Chapter 3

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Jaune turned to Holly before picking up Mako. "Hold this please. Go hide. If you get the chance, get in my car. It's the big black one." He said before tossing her the keys. Holly nodded before turning invisible. 'Must be her semblance.' The White Fang already had several diners lined up against the wall. Few remained seated as the guns were pointed at them. "Nobody interrupts my son's chicken nuggets." He said, ready to go full Karen.

"Alright humans. We can do this the easy way. Or we can do this the hard way." The leader said as he grabbed a waitress by the neck, her tray of drinks shattering on the tile. A snake faunus in a red suit attempted to get up. "SIT THE FUCK DOWN TRAITOR!" A WF member said as he pointed his shotgun at the man. "You can't do this. These people are innocent." "Seems you don't get the message. We already know who you are Vermilion, You dine with humans, you work with humans, you employ humans. Humans are inferior to us and to you. yet you still treat them as equals. You are a traitor not just to us, but to all of faunus kind." He said as he cocked his shotgun. The man closed his eyes. "Oum, please grant me a quick death."


The man opened his eyes. Where the White Fang member's head was, now a smoking stump of viscera. He turned his head and saw a man in black leather holding a shotgun. Another Fang attempted to tackle him from behind, only to land on a knife the man pulled in a split second. The man then used the corpse as a shield to defend himself from a Fang behind the counter before pulling a pistol and shooting her in the head.

Jaune then reloaded his shotgun before plowing through two more. One attempted to charge him from the side with a bayonet only for Jaune to dodge, the blade scraping the back of his jacket. He caught it before spinning it around and stabbed it through the assailant. Several other White Fang members attempted to charge him, only for him to shoot the one in front, sending the rest tumbling. "Drinks are on me, motherfucker." Jaune turned and shot a Fang holding a molotov cocktail, two one ounce slugs knocking him into the conveniently placed wine rack. The bottle shattered, sending flames up the arm. The member was engulfed in flames in seconds as various wine bottles tumbled over. Terrorists and civilians alike watched in horror as the wine rack fell over, sending flaming splinters and shards of glass into the faunus, his screaming stunning them as he attempted to cover his face, only for it to peel right off. Someone threw up as they saw the tendons and muscles peel away like a banana. But Jaune wasn't done.

Jaune pulled out his M1 before open firing on the fallen White Fang members, mostly aiming at the heads. One member screamed as blood leaked onto his face, directly from the corpses he was buried under. One White Fang member nearby, in shock from the gruesome scene, was grabbed by the face. He tried to grab Jaune, only for him to pull out his machete and cleave through his neck. Jaune threw his head at another member. She screamed before Jaune rushed her and jammed his bolt cutters into her eyes. He then knocked her to the ground and began ripping up her skull with the tool. Another one attempted to tackle him from behind, only for Jaune to slam the cutters into his head, sending him sprawling out onto a nearby table. Jaune held him down before stabbing him in the temple with a spoon. Jaune threw the corpse onto the pile. He turned only to see a single faunus holding an incendiary grenade. "Stop, I will do it." She shouted. "You'll die too." Jaune said, not really caring. "I won't die. Sure, my physical body will be destroyed but our supreme leader said that if we die in the name of the Fang, we-AAACK!" She shouted as Jaune stabbed her in the stomach. She dropped the grenade and Jaune caught it before shoving inside the stab wound. Jaune said nothing as he pulled the pin out from inside and threw her out of the nearest window.

Holly watched as all of the customers and even a few White Fang members ran out of the building. Suddenly, she felt a small thing jump in her lap. She looked down at the brown rabbit looking at her. "Wil' Vev." Mako said, pointing at the bunny. He then pointed into the backseat. "Peaches." She turned and saw a large, dark gray dog with only three legs, staring at her with a snarl. "AAAIIIEEE!" She screamed as the dog sneezed. Mako pulled the sleeve of her shirt. "No worry, Peaches friendly." He said, turning around to pet the dog. "So, your brother..." Mako shook his head. "Doptive papa." "Wait, if you know you're adopted, then what happened to your parents? "The monsta people eated them." he said crunching his stubby hands together to emphasize his statement. "Is that why you're so calm?" "Seen worse." Mako said. They were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. Holly looked and saw a White Fang on the ground. Suddenly, the base of her spine erupted in flames and pillars of steam rose from her skin. Holly winced as the girl flailed, shrieking as blood and smoke poured from every orifice. Then the customer in black came out before firing a rifle at the backs of the White Fang members that stayed behind, killing most of them. 'Oh, no. He's hot.' She thought as he lifted his shirt to wipe the blood from his face, also getting a good look at the sweat soaked eight pack. 'Holy fuck. Tall, single dad, sweet abs, nice car, loves animals, and lives a life of danger. Holly you found yourself a keeper.' (Don't worry, he'll have a harem)

Jaune exited the restaurant, not a lot on his mind. "That was lame." He mumbled. He walked back to his car and knocked on the window. "Hey Holly, could you let me in?" He heard the door click. He slipped into the driver's seat. "Alright, so where do you want me to drop you off or do you wanna get out here?" Holly buckled herself in. "After what you did in there, I'm definitely out of the job. I'm going with you." Jaune raised his eyebrow. "You sure?" "I lost all of my stuff because my roommate gambled it all away, the bank is foreclosing my house, the costumers harassed me frequently, and I hate my boss. Besides, I already have my aura and I grew up in the middle of fucking Vacuo." Jaune shrugged and started the car and as soon as that, they were ready to leave. "So, we never got our orders, buy us dinner?" Holly frowned as she buckled Mako into his car seat. "Hey, I never got your name." Jaune frowned. "It's Jaune." From the back of a limousine parked down the street, the snake faunus in red watched the black car speed away. "I don't know you, but thank you." He said to nobody in particular.


Blake nearly threw up as she looked at the carnage on her scroll. "Just last night, the White Fang attempted to attack a diner where dust magnate Vermilion Nagi was eating. They attempted to kill him and several other hostages when a man in black leather armed with an assortment of weapons fought back. He is described as blonde with dirty skin, blue eyes, at least six foot four feet in height, had a small child with him, and was seen leaving with a waitress and the child in a large black car of unknown make or model. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact us at..." Blake ran to the trashcan before spilling her guts. She couldn't believe that someone would be so cruel to misguided faunus. "Hey kitty, got a hairball?" Yang quipped, much to the ire of the hypocrite, the Ice Queen, and the Lolita next to her. Blake pulled out her scroll. "Look at this. Who ever did that is sick." Suddenly her scroll rang as she got an alert. She pulled up the news app and "We have a special bulletin. The leather clad hero from the diner has been given a face." A picture of an older, scruffier man appeared on the screen. "Witnesses have worked with sketch artists to identify this man. For more on this story, subscribe to my Only-fans." Lisa Lavender said before the news cut. "Guys, did you see who I saw?" "Yeah it was..." "Jaune." "We have to find him so he can forgive us." Ruby said, as the rest agreed, albeit for different reasons. They all said simultaneously. From across the room, Velvet watched and listened,  hoping the team would be as unsuccessful in finding him as her team was.

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