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"Why would he do this?" Jaune asked himself. Here he was, sitting in front of the Headmaster. "Mr Arc, sources that wish to remain anonymous have revealed to me something about the authenticity of your transcripts." Jaune could barely concentrate. Goodwitch was staring at him with such an intense hatred, that he could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. "Sir, I must implore not to refer to him as Arc." "May I ask why?" Ozpin turned, facing his subordinate. "He was disowned by his family." Glynda responded, with a concerning hint of glee in her tone. "Glynda, that is nothing to be happy about." "He has tarnished the reputation of Beacon and put himself, his fellow students, and probably several civilians in danger." "What about team RWBY, huh? They've been running around fighting the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. Where are the actual huntsman?" "They're doing their jobs." "Where? Cause it sure as hell ain't here!" "Jaune, Glynda, I must implore you to keep your voice down." Ozpin said, attempting to wrangle in the arguing blondes. "You probably couldn't even kill a beowolf with help. You only hold people back with your ignorance and your selfishness." "Ask Cardin, I was the one who killed that Ursa major. I though we came to an understanding, but I guess not. He probably told you he saved me. But I saved him. I know about your little camera system in the woods, Ozpin. Check'em, you'll see!" "Cardin wasn't the one who revealed your transcripts." 


"It was Ms Nikos, Jaune. It was a shame too. I had such high hopes for the both of you." Ozpin said, staring down into his mug, hoping she was worthy of the Fall Maiden powers. Jaune sulked. His own partner. He should've known.



"Ow, Pyrrha, what the hell?" "I trusted you Jaune Arc. If that is your real name. I thought you were different from all the other boys who tried getting close to me. You're just another liar. You don't belong here. Don't bother coming back to the dorm." Jaune frowned as she left, leaving him alone on the roof.


Jaune didn't move. He didn't even blink. Suddenly, a dam of emotion broke. Sadness, anger, fear, despair, all flowing at once. Jaune slammed his head against the table before bursting into tears. "Oh come on, get a grip. Even a wannabe such as yourself must have some control of your emotions." Something inside of Jaune snapped. "Wannabe. Heh, that's rich." "What are you talking about?" "Being called a wannabe by a so called huntress who's only job making children fight in a pit before insulting their abilities." " This is a prestigious school, with prestigious sparring classes. You're just completely unqualified for anything remotely physical." Glynda said, gritting her teeth. "The only reason you care so much about this school's reputation, is because if this was just another huntsman academy, you'd just be another BDSM secretary blowing someone under the table."

Time stopped. Ozpin stared nervously at Glynda. Time resumed, and Glynda slammed her fist into Jaune's face. She continued laying into him until Ozpin pulled out his cane before slamming it over Goodwitch's head, knocking the woman unconscious. He walked over to Jaune, nearly unconscious from the blows. "Jaune, I'm sorry, but the Council has forced my hand. You are hereby expelled and barred from entering this or any other academy. I'm so sorry." Jaune spat out a large glob of blood. "No, I'm sorry for wasting your time, sir." He said, standing up and walking over to the elevator. "Jaune, wait." Ozpin reached into his pocket before pulling out a stack of lien. "I know it's not much. But it should be enough to get you back on your feet." Jaune didn't look up to meet the professor's eyes. "Thank you sir." He said, grabbing the money. Jaune stopped for a moment "Ozpin." "Yes, Jaune." "Crocea Mors is in my room, along with a note for my former family and friends." Ozpin nodded, honestly hoping he would be as harsh with them as he was with Glynda.

Ozpin watched as the boy left the room. 'So much for that' Ozpin thought. A knock at the window interrupted his train of thought. "What happened here?" Qrow slurred as he walked in, staring at the unconscious woman on the floor. "Oh, you know, someone brought up how Glynda got this position and you know how that always ends." Qrow flinched, remembering why he put off returning to Beacon till the last minute.


Jaune was sitting in his seat. He used some of the money to buy a train ticket to Vacuo and a bag of DMT mixed with shrooms, acid, and peyote. He stared at the package before ripping it open and pulling out a spoon. He then started eating the hallucinogens right out of the box. One 15 hour drug trip later, Jaune woke up with sand on his face. He had been thrown off the train after getting lost in the bathroom for seven hours and unknowingly walked into a sandstorm thinking he was getting chased by a cotton candy man with a flamethrower. He sat up, wondering where he was. He was only in his underwear and hoodie, and was balls deep in the ground. 

"Where am I?" He said as he stood up and looked around. In the distance he could see a road and a sign. He walked towards it, the sand burning his feet. 'Where did I put my shoes?' he wondered as he narrowly avoided stepping on a scorpion. He made it to the road and got a good look at the sign.

 He made it to the road and got a good look at the sign

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"I'm going to die out here." He said. He turned to the sun and saw it was setting. 'Better follow the road.' He thought as he turned in the opposite direction of the sign, not knowing where fate was taking him.

Mad Jaune: Road Warrior in RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now