|You Are The Reason for My Pain And Pleasure|

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I'm so sorry for the disappointment I must have put my lovely readers in thro accidental updates *bows ninety degree* so here i am, with the real one. Hopefully, it'll be enough to make up for the w8(⁠'⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

Alright, buckle up ladies and gentlemen, you aren't ready for this chapter hehehe .

Let the fun begin!

●||You Are The Reason for My Pain And Pleasure||●

[태양의 후예 Vol.2 ] Don't Forget Me - Various Artists...: https://youtu.be/2xbg27iB9Ss


Ahem - play the recommended music please, otherwise you'll be missing out on the other half of the experience it offers- (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~

It had been proven once again.

Jungkook could never afford letting his guard down around Taehyung, not only for the sake of his security but also to protect HIS OWN sanity from Taehyung and he was being reminded of the reason why as he drove through the busy streets of Seoul in search of the said boy, a consequence of the ravenette letting himself get too involved with his charge.

He was blown.... that wasn't a lie. Blown out of his wits at how Taehyung had fooled him, blown and angry for the very reason. Jungkook didn't want to add to his throbbing migraine by recalling how walking from Taehyung's room to his own after freeing himself from the glue struck misery felt like a walk of shame.

Nope, he totally didn't pay any attention to the maids that were passing by him in utter astonishment, their eyes wide, gawking at him like he was a piece of delicious meat.

He looked like one, fuming hot red, spewing a bullet train of curses, stomping his feet and only with a pair of boxers covering his man parts, at least he had his boxers on. Yet, that didn't provide any consolation for his gold plated ego that was jabbed at, brutally!

He felt like he'd be needing to go on a killing spree to cool his ragging temper down.

Jungkook had tackled many a critical situations, but never had he ever faced one where his charge had willingly, and quite foolishly, jumped in the face of danger just to prove a trivial point.

Part of his indignation was directed at himself as well, for being too careless and irresponsible, for letting Taehyung affect his ability to take decisions, for not being able to keep his professionalism apart from what he felt for the honey haired and it was fairly unprofessional. Jungkook wouldn't have given a damn if it had been somebody else instead of Taehyung having a mental breakdown or an emotional crisis but a simple odd behavior from Taehyung and he was fretting over the boy instead of just ignoring it like he usually did, stepping out of his professional zone and viola, ended up generously inviting trouble for himself!

Actually, trouble wasn't even a problem in the first place. Him and trouble had this love-hate, next door neighbors kind of romance with each other. One minute things would go smoothly, the next, an utter chaos with Jungkook finding himself in the middle of it. No, trouble was his darling, it was the boy who caused it that was the real pain in the ass.

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