Chapter Four (Edited)

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" So, where are you from?" Holly asked. Jaune looked at her then back at the road. "I was born in Ansel but I'm from the Wasteland." "The Wasteland?" "It's the place where Hell is your home, where you are either too crazy or angry to die. Mad men, cults, militants, cannibals. When all the sane, rational people die or flee, do you know what's left?" "Crazy people?" "Monsters. When I found Mako, his family had abandoned him in an old bus trapped in a rock slide. A clan of cannibals had picked them off before attempting to kill Mako. I killed most of them and the rest ran off. Do you know what they looked like?" "Gross." "That's not even close. Radiation, inbreeding, diseases, and bad genes left them looking more like misshapen zombies than humans. Their leader was barely human at all, just a big walking tumor." "That's disgusting." "You have no idea." They sat in silence for a few moments. Jaune checked the rear view and saw Mako sleeping in his car seat with Lil' Velvet in his lap. "You said you were from Ansel." "Yeah." "You ever hear of the Arc family?" Jaune stopped the car. "Don't ever say that name." "Why?" "Just don't."


"Okay guys, you ready to find Jaune?" "IT'S TIME TO MAKE THAT FAKER PAY!" Yang shouted as she slammed her fists together, taking them off wheel, causing Zippy to swerve. Weiss nodded, sharpening Myrtenaster. Blake looked really uncomfortable as Zwei was asleep on her lap. Ruby had put him there to make sure she didn't run off again. "I can't believe we just left Dad and Uncle Qrow at the store like that." She said as they stopped at Beacon. Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, and the Arc's minus Saffron were there. "So guys, you ready for a road trip?" Ruby shouted from the car. "I need my baby." Juniper shrieked as she fell into her husband's arms. Pyrrha gritted her teeth and smiled. "My Jaune is coming home." Pyrrha said as she tilted her head. Ruby noticed this and rolled up her window. "Yang, Pyrrha is scaring me." (Yandere Pyrrha) "Enough chit chat,  let's go find fearless leader and drag him back by his balls!" Nora shouted, waving Mjolnir in the air. "Nora, no!" "NORA YES!" she shouted as she jumped on top of the Arc's SUV.  "Ren, please control your girlfriend." Eleven year old Sapphire Arc told the Mistralian boy. Both Ren and Nora blushed. 

Meanwhile, at the store

"Sorry I'm late girls, I stopped to pick up some jalapeno poppers." Tai said as he walked towards his car with a stack of groceries taller than him. Qrow followed him, too busy draining his flask to notice anything. Tai set down the bags only to notice Zippy missing. "Qrow." "Yes?" "Where's my car?" Qrow looked and nearly spit out his drink. He looked around and saw a note in the parking space. "Hey, a note." He said pointing at the piece of paper taped to the parking space. Tai picked it up. "Dear Dad and Qrow, sorry about stealing the car. But we need to find Jaune. Love Ruby and Yang." Tai said. "They might have been kidnapped or something." Qrow said, not really caring. "No, it's them all right. Ruby always dots her i's with little hearts and all of her e's are backwards. Definitely her." Tai sighed as he pulled out his scroll. "Who you texting?" "My girlfriend." "You got a new girl. When?" "A few months ago. Things have been getting pretty intense between us." He said as a black Mustang pulled into the parking lot. It stopped right behind them and they turned to see the window roll down. "Hi daddy." "Hi Cinder. You mind giving us a ride." "Oh, certainly. I would just love going for a ride with you." Qrow looked really uncomfortable as Tai and Cinder flicked their tongues at each other suggestively.

At Beacon

Velvet watched as the group of traitors set out to find Jaune. "Hey Velvet." Coco said as she and the rest of their team approached the bunny girl. "JNPR and RWBY are going to look for Jaune." "Shouldn't we stop them?" "I mean, with how much they've failed lately, I doubt they'll make it out of the parking lot." Coco chuckled. "So how long do you think it'll take for them to give up?" Velvet looked tentatively at the group. "I give them a week." "I give them eleven minutes."

With Jaune

Jaune was sleeping as Holly drove. His mind askew with thoughts of his betrayal.







God damn it, Nora.

Since his disowning, he had felt somewhat free from the Arc's and their antiquated ways. They held him back so he could continue the Arc line. His sister's were trained to be warriors and heroes, but he was kept at home for the soul purpose of becoming a perfect house husband. He hated his family for it. They never actually saw him as a person, just means to an end. Then there was team NPR. He hated them. He led them to victory and they betrayed him over a piece of paper. RWBY was no better. While Ice Bitch had always hated him, the betrayal of Ruby struck him the hardest. He was her first friend at Beacon and she betrayed him.

He knew, the next time he saw any of them, he would kill them.

Sorry If I haven't updated. I had a mental breakdown and got suspended from school. Yes I ship Tinder, sue me.

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