Chapter One

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2 Months (Eleven years for Jaune) later

"Hey Tom, you see anything from up there?" A White Fang member, Reggie, asked his partner. "No noth... Wait, what the hell is that?" Tom looked through his telescope. A big black shape was moving towards them at high speeds. "Damn, that's a nice car." "Really, what model?" "I don't know. Might be Atlesian." "I'm gonna get out in front of it." Reggie said before walking to the middle of the street. He laid down on his face and moaned. He could hear the roar of the black machine coming fast. Too fast. "Hey Reggie, you may wanna get out of the road. It ain't slowin down." "He'll stop. They always do." The black car didn't stop.


"Holy shit, Reggie." Tom watched as his friend's head slammed into the bumper, splitting it open, the body getting pulled under and eviscerated by the tires, his scream barely audible over the engine. The corpse fell out from behind the metal beast, mangled. In his last agonizing moments, Reggie pulled out his revolver and attempted to shoot the fuel tanks, only for it to ricochet and hit a random bird. "Guys, we need backup. Bastard killed Reggie."

Eleven years had passed for Jaune. Eleven years since he ended up in that Oum forsaken wasteland, seven years since his wife and son were murdered by those bikers, five years since he defeated the marauders, two years since the Thunderdome. Three months since he found Mako. Eight days since that sandstorm hit their camp. He and his party woke up half buried in the sand. He felt younger. In the side mirror, he found his face younger, cleaner, a beard the only distinguishable trait between him now and back in Beacon. He knew instantly where he was.

Jaune Rockatansky was back in Remnant.


Ruby walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria. Once a place of hope for her now filled with sorrow. She walked through the lunch room and saw people glare at her. Specifically teams CVFY, SSSN, and CRDL. Velvet glared at her the most intensely, her rage making Ruby look away in shame. She made it to her table and sat down between Yang and Pyrrha. "So..." Yang started, before being interrupted by Ruby sobbing. "Jaune, why *SNIFF* why did you *SNIFF* have to *SNIFF* die?" she screamed, slamming her face into her hands. "Don't worry Ruby. They haven't found a body. Hes probably still alive." "That faker was a liability to us and everyone around him. He simply had no reason to be here. He couldn't even handle a sword. What makes you think he could survive fucking Vacuo." Weiss said. "She's right Ruby, my brother wasn't good at really anything. He brought nothing but shame to the Arc family.You're better off without him holding you back." Jade quipped. "Is that all you care about?" "What?" "Family honor. Is that the only thing you care about?" "No, I care about..." "An Arc never goes back on their word, right?" "Right." Jade said smugly. "Didn't your parents ever tell Jaune they loved him?" "Yeah but..." "Don't they regret disowning him? Don't they miss him." "Yeah but..." "Than why don't you miss him?" "BECAUSE THE ARC NAME SHOULD ONLY GO TO ME! NOT THAT WEAKLING! I DESERVE IT! NOT HIM!" Ruby sniffled before bursting into tears again. "YOU BITCH. NOBODY MAKES MY BABY SISTER CRY!" Yang shouted before jumping across the table and wrapping her fists around Jade's neck. Ren and Blake picked up their trays, Ruby moved from the table, Pyrrha tried seperating them, and Nora started cheering.

Velvet watched as Yang beat the shit out of Jaune's sister. "Hey Velvet." She turned and looked at Sun. "Ya gonna eat that cupcake?" "No, you can have it." She said. She watched as Pyrrha got knocked out by Yang. She picked up her camera and took a picture of the traitorous redhead, bleeding on the floor. "Sucks to be you, slut." She thought, a small smirk on her face.

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