|One More Reason To Despise

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Hyaa!! How r u lovelies doing??

Came back from my grave to update and well.....currently cursing the moment my genius brain had to come up with a plot this tangled oh well- it's a mess lmao.


Heads up☝. There's violence in this chapter and mentions of gore. Though it's not detailed still, thought it'd be nice to put a warning.

Anyway... enough with it and onwards with the chapter that I hope will satisfy the very few readers I admire from the bottom of my heart (read butt) ^~^

Edit: chapter kind of edited bcz I wasn't really satisfied with the ending. Heh

•●||One More Reason To Despise.||●•

Tan fingers strummed impatiently, the male letting most of his weight shift onto the very hand braced against the elevator's wall while his jaws ticked with annoyance, absolutely done with the fuckery of his mafia boss older brother.

Andrea would deliberately let his anger switch kick into overdrive if the circumstances called for it but speaking otherwise, he always had his act together, unless, having an asshole of a brother counts as a point.

It can take a tiring toll on even the most patient soul on the face of earth having to deal with a walking sex machine.

So yeah, Antonio hadn't been picking up his calls and Andrea was damn sure his brother was busy warming up his cock somewhere, the reason for his irritation with the mafia boss right now.

His eyes traced the crimson hues as the elevator's light bounced off of the ruby stone sitting atop the ring in his middlefinger, clinking against the metal confines with his aggressive tapping in hopes to distract himself from the indignation surging within him like a ticking time bomb.

The doors dinged open indicating he had reached his destination, pulling him out of his irritation driven thoughts as he walked into the luxury penthouse, which was surprisingly quiet and devoid of apparently any human presence except the two burly bodyguards near the entrance considering how the crime boss is a fan of orgy parties and wome-

"Mmmm- ahh. You do me so well master!"

Fucking son of a-

Andrea let out a mixture of a tired and exasperated sigh, disappointed but not surprised that there were more pressing matters to pay attention to while his boss of a brother was wholeheartedly indulging in-- that.

Taking a deep breath to school his scowling expressions into a resting bitch face he manoeuvered deeper into the penthouse, determined to give Antonio a piece of his mind and with that thought Andrea burst into the room that he believed the faint womanly moans were coming from.

Immediately regretting his decision the next moment, all the determination draining out of his system at the sight in front of him.

The first thing that smacked him right in his face was the repulsive, r-rated lyrics.

"If we're gonna get nasty baby
First we'll show and tell
Till' I reach your pony tail, oh~
Lurk all over and through you baby
Until we reach the stream
You'll be on my jockey team, oh~

If you're horny let's do it, ride it, my pony.
My saddle's waiting, come and jump on it.
If you're horny let's do it, ride it, my pony,
My saddle's waiting, come and jump on it.

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