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Lev followed close by, his hand still out. "Give it, must not be important if you crumpled it up." Lev said as he walked into the next class and let kenma sit down, he knew he had to be careful in this class since the teacher was strict. August followed at a safe distance, glaring in a smirk as he watched Lev annoy kenma. Ambrose had stayed out of all of this, still feeling guilty about everything they did and how it was now becoming more common in the school when it came to bullying kenma. Kenma shook his head no and he walked a bit faster to try and get away from Lev. It didn't work though, considering the other had a much longer stride than he did. The blonde slid into his seat and rested his hands over his pockets. "It doesn't matter.." He said softly. The pestering was starting to feel all to familiar to Kenma, he didn't like how easily Lev was able to get to him. Lev sat down and kept his hand out, he wanted the note even more now kenma insisted it was nothing. Lev glanced as the teacher came in, keeping his mouth shut as the teacher started the lesson. The teacher didn't acknowledge them at first, turning around and seeing they were back. "Don't be wasting my class time, taking almost a weak off. You're to catch up." He said, turning to the board and not even helping them work on understanding what had to be done for assessment or quizzes. Lev gave a small nod, holding his hand out under the desk and nudging kenma with it decreetly. Kenma didn't appreciate the pestering from Lev and the straightforwardness of their teacher the first day back. He gave a small nod in unison with Lev before looking down at his desk. The blonde looked below the desk as Lev tapped him, it was getting irritating. "Stop." He hissed while kicking Lev's shin under the desk. The teacher turned and caught kenma "kenma! It's your first day back, show a little respect or you'll be paying the office a visit!." He shouted at kenma, it made everyone turn to kenma. Lev smirked as the teacher got up him, knowing that him yelping at kenma hurting him would of made the teacher turn and see what had happened. Lev gave a fake pout and rubbed his shin, trying not to break into another smirk. People whispered as kenma got in trouble, soon being hushed loudly as the teacher went back to his work. Kenma jumped as the teacher yelled out his name. He wasn't used to being fussed at so loudly in class, it was humiliating with all the eyes on him. The boy was quick to tear up. He lowered his gaze and nodded once. Kenma knew if he tried to say anything he'd break down crying right in the middle of class. He put his head down and crossed his arms over to hide the tears starting to drip. Lev finally smirked as kenma looked like he was about to cry, leaving the note he was after for now. Lev knew he could get it with ease at lunch, seeing as kenma had no one to stick up for him since yaku had been sitting away from them. Harutos mind was still on the hamster, he was slightly excited he'd get a pet too finally. He tried to pay attention to the lesson, it was a little difficult since he knew lunch was coming up and then that's when he could sneak it into his bag and the locker until the end of the day. Lev paid attention to most the class, just enjoying to be back in the school setting. Kenma wiped his eyes before lifting his head. He tried his hardest to pay attention for the remainder of class, writing occasional notes when he thought it would be important. Soon enough, the bell rang for lunch. The boy pulled himself up and sniffled as he packed his bag. He waited for the room to clear a bit before he took his things and walked out too. Kenma walked to the cafeteria and started to walk to his usual table. He went stiff as he felt nearly every pair of eyes turn to look at him as he walked by. He felt sick to the stomach again as he caught the gazes of the boys on the volleyball team. Kenma walked faster and sat down in his usual seat. Lev followed after kenma, glancing around for haruto as they walked. It was strange since normally the boy was attached at kenmas hip. Sitting down he noticed it was still just them, he knew haruto was at school. Lev got his lunch out and started Eating, looking around to see if the younger was going to join them or not. "Can I have the note now??" Lev asked, putting some of his sandwhich in his mouth. Haruto shot up as the bell rang, going to the class where the hamster was. He looked around to make sure he was alone, coming over and standing on his tiptoes to reach in and grab it. Haruto felt a rush of adrenaline over his body, cupping the hamster in his hands. He gave it a strange look, holding it in both hands. The hamster fit perfectly in his hands, so small and defenceless. Haruto didn't know what came over him but he held it a little tighter, hearing it start to squeak in noises of discomfort but it didn't stop him. Kenma hadn't packed himself a lunch, so he didn't have anything to eat. He was hungry after throwing up breakfast but couldn't really help it since he had no food. The boy looked at Lev and shook his head again. "Drop it already.." he said in a soft voice. Kenma was getting sleepy and he slowly laid himself down on the bench. He put a hand on his forehead and turned on his back, hearing the joints pop as he did. Lev rolled his eyes, he wanted to finish his sandwich first before continuing to torment kenma. Haruto noticed it started to squeak louder, he wanted it to be quiet while he held it firmly. "Shh" he said as he started to clasp his hands really tightly around it, soon enough the hamster was crying out loudly in pain. Haruto squeezed it extremely tight, giving a double blink as he heard its spine break and eyeballs pop out it's head. For some reason that wasn't enough for him to stop, squeezing it until is popped it his hands. Haruto closed his eyes as some blood splattered on his face, opening his eyes he stared down at his hands. They were covered in blood, some of it soaking into the dead hamster. Haruto didn't know what to do, realising what he had done to it. The thing is he didn't feel guilty, he just didn't want to get in trouble for it. Haruto quickly placed it back in the glass tank, quickly walking out with his head down. He had to tell someone, kenma could help clean it up. Haruto kept his head down, his bloody hands staying at his side as he went into the cafeitea. He stood in front of the seat they normally sat at, not knowing there was blood on his face too. Lev dropped his sandwich, not sure why haruto had blood on him and his uniform. Haruto stared down at kenma, the smeared blood drying on his hands as he stood quietly. Kenma stretched a bit more before he started to sit up. He caught sight of Haruto and jumped when he saw the blood. His first thought was that it was Haruto's, standing quickly and holding him by the shoulders. "Woah woah, happened?" He asked with a furrowed brow. Kenma looked over the boy but didn't see any opened wound that could have been bleeding. The boy furrowed his brows in confusion and looked at haruto. Haruto watched blankly as kenma looked over his body, he shook his head to say he wasn't hurt. Haruto looked up into kenmas eyes, he knew kenma could make it all better. "It wouldn't stop squeaking." He said bluntly, even though he knew deep down that wasn't the reason he had squeezed it so hard. When the hamster popped it felt like a release in his own body. Lev didn't know what to say "what wouldn't stop squeaking??" Lev asked confused, looking around to see if anyone had noticed Haruto had blood on him. Haruto stayed in front of kenma, pointing back to the classrooms to tell kenma that's where it was. Kenma felt a little uncomfortable under Haruto's gaze, he'd never seen him act like this. The blonde glanced to the side before looking back at Haruto. "Yeah.. what are you talking about?" He asked. Kenma was started to get concerned, both for Haruto and for whatever he was talking about. He looked in the direction Haruto was pointing, not understanding. Haruto looked down and fidgeted with his hands, seeing as kenma didn't understand. "Mh hamster.." he mumbled, glancing back up at kenma. Levs jaw couldn't drop anymore, he was in shock that haruto had hurt a hamster in one of the classrooms. Haruto started to rock of his feet as he waited for a response, hoping kenma would help him clean it up. Lev looked around again, not sure if this was something they should be handling on their own or if a teacher should know about it. Kenma's eyes widened and his lips parted a bit. He took the slightest step back from Haruto, not sure why on earth he would hurt a hamster. "Haruto, that's.. that's not okay." He said. The blonde crossed his arms and looked at the younger. "How badly is it hurt?" Haruto looked down at his shoes and shrugged, he knew he'd hurt it really bad and it had stopped moving after he heard it crack. "Mh.." was all he managed out, not wanting to admit completely to his actions. Lev stood up, staying out the situation for now but wanting to be involved at a safe distance if they got caught out. Haruto scrunched his nose up as he looked at the floor, picturing how the small thing basically popped and exploded in his hands. Kenma was getting a little stressed about the situation. He never thought Haruto would hurt something like a hamster, he always seemed to like animals. The blonde kept his arms crossed and he rocked a bit on his feet. "Well, what did you do to it..?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to know. Kenma lifted his gaze and looked over Haruto while waiting for an answer. Haruto stayed fidgeting with his bloody hands, soon demonstrating how he held the hamster "held it.." he said before clasping his hands shut "put it back." He said to tell kenma exactly what he'd down with it, he looked up into kenmas eyes noticing kenma didn't look happy at all. Haruto lowers his hands back to his side, taking a moment to point back to the classrooms to tell kenma he wanted him to come with. Kenma knew that wasn't the whole story, since that didn't explain where the blood came from. He got the picture though and it made him shudder. "That's no good.." he said. The boy noticed Haruto seemed to want to go back, sighing and stepping closer. "Let's go then.." Haruto gave a small nod and started to lead the way back, keeping his hands by his side and head down as he walked. Once back to the classroom he looked up at kenma before glancing at the classroom door, wanting kenma to go in first. He knew it would be handled from here, kenma would always help him out of tricky situations. Lev stayed put, his mind rushing a bit as he looked around. Soon pushing himself up, trailing a couple minutes behind them. Kenma stood outside of the door and frowned a little as Haruto wanted him to go first. He pushed it open and walked in, not hearing any noise coming from the cage. He walked towards the cage and looked in, gasping at what he saw. "Haruto you killed it.." he said in a sort of breathy tone. Now he understood what Haruto meant when he said he held it in both hands. The blonde crossed his arms over his stomach and looked at the hamster with a sickly look. Haruto came in after kenma, watching kenma examine it. Haruto looked back in the cage at the dead hamster "mhm" he said before looking back up at kenma with big eyes, waiting for kenma to do something about it and make it better. Haruto had never really killed anything before, a couple bugs at times but he'd never gotten his hands on a small household pet like a hamster. Haruto looked at the blood all in the cage and over the hamster, taking a second to also look at his hands that felt stiff from the dried blood. Kenma was feeling disgusted in what he saw. He didn't know why Haruto would do such a thing. He stepped back again and shook his head. "This is disgusting Haruto." He said. Kenma was squirming in his spot as he thought about how hard Haruto had to hold it in order to kill it. It made him think of all the times Lev did it to him, especially in his nightmares. Lev walked in, freezing as he saw the state of the hamster. Haruto lowered his head at kenmas words, seeing as he found it disgusting. Lev knew they needed to act quick before they all got caught, coming over to the cage and looking in. "Kenma. Take haruto to the bathroom and help him clean up. I'll deal with the cage and hamster. Hurry, we don't have long." Lev said as he picked up the cage to clean up in the store room. Haruto looked up as Lev spoke, glancing to kenma. Haruto looked down at himself, it had got on his hands and uniform slightly making him scrunch his nose again. Kenma looked up at Lev and gave a slight nod. It was one of the few times he'd willingly listen to what Lev was telling him to do. "Come on Haruto." He said. He held him by the sleeve and lead him from the classroom to the bathrooms. Kenma stopped in front of the sink and turned the water on warm. "Clean your hands off." He instructed. Haruto let kenma lead him out, giving a slight nod as he got told to clean up. He started watching his hands off, looking up into the mirror to see it got on his face. He watched the water turn murky, letting the blood rinse off his hands. "In trouble?" He asked kenma, not taking his eyes off cleaning his hands up. Lev took the hamster and wrapped it in tissues, burying it at the bottom of the bin before putting rubbish over the top of it. He went back to the cage and pulled out all the flooring that had blood on it and binned it as well, making sure no blood was left in the cage or in surrounding areas. Kenma frowned and he looked at Haruto. "I don't know.. you know better than this." He said in a stern tone. The blonde couldn't change what already happened, but he wanted to tell Haruto that what he did wasn't okay. "You can't go around.. killing things." He stressed. Kenma paced a bit and crossed his arms over his stomach. He didn't want to think about the hamster being squeezed to death, much like him in his nightmares. Haruto gave a frown and finished cleaning up his hands "b-but it.. was accident.." he managed to get out, not wanting kenma to be disappointed in him. Haruto knew curiosity had gotten the better of him, maybe if it hadn't made so much noise he wouldn't of squeezed it to make it stop. Haruto started to clean his face, looking back in the mirror to check if it was all gone. He still had some dried blood on his shirt, looking down at it and then back up to kenma. Soon haruto lowered his head and fidgeted with the bottom of his school shirt, his actions didn't seem to really be punished but he knew kenma wasn't happy. Lev came into the bathroom after cleaning up, looking between the boys. He sighed and grabbed some paper towel before wetting it and scrubbing at harutos shirt "just say you got a nose bleed." He suggested. Haruto nodded. Lev put the paper towel in the bin. "Right, you don't know where or what happened to the hamster. Anyone could of taken it." Lev said crossing his arms. Kenma let out a little bit of a sigh, disappointed and concerned for Haruto. It wasn't normal for teenagers to kill hamsters. The blonde gently rubbed his own temples and looked as Lev came in. He always got nervous when in the bathroom with him after all the things he'd done there. Kenma looked at the time right as the bell rang. He felt his stomach jolt a bit, last class was his least favorite as the teacher didn't like him. Lev gestured for haruto to go to class, watching him run out before he followed with kenma to go to his last class. Lev glanced kenma as they walked "You know what they say about psychopath and bedwetting?" He said raising an eyebrow at kenma. "I mean.. he has all the symptoms." He mumbled right after. It wasn't a lie that haruto had more of the common symptoms a psycho would. From socially irresponsible behaviour, inability to distinguish between right and wrong, tendency to lie often and manipulating/hurting others which had started to happen much more frequently with the biting and having a temper tantrum when he wasn't getting his ways. Lev sighed as he brushed the thought away and walked into the classroom with kenma. Kenma frowned as Lev brought it up. He wasn't wrong, but he didn't want to accuse Haruto of being a psycho when he had a hard home life and barely any friends. The blonde shrugged the thought and held his bag straps tighter as they entered the room. He didn't look at the teacher once, hoping he would notice he was back and just go on with class and not make a deal out of it. Lev sat down with a huff, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. Crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, he hoped the teacher was in a better mood than last class he had with him. Haruto went into his classroom, there was already talk of the missing hamster. Haruto sat down and looked around the room, it didn't look like there was anything left from when he had hurt the hamster. He grabbed out his stuff and stayed out of any conversation like he normally did, catching a glimpse of his shirt and hunching forward a bit to hide it. The teacher saw kenma and Lev come in, he shook his head. "Down the front." He said pointing to the front desk for kenma, seeing as the boy was the main distraction when it came to the two messing around. Kenma turned his head and gave a small nod. He made sure to listen so he wouldn't get in trouble for disobeying or acting out. The boy walked down the row to the front and slid into the chair. It felt strange to be close up front, but he didn't ask to switch knowing the answer would be no. Kenma sighed and got out a pen and paper to prepare for class. The teacher stared kenma down the whole time he switched spots, standing right in front of kenmas desk before leaning down. "I don't want to hear one word or complaint from you." He said with a firm voice, he would rather the lesson run smoothly without kenma bolting out of class to be sick or try and mess around with other students. Lev thought it sucked that kenma was moved, he couldn't even get the note off kenma like he had wanted to at break. Haruto couldn't look up as the teacher started talking to the whole class about it, saying someone needed to own up to taking it. When no one did they demanded locker and bag checks, that's when harutos head shot up. He didn't want them going through his bag because he had his own personal items and the stuff kuroo had gave him, he felt sick to the stomach and pale in the face. He stood up from his desk and covered his mouth, quickly putting his bag on and running out the room not even thinking how suspicious it was. Kenma didn't like the teachers eye on him the entire time. It made him feel uncomfortable under the harsh gaze, nodding his head once to show he understood. He scribbled the lesson title down on his paper and waited as the bell rang to start class. He bounced his knee up and down and tried not to think about the poor hamster. Lev started his notes as the bell rang and the teacher started talking about the topic, giving a bored sigh. The only good thing about moving kenma was he had a good view of the boy, he could tell he was nervous by the way he was bouncing his legs. The teacher kept turning to kenma, making sure he was doing the work. Haruto had bolted out the classroom and straight to the nurses office, it was his place to always turn to. Closing the door with shaky hands, he hadn't felt so sick to the stomach with nerves. He went straight in and pushed his bag under the bed before laying down, trying to calm his nerves hoping the teachers didn't suspect him because of how he ran off. The nurse noted haruto coming in, seeing as the boy went straight to a bed and didn't wait she knew he wasn't feeling good. Lev noticed the teacher giving kenma stares, raising an eyebrow before continuing to write his notes down. Kenma didn't notice the stares at first, he was so concentrated on getting his notes worked on so he wasn't in trouble with the teacher for no reason. He scribbled down notes about the topic, scratching out some things he spelled wrong and fixing the spelling. Kenma let out a shaky sigh and both of his knees started to bounce up and down. The teacher finished writing notes, turning around and inspecting the students work. He stopped when he got to kenmas book, pulling it out from under his hand. He held it up and showed the class "this is an example of not acceptable work, it's a mess and it won't be tolerated in my classroom." He said before ripping the page out and chucking the book back down "start again." He said, throwing kenmas writing in the bin. Lev was a little shocked, he could obviously see this teacher was becoming a bully himself. Haruto stayed sniffling, knowing he was suspicious now. The nurse got a call to check harutos bag, seeing as he ran off when they said they were checking bags. The nurse went in to see haruto was almost asleep, pulling his bag out she went through it. After digging to the bottom of it she noticed why haruto had run off, calling back and saying there was nothing in his bag that was bad or taken from the school. Haruto had heard her going through his bag, he trusted the nurse enough. Kenma's pen dragged across the page as the book was ripped away from him. He looked up at the teacher with a bit of a glare, he couldn't do much but watch as his work got ripped up. The blonde snatched his book back on his desk and looked down with teary eyes from the frustration. His hand was already hurting from writing, but now he needed to do it all over. Kenma felt a little spark of rage explode in his stomach and he began to write 'fuck you' over and over on his paper. The teacher started to do his rounds again, checking everyone's work. Lev kept his head down, not wanting to get involved with anything. Haruto was nudged by the nurse, making him groan and sit up with a pout. Haruto had to tell her the blood was from a nose bleed and mumbled a sorry for running off, she accepted that and told him he should head back for the last part of class and that he wasn't going to get in trouble. Haruto nodded and got up, taking his bag and heading back. The teacher saw kenmas page, eyes widening in rage. The teacher grabbed kenmas arm tightly "up, out the room." He said, dragging kenma out to talk in private. He pulled kenma out and pressed him into the wall, glaring kenma with distaste "you think you're funny??" He asked with a stern tone. Kenma dropped his pencil as the teacher grabbed his arm. He looked up with wide eyes, not thinking he'd get caught letting out his rage. The boy winced at the tight hold and brought himself up to stumble behind the teacher. "Ow.." he said softly, the grip feeling tight enough to snap his wrist if the teacher really wanted to. Kenma grunted as his back hit the wall. He didn't like how close he was to the teacher, wrinkling up his nose and shaking his head no. Lev looked up quickly as kenma was dragged out, standing up to look at kenmas work to see it looked repetitive. Lev sat back down, trying to ignore the whispering happening around him. "You think you're such a smartass, everyday you disrupt my class!" He shouted into kenmas face, beyond annoyed at kenmas behaviour. Haruto stopped in his footsteps as he came down the hall, looking up to see kenma getting pinned. Haruto didn't know what to do, staying quiet and taking a small steps forward to get around them. The teacher had to stop yelling, not wanting haruto to tell on him. "Hall pass." He said, letting go of kenma. Haruto froze up and gave a shrug, he didn't have one on him. "Into my class, and both of you!" He shouted, seeing as they were both doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. The teacher shoved them both by the back, forcing them in. Haruto didn't know why he was getting dragged into this, standing nervously to the side of the doorway while looking to kenma. Kenma's eyes were beginning to water, and he looked down at the ground. He hated being yelled at directly in the face. The blonde let out a quiet sob and shook his head no. "I-I don't mean to.." he tried to explain, wiping the tears and glancing up as he saw Haruto. He was a bit confused as to why the boy was out of class, but was quickly pulled from his thoughts as the teacher yelled. Kenma stumbled back into the room from the push and went to his desk with tear filled eyes. The teacher stood with his arms crossed in front of the class "anyone want to be next??" He asked, the class was completely silent. He stood in front of kenmas desk "Finish the work before you leave my fucking classroom." He said with gritted teeth. Haruto stayed standing near the door, fidgeting with his hands in front of himself. Lev looked up as they had both gotten in trouble, he tried not to stare at them too often. The teacher sat back down in his desk, glaring the room and watching them finish the work. Harutos eyes slowly darted the room, it was so quiet that he could swear he felt his ears ringing. Kenma stared at his paper and blinked his tears away. He didn't want to seem weak in front of everyone, since everyone could see him while he was in the front. The blonde looked up as the teacher walked up to his desk. The harsh tone in his voice made him tear up again and he blinked the tears away with a nod. Kenma began to start over on his work while wiping his eyes from the tears. As class went on, he was having trouble staying focused on the work. The bell rang and Kenma looked up, still only halfway done with his work. He began to feel nervous because he knew he'd be left in the room with the teacher until he finished. Lev grabbed his stuff as the bell rang, standing up and looking around the class. He saw everyone else pack up apart from kenma, he scoffed a little and walked out since he didn't need to hang around and get in trouble after school. Haruto shifted around where he stood, groaning a little as the bell went. He bolted out the classroom to go to the bathrooms, having to of hold it in not wanting to tell the stern teacher about his need. The class was left empty apart from kenma and the teacher, the school quick to empty of most of the students. The teacher stood in front of kenmas desk "hurry up, I want to get home tonight." He said as he crossed his arms over, glaring down at kenmas work. He ignored kenmas tears, knowing the teen was over emotional. Kenma let out a small sob. He was embarrassed and upset that he had to wait until he was done to leave. He scribbled down some words and looked at his paper while letting out another sob. His handwriting was barely legible and there were tear stains all over his paper. The blonde put his head down and wrapped his arms around to compose himself.

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