Chapter 14

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Tai, Qrow, Cinder, Summer, and the rest of the Vuvalini sat in the living room. "So, Tai, how have things been?" Summer asked as she stared at him. "Ruby got into Beacon," "Qrow told me. Yang got expelled." "Yeah. I got a dog a few years ago. His name is Zwei and he recently just had puppies." "Aww, puppies." Summer said as she thought about puppies. "I had a dog. We ate him." One of the Vuvalini said. Tai winced before looking at Qrow. "So, could you introduce us to your... Friends?" Taiyang said. Summer nodded before introducing the seven members with her. "Plus the ten more outside." Summer said as Tai, Cinder, and Qrow all deadpanned as they looked out the window at the bikers outside. "So how did you meet these people anyway?" Cinder asked. Summer smiled. "You see-" Summer then went into a long winded rant about the apocalypse, wastelands, lunatics, cannibals, and the Vuvalini's origin.

"So anyway, that's how I became the leader of a lesbian biker gang." Summer said as the Remnant natives stared at her. "Uhm, okay. That's... Cool." Qrow said as he took a sip from his flask. Summer looked at Cinder before speaking again. "So Tai, who's this?" "This is Cinder. She's my new girlfriend." Tai said as Cinder politely waved to the woman. "You interested in pegging?" Summer asked as she looked at Cinder suspiciously. "And more importantly, are those my boots?"


Jaune studied the new bullets before loading them into the SKS. He walked over to the firing range before aiming. He adjusted the scope before firing several times. "Great shot." Professor Mulberry said as he looked at the target through a pair of binoculars. "Thanks." Jaune said before putting the gun over his shoulder and leaving. He passed several students on the way back to his room, some of which still glared at him. Regardless of his situation, some still refused to get over his transcripts. 'Too fucking bad.' He thought to himself as the offending students moved out of his way. "Hey Arc!" Jaune sighed to himself before turning around to stare at the offending student. "What?" The student raised his battle-axe and pointed it at the Road Warrior. "You have a lot of ner-" The student was cut off as Jaune pulled out his shotgun before firing it, destroying the axe and frightening the student off. The others stared, some frightened, others impressed. "Shouldn't you be in class right now?" Jaune addressed the students who immediately ran off as well.

In Ozpin's office, Ozpin and Salem sat in an inflatable pool full of lube, having just finished relaxing after dealing with the mob of angry parents. "Do you think Pyrrha would be that petty?" Salem stared at him. "You seriously didn't just ask me that." Ozpin paused. "Shit, you're right, stupid question." He said as he poured himself another cup of hot chocolate.  "Hey, I have an idea." Salem said as she snuggled up against Ozpin. "What is it?" Ozpin asked as he put his glasses back on. "Do your students have any real survival training?" Ozpin sat up. "You know what, they don't." Ozpin said as Salem landed on his crotch. "Well, they should." She said as she rubbed her ass against his hardening dick. "And do you know who has had more survival training than most huntsmen?" "Jaune?" "Jaune." Ozpin smiled before kissing her. "I should hire Jaune to teach survival classes." Ozpin said as he hugged Salem closer. "I knew it was a good idea." Salem said as before grabbing Ozpin's dick with her thighs. "Honey, is this a genuine suggestion, or just some petty revenge scheme on Mason?" "Why can't it be both?" She smirked. Ozpin flipped her over before climbing on top of her. "Ooh, Ozma~."

Holly sat in what was once Pyrrha's bed, clipping her nails. A knock at the door alerted her to a visitor so she walked over and opened the door. Ruby and Velvet were there. "G'day Holly, I just stopped by to return something of Jaune's and Ruby is here to get some of her comics back." Velvet said as she walked towards the dresser. She opened the top drawer before discreetly stuffing the underwear Jaune left in her room back into the drawer. "So Holly, how has your job search been going?" "Good, I have one with the old guy from the dust shop." "Oh, Old Man Shopkeep. Well, good luck with that." Ruby said as she rummaged through the bookshelf. "So, what's new with you Velvet?" Holly asked as she stared at the rabbit faunus. "Umm, well the other day I managed to finally get somewhere with the boy I like." Velvet said. "That's nice." Ruby said as she pulled a comic from the shelf before flipping through it. Holly as she finished her nails. She turned over and opened the top drawer of the dresser before dropping the clippers in. She looked again before pulling out the pair of underwear Velvet had left. "Hey Velvet, not to pry, but who was the boy you liked exactly?" Velvet blushed before hiding behind her ears. "Is it Jaune?" Holly asked as she looked at the bunny. Velvet emitted a muffled shriek before curling up on the floor. "Oh Oum, it is." Holly said as Ruby looked at the two girls awkwardly.


Sienna sat at her desk, filling out documents pertaining to White Fang activities in Mistral when she received a knock on the door. She sighed before speaking. "Come in." The door opened revealing a White Fang member wearing a pair of glasses over his mask. "G-greetings, High Leader. My name is P-perry Moss, I am in the Vale Division of the W-white Fang, and I, um, have an important message for you." The man said as he pulled his scroll out of his pocket. "I recently c-came across some information that I t-think you would like to hear." He said as he pulled up a video. 

"Oh yeah Daddy, subjugate me under the righteous wrath of the faunus." Moaned a blonde girl

"NOT THAT ONE!" Perry shouted before switching to a different video.

Adam Taurus walked into a dark room with a girl with white hair, the blonde from the previous video, and "Is that Blake Belladonna? I thought she defected." Adam addressed the three as he took a seat. "Alright, so most of  the guards in Sienna's vicinity have already defected to our side." Adam said as he looked at the papers in his hand . "Okay, so are you going to kill her directly or make it look like an accident." "I was going to blame it on the humans." "Makes sense."  The blonde one said as she  adjusted her crop top. "The White Fang would want evidence that it was the humans, how are you gonna prove it?" "That's the interesting part. I'm not gonna kill her. You are." The girls paused. "I want Weiss to do it." "Um, why?" "Because you're a Schnee, and that would give them higher incentive to overthrow and kill the Atlesians." "But I'm not associated with them or my company anymore." "Dress up like one of your relatives, those idiots couldn't tell you apart even if you drew it on your forehead. Mainly because most of them can't read." Adam said.

Sienna looked up from the video before staring at Perry. "What the fuck did I just watch?" Perry shrugged before putting the scroll back in his pocket. "What are you going to do?" Perry said as he nervously sweated. Sienna sighed before putting a finger to her chin. "That's it." She said as she slapped her desk. "I'm going to Beacon."

Here's to a thousand votes. Thank you all. Remember to vote and comment and tell me what you want to see in the next chapter. Until next time.

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