|Kim Taehyung Is A Talking Hazard

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Let's say Taehyung never got a chance to taint his innocence and ice cream parlors are open in Seoul 24/7 in this ff, ok? Ok.

Before starting, plz don't forget to listen to the recommended songs, they have been chosen very carefully according to the writing style and the events in a scene. Ok? Ok.

Onwards with the chapter now ^~^. <3


•●||Kim Taehyung Is A Talking Hazard||●•



Mention and depiction of blood in the start of this chapter. Implied torture and depiction of death as well. Please read at your own risk.


The still night grew colder, dark and unforgiving, as the crisp breeze whistled against her pale skin in silence, leaving behind tangled strands of midnight black hair fluttering softly in it's wake.
Rustling leaves fluttered in harmwony as the trees surrounding her gently danced to the wind's rhythm.

Yet, she felt melancholic in the peaceful sombreness. Her gaze focused, her ears attentive to every noise in the murky darkness as she bent a little to crouch past the yellow line cordoning off the area.

Nodding her head at the passing by officers Solar let her eyes take in the place, a number of officers preoccupied gathering evidence from the crime scene, others rushing in and out as they conversed in hushed voices.

Slender fingers slipped towards the gun holster around her hips, gripping a little tighter the sleek gun resting there when she walked past the dismembered dead body, an officer busy marking the evidence beside it.

Forcing herself to look away from the horrific scene her head turned hearing the call of her name, finding Seojoon jogging in her direction.

She begun pacing faster, meeting him halfway.

"Anything?" Her grim voice whispered gravely.

Seojoon pursed his lips, shrugging along. Weariness crept up to his exotic features, twisting his face into irritation.

"Ask me again after you have taken a good look at that." He jerked his head behind himself, beckoning Solar to follow him as she did, her lips flat lining in a sense of dreaded anticipation that twisted her gut in a knot.

He led them inside the two storey wooden cabin that stood gloomily deep inside the forest. The duo crossed the kitchen and trudged up the dimly lit stairs. The wood beneath their feet screeched in protest with every thudding boot pressing into it with force and Solar found herself cringing distastefully at the sound bouncing off the cramped walls.

She trailed behind the male into the first room facing them after the old, cringe worthy stairs and her feet stilled in their tracks, the view slowly becoming visible to her when Seojoon gradually begun clearing her line of sight.

"What the....!"

Despite being exposed to gruesome murders and mangled bodies every other day, Solar couldn't help the sudden wave of nausea surging through her in absolute discomfort.

"A jogger found them, well- precisely the one outside while he was passing by here. And-" She flickered her questioning gaze to Seojoon when he trailed off, as if the words would slip off his tongue without him trying, he wished they did.

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