End of The Return Arc

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"So you finally came back." Adam said as he stared at Blake. It was late at night, and in a desperate attempt to regain some control of their lives and revenge against Jaune. Yang and Weiss shifted uncomfortably. White Fang grunts looked at them curiously, the Schnee girl nervously twiddling her fingers. "Adam, I know I left you on that train, but I needed to find myself." "And what did you find? Hmm?" "I found people who can help us against the SDC." "The daughter of the CEO is willing to overthrow her father. I wouldn't doubt it. But what do you have to bring to the table?" "We could blackmail them with the most embarrassing secrets they have. They'll never live that down." "My father is one of the most uptight people on the face of Remnant as well as one of the most boring and generic. His most embarrassing secret is that he wears a clip on tie. Besides, mother is practically an open book. What kind of family destroying secret could she possibly have?"


"ACHOO." Willow covered her mouth, the wine bottle in her hand spilling down her back. Qrow looked at her before laying his head back down on the pillows of the guest bed. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth." He said before getting up, revealing a distinct lack of clothing. "Don't you dare use my toothbrush." Willow said as she started chugging the bottle. "I don't see what the big deal is. I was literally balls deep in your mouth, then your ass, then your mouth again not even fifteen minutes ago." The huntsman said before putting on a silk robe he found. He opened the door and found Whitley standing there with a horrified look. "Oh, uh, hi Whitley. Uh, how are you?" Qrow asked. "I want the best PC Atlas has to offer. Otherwise I tell father." "This is awkward. Uh, Whitley, Jacques isn't your father." Willow said as Qrow sneezed.


"So, anyway. Can we get back in? We kind of got kicked out of Beacon." Blake said. Adam sighed "What could you possibly want to make you come crawling back." "Revenge on Jaune for getting us kicked out of Beacon and for kidnapping my baby sister." Yang said. "Who?" "You know, the crazy car guy with the shotgun." "Oh. Him." Adam said before shattering the mug he was holding. "That motherfucker killed like eighteen of my faunus. That will not be tolerated." He said, the shards of glass in his hand dripping blood. Yang and Weiss winced as they watched him pick out the shards. "Now, we have the same enemy. But how can I make sure you " Weiss looked at Yang. Yang stood up before unbuttoning her shirt.


Jaune pumped his cock into Velvet, the bunny girl moaning as he thrusted. Jaune continued as he grabbed her left nipple in mouth, licking it through her spandex body suit. She undid the zipper and took her breasts out for Jaune to play with. Jaune took one in his mouth before gently biting it. Velvet moaned as Jaune thrusted away. "Keep MOAN going." Jaune continued to thrust as Velvet's pussy tightened around him. He slapped her ass before thrusting one last time into her. "Whoo."

I know it's short. I stopped caring halfway through. This is just the end of the first arc of Jaune returning to Beacon. Next one will be Summer's return and the White Fang attacking. I've been really busy with graduating so sorry if it's half assed.

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