Chapter Eight

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Jaune slowly sped up as the red Mini Cooper attempted attempted to catch up. He looked at the speedometer and saw it was approaching one hundred and five kilometers and looked in the rear view to see Zippy attempting to force his car off the road. Yang was crawling atop the hood, attempting to climb onto the Interceptor. She slowly got onto one knee before bounding onto the roof. "Holly, take the wheel." Jaune said as he climbed through the window.

Yang looked into side window before impulsively grabbing the first head she saw. "Prepare to die, vomit boy." She yelled as she attempted to throttle the driver. "Yang, stop it." Yang looked and saw it was only Ruby. Ruby looked at her sister angrily before Zwei started barking at her. "Yang, behind you." She heard Blake shout as Yang suddenly felt a knee press against her spine and a hand grab the back of her head, another holding a knife to her neck. "Make one wrong move and die." Yang froze as she recognized that voice. Yang, in a fit of desperation, rolled over, only to receive Jaune's fist right to her face. She felt Jaune grab her by the face and slam her into the roof. She attempted to blast him only for Jaune to grab both of her hands and fling her off the car. She managed to catch the bumper and attempted to climb back on before Jaune kicked her in the face. 

Blake and Weiss watched as Yang was dragged behind the car like a rag doll. "Weiss, you drive." Blake said as she grabbed Gambol Shroud and shot the ribbon at the bumper. "Weiss, get closer!" Blake shouted as she reeled the ribbon in. Yang grabbed Zippy's fender with her foot before climbing onto the car. Now bumper to bumper, Zippy and the Interceptor were only held together by thread. Both Weiss and Blake jumped onto the Interceptor as Jaune prepared to fight again. Weiss aimed for Jaune head on while Blake flanked him. She summoned a speed glyph and launched herself at the man, intent on finishing him with Myrtenaster, only for him to dodge and grab the sword right out of her hand as she slid over the car. She barely had time to grab the carburetor before almost going over the edge. Jaune quickly caught Blake before slamming her into the roof of his car, the rebar framed interior helping to injure Blake. He then climbed on top of her before grabbing his brass knuckles and laying into her, every punch leaving her face bleeding. She stared into his cold merciless eyes as he left each side of her face covered in bruises, hoping to elicit some kind of sympathy. He stopped and pulled out his .44 and aimed it at Yang, who was attempting to sneak attack him. He picked up Blake before throwing the cat girl at the bimbo. He then climbed to the front before picking up Weiss and doing the same to her. He slowly aimed his revolver before firing. WBY flinched as each bullet hit the engine. He then pulled out his kukri and cut the silk holding the two cars together before waving at them as they fell behind.

Yang, Blake, and Weiss watched as the Interceptor faded into the horizon, feelings of dread overtaking him. "He... He hurt us." Weiss said as she couldn't believe the so-called weakling didn't immediately fall off of his car. Zippy slowly came to a halt as the girls sat in shock. "Guys, I think the car is on fire." Blake said as the fuel leaked from the engine. The smell of burning dust and hot metal filled the air as the girls got their stuff and ditched the car. Soon afterwards, the poor car exploded. "Weiss?" "Yes, Yang?" "Call the Arcs and tell them Jaune's gone crazy." Blake interrupted "Guys, Jaune's not crazy." Blake said as she remembered the look of pure hatred in his eyes. Weiss raised an eyebrow as Yang frowned. "Jaune's gone MAD."


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