|Like A Flutterby Pt 2

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Sorry for the long wait hehe, yea i am to blame for the late updates buttttt let's not dwell on it, WE HAVE A 11745K WORD CHP TO READ.....

So, a little surprise in the last part, don't just jump to it, ik u wanna, 😁

And there's a reason why I have put links for the music as , below the vds, listen to them.

Without further ado.. letsgeditt 👊


••||Like A Flutterby Pt 2||••


(Yes play the above song)

Taehyung had been engaged in a stare-off with the bike for the last ten seconds non stop for his eyes hadn't even so much as blinked or wandered off of it as if he was planning on lazer-vapouring the vehicle, like Superman hero shit.

He had changed the name of his list from "Kim Taehyung fudging hates his/her guts" to "Kim Taehyung fudging hates bikes", because there the bike was, proudly boasting the second spot in the list, the first occupied by its owner, of course!!

The reason was simple.

Taehyung had tripped off it again when he had a mad raven head hot on his tail who eventually caught up to him. The teen might have been quick with his reflexes but he was no match fot Jungkook's stamina. He had gone tumbling to the ground with flailing limbs and at that time Jungkook had done nothing to actually save his face from getting a smiting blow, atleast, it didn't flatten into a slat!!

So, the tale goes something like this.

Taehyung on the ground, Jungkook on top of him, finally landing an opportunity to not only stare but take his much awaited revenge for the boy had traumatized his beloved bike and Jungkook did, indeed, by fixing the teen's hair, so so painfully slow, taking his sweet time while peering in his eyes, barely inches away that he had his weight leaning on the boy and god, did this feel like heaven had descended right then and there.

But Taehyung would NEVER say it out loud!

And that led him to the present, currently glaring at the bike, while his hair sat in a perfect side swept style, revealing his forehead and pretty doe eyes to a certain bodyguard.

Keeping his eyes still latched onto the bike Taehyung twisted open the cap of the water bottle and brought it to his lips, letting the cool liquid rush down his parched throat and as it did, so did the idea.

He lowered the bottle, looked at it for a second too long, then gazed at the bike, then momentarily flicked his eyes at the bodyguard, spotting him standing at a distance, not really paying him the pin point attention he usually does.

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