Chapter Two

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Ozpin looked at the six disappointing students, his grimace hidden behind his beloved mug. Glynda looked at the children disappointingly, her pride in her students and herself fading as she took what Jaune said to heart. Qrow didn't personally know Jaune, but he understood where he was coming from. His own transcripts were faked and he was now Ozpin's best friend.

Pyrrha's father was glaring at her while her mother cried into his shoulder. "You wrote to us about the poor boy. You said he was different from all the other boys." "I wasn't wrong. But..." "The moment you decided he wasn't good enough, you threw him away." "It's not my fault, he..." "He what? Hmm? Denied his parents selfish wish to keep him to themselves? Followed his dreams? Lived his life the way he wanted to live?" Nicholas and Juniper Arc glared at the Nikos', only for Juniper to start tearing up. 'They're right, it's my fault he's gone.' she thought. Epimethius and Pandora weren't finished though. "Young lady, what happened to the girl we used to know, who would do anything for her friends, who cared about her friends?" Pyrrha couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

Tai and Qrow sat right across from Ruby and Yang.  "Girls, I thought I raised you better than that." "He lied to us. He made Ruby cry." "Imagine how you made him feel." "But that faker..." "Yang, Ruby." They both looked at Qrow. "I faked my way in too, so did your mother Yang." the sisters looked shocked. One of the best huntsmen they knew was a faker. "But you can fight. You deserved to be here." "Did I Yang? Your mother and I only came here to learn how to fight and kill huntsmen. We didn't." "That's not how it works!" "Why not Yang?" "Cause he was weak." Tai looked at his daughter. "You're no better than your mother Yang."

Blake's parents, after a touching reunion, looked at her. "You told them right." "Yes." "And how did they react?" "After an argument, they accepted it and forgave me." "Do you see the problem." "No, not really." "They let you, a former member of the White Fang, off but the moment someone uses fake transcripts, they deserve to die?" "No. But he lied to us. He snuck in here with no skills and no fighting qualities. He had no reason to be here." "Blake. You lied about who you were to your friends. You lied to the teachers about your past. You snuck into this school without even using transcripts." "Blake, is that true?" Yang asked. "Of course not you dolt." Weiss retorted. Blake sank in her seat. "Right Blake?" Silence. "Blake, tell your friends the truth." "Alright, I didn't use transcripts. Happy?" They were not happy. Blake did the one thing that had proved fool proof in every situation. Quickly, she jumped from her seat and darted from the room. "I knew we should've had her chipped."

Jade stared at the ground as her parents drilled into her. "How dare you disrespect your brother's memory like that." "He doesn't deserve to be remembered. He was an embarrassment." "Jade Annabelle Arc, you are an embarrassment. How dare you say that." "You felt the same way." *SLAP* "That was a mistake young lady." No more was said.

Jacques looked at his daughter proudly. "Weiss, not only did you get that fraud out of this academy, but you scared off one of the faunus plaguing it. You proved that great minds do indeed think alike. I'm proud of you Weiss." He placed his hand on her shoulder. "You were the right choice as heir. One day, you could, no, will be just like me."

Weiss blinked. She took a deep breath and "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Belladonnas winced, the noise was too loud for humans, but just the right frequency to hurt anything with good hearing. Ozpin's mug shattered, spilling piping hot coco on his lap. Glynda's glasses fell apart. The windows of the tower, while thicker than a pair of glasses, splintered into pieces.


Zwei, who was in the middle of furiously raping Blake's body pillow of Charlie Sheen, stopped before attempting to cover his ears. Of course, he has stubby legs so he looked silly. Blake, on the other hand, was writhing on the floor, running in circles.

"So what's today;s nefarious plan, Cinder?" Mercury asked, while walking to his dorm with Emerald and their aforementioned leader. "I..." Suddenly, her glass heels shattered, she fell over, and twisted her ankle. "MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!" "Senpai, are you okay?" Emerald asked, picking up Cinder. "MY FUCKING FEET. AHHHHH!!!!" "Mercury, help me." Mercury stared at Emerald attempting to lift a screaming Cinder off the floor. "I gotta go..... Polish my antlers." He said before running away.

Velvet ran around the room shrieking and covering her ears. "Make it stop." She shouted. Coco, whose glasses had shattered, was looking at a magazine. She would've noticed, but she wears them so often her vision had permanently darkened. "You say something Bun-bun?" She said

Neo, who was walking through down town Vale, suddenly noticed. Whenever she passed, men would stop to ogle her. She looked down. The illusion of clothing had shattered, leaving her completely nude. She looked around. Dozens of eyes followed her every movement. She shrugged, before strutting down the street, naked as a J-bird, leaving a trail of overjoyed men and traumatized children in her wake.

Meanwhile with Jaune, in a town in Vacuo

Jaune and Mako were sitting in the Persuit Special. Only hours before, several White Fang members attempted to hijack them. All of them were either dead or paralyzed now. "So Mako, do you want to stop to get something to eat?" "Ya." Soon, they pulled into a high end diner. Jaune reached into the back and pulled his son out of his car seat. Peaches and Lil' Velvet moved to the front seats before Jaune locked the car. "Peaches, Vel. Anyone tries anything...." Jaune crossed a finger over his throat. Peaches barked twice and Lil' Velvet purred. 

"Hi. I'm Holly, I'll be your server for tonight. May I start with our line of..." "One cheeseburger, a side of fries, some and a cherry cocktail please." "And what would you like little guy?" She asked, leaning down to speak to Mako. He shifted in his high chair. "Chickem nugs and owange juice pwease." He said. "Of course." She leaned over to Jaune, "He's very cute." She said. Jaune smiled. The bell by the door rang. "Just a second..." Click. Jaune watched as several faunus in grim masks and white uniforms walked in.

 "Aw shit."

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