|Fifty Shades Of Pale

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Look who's here to feed you 11994 words of pure creativity (⁠'⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠') so without further ado letsgeditt!!

And yes the events of this chp r continued from the previous one, so its still the same night at the beginning of the chptr, one hell of a looong night but oh well- onwards with the creativity (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡

Not proof read!

•●|| Fifty Shades Of Pale ||●•


Taehyung loved Hoseok as his hyung, no second thoughts about it. But there are times when Hoseok would have his almond eyes narrowed down, heart-shaped lips tightly sealed and arms crossed over his chest, his foot impatiently tapping against the floor. At those time Taehyung would rather steer clear of the male than stand his presence.

Times like right now!

"What were you doing out this late on a school night, Taehyung?" Hoseok inquired with a clipped tone.


"Went for a late night ride and Taehyung had his bodyguard with him so don't worry your balls off about it!"

Taehyung visibly cringed at the brazen choice of Jungkook's words. A ghost of a touch rested on his waist. Glancing up he found Jungkook nearly glued to him like his own shadow, with a demeanor that spoke volumes. Taehyung had seen enough of it by now to figure out Jungkook's bodyguard senses slash his Peter tingles were in full swing. Why though, in the safety of his own house, was something beyond him. But he wasn't complaining the assurance the close proximity offered, specially when he had an upset Hoseok to face.

Hoseok inhaled deeply.

"Taehyung, why don't you go take a rest before it gets too hard for you to wake up in the morning, hm?"

The chestnut haired male displayed a gentle smile to the teen, a complete turnaround from his previous maddened glare.

Taehyung nodded almost immediately, breathing a sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to face the wrath of his sunshine hyung who looked like a rumbling thunder storm right now, quiet and deadly. When that happened, the heat strokes and global warming looked flimsy jokes compared to Hoseok's temper.

Mentally reprimanding himself for comparing his hyung to weather conditions Taehyung mumbled faint good nights to both the males and hurried past Hoseok, quickly slipping into his room.

Hoseok waited for the telltale sign of the door closing and when it did he marched towards Jungkook, lips pulled down while his glare returned with the same ferocity.

"What the fuck were you thinking taking Taehyung out this late without proper protocol and on top of it you misled me about where you were going. "

"I am his proper protocol, he doesn't need anyone else, rest assured but you stalking us is putting me off about you more than I already have been, Hoseok. "

The smoldering anger in Jungkook's eyes brewed like an impending doom around Hoseok but the calmer he spoke, the more menacing it came off.

"You thought I wouldn't notice the black sedan, princess?" His voice grew into a warning growl, a mocking tinge lacing his words as a chuckle followed.

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