Chapter Ten

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Jaune, Holly, Ruby, and Mako walked through the gate of Beacon, Holly holding Lil' Velvet while Peaches trotted behind. Various students of various grades moved out of their way. They had seen the news and found out just what Jaune had done to those White Fangs in Vacuo, and they did not want to piss him off more than he already was. "Jaune Arc." Jaune snarled as his former last name was mentioned by one of the people he hated most. He turned, and there she was. Glynda Goodwitch. Ruby quickly covered Mako's ears, before Holly covered her's. "You have a lot of nerve showing up here." Glynda said sternly, trying to mask her fear. Jaune slowly approached her, unsheathing his machete before dragging it's tip on the ground. The sharp scratching of the blade was enough for Glynda to lose her confidence, trying desperately not to run away. Jaune raised his machete before slowly placing the blade flat on Glynda's shoulder. Glynda's face remained stiff, but not because she was brave, because she was petrified. "Would you care to repeat that, Glynda?" Jaune asked, making sure to keep his voice low. Glynda gulped, sweat dripping down the sides of her head. "I uh, what I said was, uh-" "I'm going to turn around now, and you are going to run away. Do you understand?" Glynda nodded, too frightened to speak. "Good." Jaune said, pulling his machete away before turning around.

Jaune cut the riding crop before Glynda had a chance to use it on him. Glynda had done a very foolish thing by attempting to attack him with her semblance. Jaune knew what was coming and managed to destroy Glynda's wand before she had a chance to do anything. Jaune picked the tip of the crop off of the ground before holding it in front of Glynda's face. "Really?" He asked as he grabbed Glynda by the collar. Glynda teared up as Jaune smacked her in the face with the the broken whip. "Jaune *WHACK* Please *WHACK* I'm sorry." She said desperately trying to stop the blows. "Jaune, that's enough." He heard Ruby say as she attempted to pull him away. Jaune looked at Goodwitch "Try anything like that" he gestured to the whip in his hand "And it won't be the only thing that get's snapped in half." Jaune said before flinging the crop to the ground and placing his machete back in it's sheath.

Soon, Jaune and the gang were in the elevator. Jaune picked up Mako before holding him up to the buttons. "Okay, now press the button for the top floor." Mako looked around before pressing the button labelled one hundred and ninety. Jaune smiled as Mako's eyes lit up at the ding it made. Soon the elevator was going up and the group was quiet. "Hey Jaune." "Yeah?" "How do you think everyone is going to react?" "I don't know." Jaune said as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Jaune watched as confetti and streamers fell to the ground in front of the elevator. Ozpin, Professor Port, Dr Oobleck, Old Man Shopkeep, Team CFVY, and several people who he didn't recognize, including a blonde woman who looked like his sister and someone who looked like an older version of Weiss. "Jaune!" Velvet and Coco immediately charged the boy, hugging him tightly. Jaune felt Velvet press her boobs into his chest, not knowing if it was intentional or not, if he cared. "Jaune? Is that really you?" He turned and saw Saffron and Terra, the latter holding Adrian. "Saffron, Terra." He ran to hug them. Saffron hugged her brother. Winter wouldn't let anyone know it, but she found the scene heartwarming.

Soon the party was in full swing. "Oh Jaune, I would like to meet my wife Salem." Ozpin introducing Jaune to the aforementioned witch. "It's nice to meet you." Jaune said, holding out his hand. Salem took it enthusiastically before shaking it. "He's told me a lot about you, Juan." "It's Jaune." "Oh sorry." Salem said before walking away. Jaune walked away before noticing his nephew playing with his son. He smiled and walked over to the two. "Hi kids, having fun?" Adrian smiled before holding up his bullhead. "Nyoooom." He said, holding up his plane before crashing it into Mako's toy car. "Kaboom!" Mako said, holding up his hands. Adrian laughed as he kept slamming the bullhead into the car. Jaune smiled at the two.

"Miss Salem." Salem turned. Ruby was there looking at her. "Yes child?" "When I was little, my mother went on a mission and never returned. Ozpin said you were under the control of the grimm for a very long time and had killed many people. Do you know, by any chance, what happened to my mother?" Ruby asked, afraid of the answer. She had asked her father, Qrow, and even Ozpin what had happened but all she got was that she disappeared. "Summer, Rose, right?" Salem asked, afraid that she might have murdered this poor girls mother in a dark phase in her life. "Yeah, she looked like me." Ruby said sadly. Salem frowned. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what happened to her. One of my agents managed to track her to the Vacuoan desert, but from there not a trace could be found." Salem said. Ruby nodded, sad at the fact that she still didn't have closure. Salem pulled the poor girl into a hug.

Coco snickered as she watched Velvet coo over the bunny named after her. "Oh, you're so cute." Velvet said as she nuzzled the bunny. Lil' Velvet had immediately taken to the faunus, already seeing her as a maternal figure. Suddenly, a flash of light distracted both as Yatsuhashi took a picture of them. "I'm gonna post it." He said. "Yatsu, no." Velvet said as she attempted to get the scroll. "Yatsuhashi." Yatsuhashi stopped and turned, seeing Jaune holding Mako. "Yes Jaune?" He said, not wanting any trouble. "Send me the pictures first." He smiled. Jaune walked over to Velvet before placing Mako down beside her. "Velvet, I see you've met Lil' Velvet already, so I figured I would introduce you to Mako." Jaune said, patting the boys head. "It's nice to meet you Mako." Velvet said, leaning down to greet the boy. Suddenly, Mako jumped into her arms and hugged her cutely. "Mommy!" He said as he curled up against the blushing faunus. Holly, Ruby, and the rest of team CFVY looked stupefied while Ozpin and Salem looked at each other before nodding their heads and heading towards the elevator. "Still not as weird as seeing Winter meet Peaches though." Said Port as Oobleck started congratulating them.

"Such a good girl. Who's a good girl? It's you. Ooh, fluffy baby, fluffy baby. I love you so much." Winter said as she rubbed Peaches' tummy. The dog wagged her tail as Winter peppered her with kisses. Qrow and Ironwood watched in awe as the usually stoic woman lie on the floor, giving unprecedented amounts of affection to a cyborg dog. "That's enough of that." Qrow said as he poured the contents of his flask into the trash can next to him before turning into a bird and flying away. James nodded before backing away slowly.


A group of motorcycles flew down the desert road as they followed a bright red motorcycle being driven by a lone woman. The woman stared at a photo taped to the speedometer of the bike, thinking about it. 

"Soon, my little rose, mommy's coming

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"Soon, my little rose, mommy's coming." She said as she led her group East to Vale. Just a few hundred more miles, she thought as her convoy made it's way through the night.

Summer Rose has returned to Remnant.

I own none of these images. Sorry if I haven't updated in a while, writing multiple stories at one time is difficult. Expect a bunch of lemons in the next few chapters.

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