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The five year old waddled on the grass barefoot.

His chubby feet carried him over to the wooden bench located at the foot of a giant willow tree and he unceremoniously flopped down on it.

Tiny baby hands curled into fists laid in his lap, a cute pout resting on his baby lips, bottom one occasionally trembling and puppy eyes glassed over with unshed tears, button nose tinted red thanks to the cool breeze ruffling his brown locks.

He huffed and puffed, sulking and pointedly stared down at the grass in a cute glare as if laser-shooting it.

"Hey," a soft voice made the sniffling boy look up at the owner of it.

Wiping his runny nose with the hem of his top the younger wordlessly watched the stranger kneel down in front of him, innocent doe eyes following the other's actions with cautiousness yet sparkling with curiosity.

"Why are you crying, Winter Bear?" The stranger beamed, dark orbs fixed at the kid with unparalleled fondness, looking at him tenderly.

"H-hyungie has told me not to talk to st-strangers." He mumbled, head dipped down, fiddling with his chubby baby fingers.

"Oh-", the older's mouth turned an "O" shape, internally delighted that the kid ended up talking to him anyway, "Did your hyungie tell you to not talk to angels too?"

The boy's head moved left to right, a barely noticeable motion, eyes casted downward.

"Then you can talk to me."

His head jerked up abruptly.

"You're an angel?!"

"Mhmm...." a soft smile broke out on the man's plush lips.

"Where are your wings then?"

The cute frown resting on the boy's adorable baby face made the older coo inwardly.

"I'm a candy angel!" The man's smile stretched wider seeing the confusion growing on the younger's face.

"What's a candy angel? Do they not have wings?" He gestured, little hands flying around in circular motion to make his point clear.

"They do-", the man leaned in closer towards the boy, "-but you can't see them." He whispered, as if telling a secret.

"Why?" The boy retorted in same hushed voice, as if sharing a secret of his own, pretty doe eyes wide with anticipation, innocently blinking at the older.

"Because my wings are magically turned into candies, and they make me fly too-", his hand trailed towards the side pocket in his pants, going in and came out holding what looked like a candy wrapped in red glitter wrapper.

He looked up at the little boy whose puppy eyes widened in astonishment, pink pouty lips agape in wonder as a small gasp made it out of him.

The man could feel himself filling up with warmth seeing the endearing state of the boy.

"I will give you one if-", the man stood up moving to sit down on the bench beside the younger, "-you tell me what happened. Why were you crying, hm?" His head tilted to the side in a question.

As if on que the boy's face transformed into a scowl again that looked more like an angry pout, eyes squeezing narrow and brows pulled together, pink lips jutted out and a huff escaped him, but he didn't utter a single word.

"Do you not want a candy, Bear?" The man chuckled heartily seeing the boy's eyes going narrower and brows bunching together even more, trying his best to not give in.

But kids are kids.

"Hyungie is a big meanie-", he paused, chubby baby arms folding over his chest in an exaggerated manner and he exasperatedly puffed air out of his pouty lips.

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