Chapter 12 I think

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Mako waddled along, Peaches' puppies following as he lumbered through the Beacon courtyard. He hummed a little song to himself as he watched a leaf blow across his path. The puppies included Dinki Di, Drei, Cobalt, Monster Truck, Flapjack, Battleship, and Goose. A team of students watched the adorable parade pass, cooing as one girl took her scroll and took a video. "Oh, Mako, there you are." The tot turned and saw Ruby and Peaches, the former bending down to pick him up. "You wanna go see something cool?" She asked as the puppies followed their mother.

Ruby carried the boy to the weapons facility of Beacon, and walked in on Jaune speaking with Professor Mulberry. "Hi Jaune, Professor." "Oh hey Ruby. Hi buddy." Jaune said as he picked his son up. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at his son. "Well, I was gonna get some more parts for that project I was working on. What are you up to?" "Oh, I was just getting Professor Mulberry to make some more shells." "What kind of dust do these use anyway?" Ruby asked, looking more closely at the 7.62 shell Mulberry was holding. "They don't. Use dust I mean." Both Ruby and the Professor turned and stared at the blonde. "You mean, it doesn't use dust?" "I've been using cotton or paper soaked in potassium nitrate." The Professor shrugged before turning back to the bullet. "And it uses a lead projectile?" "Lead, bismuth, brass. Anything softer than the barrel will work." Mulberry nodded before going back into his workshop. "Uh, Professor! Can I use the band saw?" "Do whatever." He said as he grabbed a blowtorch from a nearby shelf. Ruby then turned back to Jaune. "Is that why the bullets you shot your family with were so strong?" "Yeah, I mean, they're not factory quality but it's a decent substitute." Ruby nodded as Mako then yanked on his father's hair. "OW!" Jaune quickly pulled the boy away before looking at him. "What's up Buddy?" He asked as Mako pointed to Ozpin who was standing in the doorway. "Headmaster?" "Hello Jaune, Ms Rose. I have someone who would like to speak to you in my office."

In Ozpin's office, General Ironwood held back a laugh at the embarrassing story about Ozpin Salem was telling him and his guests. "So, he looks down and realizes he'd been using them to stir his coffee the entire time." Salem finished as Piedro Polendina chuckled and James finally broke down laughing. The elevator opened and Ozpin, Jaune, and Ruby entered. Mako was in his room, napping. "What's so funny?" Ruby asked as he took a seat at his desk. "Nothing." Piedro said as he covered his mouth. "Friend Ruby, Miss Salem was of the time Pr..." Dr Polendina placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Now Penny, you wouldn't want to go and repeat something inappropriate, would you?" He asked as Penny shook her head. Both Ruby and Jaune took a seat at the table as Piedro spoke up. "Now then, Mr Rockatansky, my name is Piedro Polendina," He gestured to Penny. "This is my daughter Penny." "Salutations." "I have traveled here today to speak to you about your car." Jaune raised an eyebrow before leaning back in his chair. "Explain." "You see, in my youth I worked on alternative fuel sources but that was quickly snuffed out by the council." Jaune rolled his eyes "But since your appearance, I noticed that you have never actually used any dust in your car. In a picture I saw online, I noticed a small tube on the rear end of your vehicle that seems to act as an exhaust. From what I can tell, your vehicle has a top speed of around three hundred and fifty kilometers per hour, is that correct?" Jaune nodded. "As you may know, dust has a very finite energy output that seems directly correlated with the planet's magnetic field and atmospheric pressure. That combined with its volatility and types, leaves it as a better weapon than fuel source." Jaune nodded. "What he means to say is, we were wondering if you would be willing to part ways with some of your... What's it called?" "Biodiesel." "Right, we were wondering if you could give us some. Please?" Jaune stared at the Doctor and General before sighing. "Alright." "Now I know- Wait, did you say yes?" "Uh, yeah." James looked dumbfounded. "He said yes. They almost never say yes. Did he really say yes." He said as Piedro padded him on the back. "But before you get some, you're going to need to know some things first."

Jaune went on to explain the problems that befell the Earth when entire countries whose entire economies were based on oil ran out. How nuclear exchange led to the collapse of the remaining governments, and how that allowed the rise of horrific warlords like the Humongous and the Immortan. How the ruins of once mighty cities became rat infested dens of crime dotting a red skied landscape of ash and blood. The rest listened in horror as they wondered what Jaune had seen. "-And there were no survivors." Jaune finished as Piedro wretched. "So the biodiesel is not good?" Penny asked, wondering how the two things correlated. "No, what I'm saying is that a lack of diversity in a product society is almost completely reliant on could lead to societal collapse should it run out." Penny nodded. "Hell, Vacuo was already in the beginning stages but managed to calm down a bit. But the thing I'm trying to say is, you can't keep all your eggs in one basket. Because when you start running out of dust, grubby little bastards like Jacques Schnee are gonna hide on their yachts and private islands while the rest of the world festers over. For now, I want to keep this away from him and others like him. Because he would either stop it at all costs or monopolize it." James nodded, knowing that slimy little bastard Jacques would do anything to keep his money and power.

Suddenly, the elevator opened and a frantic Professor Port rushed in. "Ozpin, you're gonna wanna hear this."



Qrow crawled out of the pile of empty beer cans before walking over to the door. "Who is it?" He mumbled drunkenly as he looked through the peephole. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, sending Qrow flying back into the pile. He quickly jumped up before grabbing his weapon and facing the intruder, only to drop it in shock when he saw her face. "Summer?" "QROW!" She shouted as she tackled the man in a hug. After nearly squeezing the life out of him, she stood up before speaking. "Where are the girls? Where's Tai? Are they okay?" "Whoa, slow down short stack. Where were you? Do you know how long you've been gone? Who are they?" He asked, pointing at the gaggle of angry looking women standing beyond the front door. "Can we come inside now? I'm cold." "Oh yeah, sorry." Summer said as she ushered the group inside. "Summer, you just can't reappear after thirteen years and expect us to imm-" "How long did you say I've been gone?" "Thirteen years." Summer was shocked before curling up on the floor. "Oh Oum." She cried as she broke down mentally. "I need to see them. Where are my girls?" "Ruby's at Beacon, Yang got expelled and we lost track of her." "Ruby's supposed to be at Signal. Why's she at Beacon?" "She got moved ahead two years." "Yang got expelled?" "She and two of her team mates left for a week without telling anyone and tried to kill a student they didn't like." "What the fuck? What was she thinking?" "She probably wasn't." Summer just stood up before walking towards the stairs. "I'm gonna see Tai." "You may not want to do that. He's probably in the middle of something." Qrow said as Summer marched up the stairs. "It's been eleven years, what could he possibly be doing that could possibly be that important?"

Taiyang sat naked in his room, tied to a chair with the lights off. "Well well well. Did the big strong huntsman really think he could defeat me?" A light suddenly shone in his face as Cinder walked into view, wearing nothing but a latex bikini, black opera gloves, latex thigh highs, high heels, and a black domino mask. "You failed." She said as she placed her foot on the seat right between Tai's legs. "I'll never talk, no matter what you do to me." Taiyang said. Cinder then sat down on his lap. "Ooh, I know. But I don't want you to talk, I want you to SCREAM." Cinder said as she dragged two fingers across his chest. "Do your worst." He said. She leaned into his ear. "Don't worry. I plan to." She said as she wrapped her legs around him. Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open as Summer barged in. "PREPARE YOUR ASS TAI!" Taiyang screamed.

As loud shuffling and screaming went on upstairs, Qrow looked at the Vuvalini, who stared back at him. "So, can I offer any of you ladies a drink?" They just glared at him. "Okay."

Sorry if its inconsistent. Next chapter, we check on WBY, NPR, and the Arc family. Does anyone want me to put pictures of the puppies in the next chapter?

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