|My Heart Beats The Rhythm Of Your Heart

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Ik, that pic up there is gonna haunt you that's why I've put it there, cz I'm evil(⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠) that being said, credit goes to the rightful owner.

Also, I don't have anything to say except the 11898K words chptr which is mostly filler except some story progress so...


•●||My Heart Beats The Rhythm Of Your Heart||●•

Morning had broken through the night, beckoning the sleeping life of Seoul back to another day of busy hustle bustle. The tranquil air smelt of fresh grass, dew drops and an early summer, accompanied by the soulful chirping of morning birds that wandered about with their own business.

Faint streaks of light filtered through the window, painting Taehyung's room a golden hue. He stirred to consciousness when the soothing warmth of sunlight kissed his sleep blotched face.

Creaking his eyes open he lazily glanced at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand that proudly flashed 7:44 am in bold red digits.

Sixteen minutes until Taehyung's first period in school.

Yet, he wasn't already springing up nor scrambling around the room and rushing here and there to make it in time- for he knew all too well that he wouldn't be attending school today. Considering the events of yesterday, there was no way he would be allowed to.

With that thought in mind Taehyung groggily rubbed at his eyes to rid them of this sticky feeling of dried tears gathering around the lashes, his eyes- a bit puffy, a little red around the rims due to crying himself to sleep last night.

His heart was restless, mind numb. The lethargy of last night finally caught up to him, the stress he had endured now rebounding to take a toll on him so much so that getting up to go wash his face and do his morning routine felt like a tiring struggle. So pulling the blanket further up till his nose he buried himself deeper in the bed as the sleep engulfed him almost immediately.

-his bed that besides being oddly warmer than usual that the warmth perfused into his caramel skin through the fabric of his top, also felt like steadily falling and rising with a rhythmic flow.

Before he could give it any further thought a hand snaked around his abdomen pulling him until his back snuggly moulded into a chest.

He went stiff like a brick, eyes blowing wide and breaths freezing in his lungs.

A fleeting thought crossed his mind.

Seokie hyung cuddled him sometimes.....It could be Seokie hyung.

And the most plausible one since Hoseok had stayed with him last night until he felt asleep.

But his Seokie hyung never held him this tight, and his chest wasn't this sculpted and his hair weren't that ticklish over Taehyung's nape and Hoseok for sure as hell never spooned him from behind!

Play the music, my soul will come for u if you effing don't *knives*

Another second, and a warm pair of lips pressed into the shell of his ear, breathing out a puff of hot air against his skin as the arms around him tightened, further pulling him back into a bare muscular torso and oH GoDDD!!

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