to him laying in the sun. Lev got up to get it over with, standing near kenma while blocking the sun. Kenma gave a quiet sigh and sniffled, rubbing his nose a bit. The back of his throat felt sore from swallowing too much water, and his eyes burned a bit. He kept them covered with his arm, though felt his body go chilly again as Lev blocked the sun. Kenma uncovered his face and squinted a bit while looking up at Lev. He rested his hands at his sides, tilting his head. "Move." Lev rolled his eyes to the sky, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I got mad." He muttered, still feeling kenma was mostly to blame over the situation. He stayed blocking kenmas sun. "Can you go back over to the group? Yaku won't forgive me until you do." He added, knowing it'd make his apology look better. Haruto picked up the pool ring, lifting his arms and letting it slide down to around his waist while he sat down. He kept the soda can hiding within the ring with him, taking a couple sips every so often. Kenma shook his head no at Lev's request. He didn't believe he was actually sorry, and he was mad at him. "No, you could've killed me." He hissed, shooting out his leg to kick at Lev. He moved one of his hands over his stomach and splayed it out to try and cover up some. "Now move." He said again with a slight shiver. Lev gave a yelp, taking a step back. "What more do you want??" He asked, feeling like he was doing all he could to make it better. The other team members went by kenma, eyes looking at kenmas body laid out on display. They sat back down on their towels in the shade, talking over between themselves. Haruto looked over to kenma trying to lay in the sun. He gave a couple of coughs before taking another sip, picking up the snack Lev got him hoping it would settle his stomach after swallowing pool water. "I want you to leave me alone!" Kenma said in return, sitting himself up and starting to move the towel back in the sun out of Lev's shadow. He was sick of the taller ruining everything and constantly making his anxiety worse. He laid back on the towel, stomach up as he covered his eyes again. Lev looked to make sure no one was watching, kicking kenma in the side once he moved. "I'm asking for one thing." He gritted under his teeth, not wanting to walk back over by himself. Haruto looked over again to see kenma had moved spots, picking up all his stuff to go sit with kenma. He laid the towel out best he could, sitting on it with the pool ring still around him and soda and snack still in hand. Lev sat down as well, eyes glared towards the ground. He wasn't moving if kenmas wasn't going to. Kenma gave a whine of pain as Lev kicked him. He curled up and clutched his side, groaning quietly. "you dont deserve it.." he said, looking up as Haruto came over. He sat himself back up straight, looking at Haruto. "Are you okay..?" He asked. Lev shrugged his shoulders at kenma, rolling his eyes to the side again. Haruto gave a nod, fidgeting with the can in his hands. He didn't plan on going near the water again, it being an unpleasant experience. Lev scoffed to himself, shaking his head. "You overreacted, the both of you. It's just water." He argued, trying to desensitise his actions further. Kenma was getting sick of Lev. He stood himself up and looked down at the boy, raising a fist and punching him straight in the nose before tackling him down. "Do you not know when to shut up?!" He cried, pulling his fist back and hitting Lev again. The blonde was blinded by his anger, Lev's entitled persona making it hard to hold back. Levs reaction time was slow, expecting kenma to just whine about it like he did most the time. Lev leaned his head back as blood dripped from his nose, gasping when kenma got on top of him. Lev aimlessly gripped kenmas arms to try and stop him attacking him anymore. Haruto jumped a bit, tilting himself away from the firing line. He covered his ears and looked away, having see kenma do this before at school. The other team members watched, nit sure why kenma was causing a scene as usual. Yaku bolted over, standing behind kenma trying to pull him off. "Stop! You're going to get us kicked out!" Yaku shouted. "Get off me!" Lev shouted after Yaku, spitting to avoid blood trailing into his mouth. Kenma continued to hit him where he could, though Lev held him back for the most part. He couldn't hit anymore as Yaku helped too, breathing heavy and glaring down at Lev. He spit at the boy before reluctantly getting off and laying down on his towel, hugging himself. Yaku had become very frustrated, having to deal with them fighting more than once. Yaku pulled Lev up, not saying anything. Lev covered his nose and walked off with a huff, going to the bathroom to clean himself up. Yaku crossed his arms at kenma. "I didn't invite you to ruin the day. Go cool off in the pool or something." Yaku spoke firmly. Haruto uncovered his ears and frowned towards kenma, keeping quiet as Yaku scolded him. Yaku was almost tempted to call Kuroo to pick them up. Kenma stayed quiet as he watched Lev leave. He lowered his head as Yaku turned to him, his eyes narrowing a bit to try and keep the tears out. He felt guilty, Yaku's words hurt. The blonde began to fill his mind with bad thoughts, it made sense now why most of the team didn't show up, why he had no friends, and why no one ever wanted to help him. Kenma felt now that he ruined everything, his tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. Yaku sighed, he didn't want to make kenma cry but he needed to hear the truth. "Come back over when you're ready to play nice." Yaku told kenma, walking back over to the shade. Haruto sat feeling awkward, he really only ever saw Kuroo scold kenma and that rarely made kenma cry. He fidgeted with the pool ring around him, trying not to stare at kenmas tears. Lev cleaned his face and hands up, coming back out and sitting down in the shade. Yaku finally took the opportunity for himself to go in the pool, wasting a lot of his time on the others. The other team members followed. Lev eyes narrowed to kenmas bag, opening it up and carefully taking his clothes and putting them in his own. Right after he went on a walk to go get kenmas shirt that he'd dropped near the pool side. Kenma covered his ears with his hands, sniffling and giving a slight tremble as he tried to hold back his tears. He wiped his face with both arms, standing up from the towel and beginning to walk himself towards the bathrooms, needing the time alone. He went in and slid through the people waiting, cutting the line and locking himself in the stall. Haruto watched kenma get up and leave, sensing kenma needed some space. Haruto slowly moved back over into the shade, bringing both his and kenmas towel with. Lev moved to go wait in the bathroom line, passing by Haruto. Lev didn't see kenma within the short line, assuming he went somewhere else. The people in the line weren't looking pleased, having kenma just cut the line not too long before Lev joined the line. Haruto was quick to become bored by himself, carefully opening up kenmas bag and taking out kenmas phone. He didn't notice the lack of clothes in the bag, too focused on entertaining himself. He got comfortable laying in the pool ring, flicking through the apps he felt kenma wouldn't mind him using. Kenma sat on the toilet, pulling his head into his hands and sniffling. He tried his best not to let out any sobs, since there were still people around. He didn't know why Yaku's words had upset him so much, but he now felt worse than before, and it didn't put him in a good mindset. Lev leaned against the wall as he waited, one stall moving quicker than the other. The people in front of Lev started to complain amongst each other, one finally making a move. He banged on the door with a heavy fist. "Hey! People are waiting out here!" He spoke firmly, there only being two stalls and some people wanting them to use to change in. Lev raised an eyebrow, now wondering who was actually in the first stall. Haruto couldn't see the screen very well outside, turning its brightness up all the way. Now Haruto was content and could view the screen easily, he kept his head down not caring about people playfully screaming or yelling now. Kenma covered his ears again, sniffling a few more times. He felt horrible with himself, realizing this was yet another thing he ruined for someone. He felt like nothing more than a burden now and it made him upset. He let out a soft sob, jumping as the bang on the door shook the stall. He still didn't answer though, needing the closed space for himself. They banged again, getting frustrated by kenma taking his time. "If you don't come out, I'm getting management in here!" He spoke loudly. Lev Heard the sob, knowing well who's it was. "Go cry somewhere else please." Lev added in to the groups angered words. Though the line was moving slow, Lev was a couple away from the front now. Haruto didn't know what to do with the empty soda can, not wanting to get up and find a bin. He slipped it into kenmas bag, not wanting to litter his rubbish on the ground. Kenma wiped his eyes and pulled his legs up on to the seat as well, hugging them and putting his head against his bony knees. He took a shaky inhale and kept his ears covered, eyes squeezing shut now too. He could hear Lev and that only made him want to stay more. The boy remained unresponsive, trying to think of a way to get them to leave him alone. The person on the door stopped momentarily, going into the second stall to use it. "Don't waste our times on a Sunday." He muttered on the other side of the stall, finishing up and going back out. Lev was now at the front, having two people behind him. Lev slipped in, opening the bag up and grabbing kenmas clothes out. He dropped them in the toilet before using his foot to push them in further, screwing his face up at the repulsive action. He tried to flush the toilet and made the water fill the toilet bowl. Unlocking the stall he came out with a disgusted look. "Don't go in that one, someone's blocked it." He warned, quickly walking out the bathroom and not looking back. The person behind Lev started to bang on kenmas stall now. "Hurry up, people don't have all day." The man told kenma.
Kenma gave another quiet sob, wiping his eyes over and over and taking in a shaky breath. He tried to calm down but every time he did, Yaku's words came back into his mind. He couldn't trust him anymore now that he'd hurt him like that. Kenma's eyes flicked to look at the stall next to himself, hearing the toilet clog up. He knew that meant his was the only open stall, but he thought they could just use the urinals. He stayed hugging his knees on the toilet, sniffling and sobbing quietly.

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