|Birds Of A Feather, Taehyung And Trouble!

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There's a reason for that picture up there^ and you aren't ready for the end of this chapter hehe.😈


•●||Birds Of A Feather, Taehyung And Trouble!||●•

"How was your ice cream date?"

The first question Jungkook was greeted with when he slid into the briefing room of the Kim's mansion. Hoseok and Yeonseo already waiting for him there.

"It wasn't a date." And he deadpanned, right off the bat.

"It wasn't?" Hoseok pressed further more, his sunshine expressions in a mix of mock confusion and deep contemplation.

"If I'm not wrong, are you trying to set me up with a boy who's a total 9 years younger than me?" Jungkook took a seat opposite of Yeonseo, Hoseok by his side as the male spun around swiftly, facing him.

"Nope. I am totally not setting you up with Taehyung." With his chin high up defensively, Hoseok lied straight through his teeth.

"Right. And I believe you." Jungkook gave him a suspicious look, squinting his eyes at the male who cleared his throat and avoided his gaze, whistling.

For a briefing room, the place was small, not to mention soundproof as well and only those trusted with the Kim's security were allowed to be present in the meetings taking place there. With white polished floor reflecting the significantly lit area, the grey color scheme on the walls only added to it sombreness, only a wooden round table situated in the middle with three chair surrounding it. Overall, the place looked nothing like a briefing room but maybe it was intended to keep a low profile.

"Alright pay attention." Yeonseo cleared his throat before speaking. "Seoul Police Department officer Kang Solar paid a visit earlier this morning. She wanted to have a one on one meeting with you since you're young master's personal bodyguard but you weren't here hence Hoseok filled in for you, Jungkook." He informed slumping in his seat as he resumed again.

"She was here to warn us of the security threat to young master Taehyung."

Jungkook ears pricked with that knowledge.

He despised threats, but duty is duty.

"From who?" He asked, leaning his arms on the table.

"She didn't reveal who but advised to stay on high alert, minimize young master's unnecessary movements unless it's inevitable. She also advised for you to move your family somewhere safer for their own security, Jungkook. Any siblings, mother, father?"

Yeonseo listed off.

"No need. Don't have any siblings. Mom's good, father's dead." Came Jungkook's curt reply, his expressions pulled taut in unease.

"Whoa..." Hoseok exclaimed witnessing the bitterness in Jungkook's tone at the mention of his father. "Father issues?"

An all but sarcastic smirk crossed the ravenette's exotic features, eyes a shade of mirthless emotions as he sagged against the chair.

"Abandoned me even before I was born so pretty much dead for me."

The air of finality in his tone said enough hence none of the two males pressed on. Sensing the tense atmosphere Hoseok cleared his throat to speak.

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