Chapter 13

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Rest in Peace Akira Toriyama, I may have not been interested in Dragon Ball or his other works, but he inspired millions. In other sad news, Janice Burgess, the creator of one of my favorite childhood shows passed away a few days ago and has barely gotten any recognition, so my heart goes out to her family. Now onto the story.

Pyrrha sat in her cell, reading as Nora yelled at Ren who was in the cell across from theirs. "Renny!" "What is it, Nora?" "I have an idea on how to escape. I'm going to need a paperclip, a comb, a nail file, three donuts, a stick of dynamite, a cardboard box, some tape, a stamp, and a live chicken." Ren stared at her. "What's the chicken for?" "In case we get hungry." "Then what are the donuts for?" "Baiting those flatfoots into going into the box so we can package them and mail them off to Solitas." "Little girl, you know I can hear you, right?" The guard who was sitting in a chair at the edge of the hallway shouted. "Get fucked copper, I want my phone call." "Nora, you literally used our phone call  to order a pizza!" "A pizza is just a pancake with sauce and cheese." Pyrrha sighed as she placed her book over her face. "So Renny, can you get the stuff." "Nora, we've been here for fifteen minutes. I don't think we know enough people to get that." "What about him?" Nora said, pointing to the shirtless man standing behind Ren. "Why don't you stop chattin' up that girl, and come over and kiss me on my hot mouth. I'm feelin' romantical." Nora started hissing and scratching at the door.

"Nikos, Valkyrie, Ren. Pack your shit." Pyrrha and Nora stood up as Ren rushed to the cell door. "Are we getting out? If not, can I request a new cellmate? What are the-" "Slow down, a man named Basil Lier is here to pick you up." "My agent?" "He was the one who paid for your bail." Pyrrha nodded as the guard unlocked the door. "Call me, pookie." Ren's cellmate said as Nora glared at the man. 'HE'S MINE' she mouthed as she exited the cell. The inmate backed off.


"So, how is she doing, Doctor?" Nicholas asked the doctor as Juniper looked at her injured daughter. "She's still in a coma, but she's made almost a full recovery." "That's good." Jade had been left at death's door by Jaune. Juniper let out a deep breath as she held Nicholas' hand.  "I feel like we completely failed Jaune." "We did fail him, Nicky." "Should we tell him the reason? I mean, will he even listen?" "I don't know. We may have to contact Mason and get him to organize a meeting with him and Ozpin." Nicholas nodded before turning back to his daughter. "Oh my Oum, she moved!" Juniper jumped out of her seat as she looked at Jade's face. "Nick, go get the nurse." Nicholas didn't move. "NICHOLAS!" The man ran out of the room as Juniper whispered into her daughter's ear. "Honey, can you hear me? If you can hear me, just give me a sign. Please." Juniper said as she pressed a kiss onto Jade's forehead.

Unbeknownst to Juniper, Jade clenched her fist.

The rest of the Arc sisters were at a hotel in Vale, waiting for their parents to return. It had been a week since Jaune's assault and a few days since Jade was transferred to one of the hospitals in Vale, so they were waiting in the city while Jade healed. "So, does anyone wanna play cards?" Candy asked as she shuffled the deck. Sapphire threw her pillow at her sister before going back to sleep. "I'm gonna go down to the pool, anyone else want to come?" Sable asked "I guess I will." Magenta said as she ran to her suitcase.


Outside of the school, a group of angry parents were attempting to get past Dr Oobleck. "Sir, I must insist that you stop trying to- OW! Okay, you are being very unreasonable. Ma'am, please don't touch me there. Please, this is a school, not a Sephora!" Oobleck shouted as the parents trampled over the poor teacher. He groaned as the parents marched towards the entrance. The apparent leader, a huntress wearing blue plate armor, slammed her fist into one of the pillars near the door. "OZPIN! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!" Ozpin, who had just exited the building along with Jaune and Ruby, stared at the woman. "Mrs Han? What are you doing here?" "Ozpin, why did you expel Pyrrha Nikos? My daughter found out and says she doesn't want to be a huntress anymore, so you better have a good fucking reason." Ozpin blinked as Jaune and Ruby looked at each other. "Because she and her team went rogue and ran off for a few weeks without telling anyone, on some secret mission to get back a student they bullied before blowing up a restaurant, injuring several civilians." The parents stood back as they took in the information. "But in her video, she sai-" The speaker was cut off as Ozpin spoke up. "What video?" Mrs Han pulled out her scroll before showing Ozpin the video.

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