Chapter 15

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"Mason." "Nicky." "Stop calling me that." Nicholas said as he took a seat at Mason's table. "The senile bastard wanted to get your son back into Beacon." "Port?" "No, the Headmaster. I cut that shit before they had a chance to pull something." "He's a crafty bastard. I'll give him that." "His wife was giving him head under the desk while we were meeting." Nicholas looked at the man. "Was she hot?" "I mean, kind of. She looked a little too much like Saffron for my taste." Nicholas spit out his drink. "You son of a bitch, that's my fucking daughter you're talking about." Mason shrugged. "You're the one who keeps trying to set your kids up with important people." "We were once one of the most important families in Vale and you're mad at me for wanting to be important again?" "To be fair, you wanted to hook Magenta up with that one Schnee kid." "Well if she didn't like him, she could just kill him." "He probably wouldn't be able to fight back. I've seen his sisters track records in fights and it is not pretty." "I was thinking of setting Jaune up with that Pyrrha girl, what do you think?" "She's pretty hot." "They could produce strong warriors." "They'd produce stronger warriors if you trained Jaune." "You can't sell damaged goods Mason."

"Jaune, do you want to teach a survival class?" Jaune looked up. "What?" "A survival class. One of the things we've been neglecting to teach the students better survival in the field." Jaune hummed before thinking. "Remember initiation, going into the forest?" "Yeah?" "Well imagine going to stay out there for three weeks under constant threat from Grimm, bandits, and the elements." Jaune nodded. "If anyone knows what its like living in those conditions, it's you." Jaune nodded again before speaking. "How are we going to implement this? It's halfway through the year and you haven't done anything like this before." "I don't know. I-" Ozpin was cut off as the sound of engines filled the air around Beacon. "What is that?" Ozpin asked as he looked out the window of his office. "Sounds like engines." Jaune said as he looked out the window. Suddenly, Ozpin's scroll rang and the Headmaster picked it up. "Hello. Yes, I heard. Yeah ok. WAIT WHAT?!" Jaune jumped and reached for his gun only for Ozpin to grab his wrist. "Get Ruby at once."

In the courtyard of Beacon, a group of motorcyclists had gathered. A handful of students looked at the group as they watched the apparent leader of the gang dismount their motorcycle before approaching the front door of the academy. "Now stop right there. Not only have you interrupted-" Goodwitch stopped when the biker pulled out a large scythe. "Su-" Glynda was immediately knocked out when the biker slammed the back of the scythe's head into Glynda's temple. "Tell Ozpin, Summer is here." The biker said. The students rushed off, except Cardin, who was drawing a mustache on Goodwitch.


"SHE LEFT?" Adam shouted as he threw a table over. "She said she went to the last place you would ever look for her." The White Fang member said as he cried on the floor. "Atlas?" Yang suggested. "She's desperate, not stupid." Adam brushed her off. He then turned back to the other faunus before speaking. "Did she leave any hints as to where she was leaving?" "No." The crying faunus said as he curled up on the ground. "Fine, we don't know where she is. Did she tell anyone she was leaving?" "No." Adam nodded before speaking. "Let's just say she was kidnapped. Shouldn't that be enough to make the White Fang act?" "I wanted to make her a martyr, get rid of her then use her image as a battle cry for faunus everywhere." "What if she comes out in public though?" Weiss asked. "Semblance effect." Blake suggested.

Sienna sighed as the bullhead took off. "So why are you going to Beacon, exactly?" Perry asked her. "Ozpin seems the most likely to listen. Atlas would probably shoot me on sight, the headmaster of Haven just stepped down, and the one from Mistral would literally fight anything that moves." Perry nodded. "So is this some kind of surrender?" "No, just negotiations. Besides, I wanted to get away from Adam anyway." "Kid's kind of a freak." The pilot said "Have you seen his car? I once saw him practice kissing a body pillow of Charlie Sheen in the back seat." Perry said. "The one with all the stains? Gross." "HEY! Quick question. Do you know when we're gonna reach Vale?" Sienna asked, wanting to change the subject. "A few more hours." The pilot said.

Little did they know, the bullhead had a stowaway.


Ozpin stared at the woman in front of the elevator. "Hello Headmaster." The woman said as she approached the desk. Ozpin's hand shook as he reached for the comm. "I-is that r-really you?" He stuttered as the woman took off her hood and goggles. "S-summer?" "I'm back." She said, revealing her face. Ozpin immediately jumped over his desk, knocking over his mug, before running up to Summer and hugging her. "I'M SO SORRY I SENT YOU ON THAT MISSION!" He cried as he leaned into her shoulder. "It's okay. I just want to see Ruby. Could you call her up here?" Ozpin nodded before grabbing the microphone on his desk. "Ruby Rose, report to the Headmaster's office immediately." Ozpin said quickly before sitting down again. "Oh Summer, I would like you to meet Jaune." Ozpin said as he gestured to the blonde man staring out the window behind him.

Jaune looked at the woman who stared back at him before widening her eyes. "The Road Warrior." She said quietly as she didn't take her eyes off of him. "Have we met?" "No, but I've heard of you." She said. Suddenly, the elevator door opened.

"Hey, sorry if I took so long Professor, someone pre- MOM?!"

Sorry if it's short, I've been dealing with writers block. Remember to vote and comment. Until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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