|Fart And Bumhole, With A Bit Of Chillie Powder Pt.1.

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Just to clarify so readers don't get confused, there are going to be two groups of mafia playing in this fic. (My ignorant ass is going to combust managing the storyline)

Before we start I wanna say thanks to my reader @gooieenim for reminding me the name of the novel I had mentioned at the end of the previous chapter. Been trying to recall it for sometime but couldn't until she told me. Thanks lovely. ♡♡♡

⚠⚠ This chapter contains mature content, swearing, strong language, a bit of degrading, exhibition and pleading kink, not too much but if it makes you feel uncomfortable please take precautionary measures otherwise, enjoy!

Also the chapter was too long hence I have split it into two parts so, it's kinda, sorta double update!! *winky face* Don't forget to read the pt. 2 as well.


•●|| Fart And Bumhole, With A Bit Of Chillie Powder Pt. 1.

The room reeked of liqour and the smell of sex lingered heavily in the air.

The creaking of bed slamming into the wall every time the male thrusted harder than before mingled with the cacophony of lewd moans of the girl under him and his own grunts leaving his mouth filled the generously lit room.

With every movement the echoing sound of skin slapping with skin intensified further as the girl whined more and her erotic moans bounced off the walls louder and louder.

Face stuffed in the pillows, she pleaded again.

"M-mast- master.... ple- aaaaahh please s-slow- slow down. AAAhh."

"Fucking slut! You love it when I take you from behind, huh? Suck it up and be grateful I'm fucking you." The man jerked his pelvis harder. "Don't you like being a cumslut? Huh? How about I make you a cumslut of mine?"

He ended, delivering a powerful thrust inside the girl, then shuffled to lean back resting on his knees, palms flattening over the mattress to help himself piston his hips harder and faster.

"Y-yes... Yes Pl-please mast- maser. Ughh myGoD.... M-make me yo-your c-cumslut. Plea- aaahh F-FUCK."

His callous hand roughly fisted the blonde locks of the girl and forcefully yanked her head back making her screech at the painful tug, hands scrambling everywhere to hold onto something while her manicured fingers gripped the sheets tighter in hopes to lessen the burn.

"Feel that? Hmm? Feel how good I'm making you moan like a bitch in heat. TELL ME."

He growled near her ear bending over once again.

"Yes- yes- yes. Ma-ster. OhMyGoD, please." She cried out.

"Beg. Beg me more."

She complied, letting a dragged moan tumble out of her lipstick smudged, drooling mouth.

"Aaaahh, Mast-er I b-beg you... ple-ase... ugnnh.... s-slow do-wn."

The male felt his hips stutter at the beseeching voice of the female pleasing him and his throaty grunts became more feral. He begun ramming his hips at animalistic pace.

"F-fuck... beg, slut. Beg and make me cum." His head lolled back as waves of pleasure washed over him. Eyes rolling back into the sockets and lips hung ajar in a soundless moan.

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