|In A Bit Of A Slippery Situation!

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Hi there lovelies♡

Hope you have been good and smiling.♡♡

I have dished this update out at a time when a severe writer's block is looming over my head *sob sob* and the lack of feedback is making the nasty thing even nastier. *sigh*. So, I can only hope this is at least readable bcz it's my first time writing something like this. *help needed* T_T

One more thing. ☝
I had no intention of adding music in this update but then happened to listen to this beautiful song and I HAD to add that so listen to it where it's recommended. Remember, it'll double your reading experience. Promise😊

Without further ado, let's gedditt!


•●||In A Bit Of A Slippery Situation!||●•

"You're being cornered from east and south, both the exits. Get out as fast as possible. There's a sports bike parked in the first alley to your left. Go, don't waste time!"

Jungkook read the message with a straight face, unmoved by it before smoothly sliding the device back into his jeans oh so nonchalantly as if he didn't just receive a threat.

The alley was too close that it could be seen from where Jungkook was standing if he leaned up on his tipy toes to glance over the crowd. Hardly a five minute walk and they would be there. Voila! Problem solved.

But easier said than done for a number of reasons.

"Why are we stopped?"

Peeling his vigilant gaze off the crowd Jungkook glanced at Taehyung whose wide puppy eyes stared at him, perplexed. Without bothering to answer the ravenette's gaze went back to scanning the area attentively.

Knowing the boy would need to keep calm more than anything, one of Jungkook's arm snaked around Taehyung in a protective hold, or rather as a subtle a promise, it meant to serve as an assurance once he breaks the news.

He begun navigating his way through the sea of people and surprisingly, Taehyung didn't plant himself firmly against the ground, unlike this morning but the boy's mouth seemed to chirp without any stop.

"Do I need to start farting rainbows to get an answer from you, Mr bodyguard Nim? I still have to get-"

"We're being followed."

A quiet whisper over the loud, rambunctious crowd as Jungkook drew in to let Taehyung know, then felt the teen going tense under his touch immediately after, momentarily freezing in his tracks but he smoothly urged the boy to keep walking.

"Don't worry. Everything's fine. I'll get you out of here, Taehyung." He opted to put Taehyung's mind to rest who blinked out of his panic induced trance, nodding his head, albeit a little weary as his distressed puppy eyes roamed around in apprehension.

Taehyung did despise his security personnel but in his 17 years of life he had had his fair share of
troubles to know this was the right time to start listening to his bodyguard.

Shuffling closer, he let himself be glued to Jungkook, forcing all his anxious thoughts on the buzzing warmth perfusing into him through his bodyguard's hot touch who expertly kept maneuvering through people, hoping against all odds that his bodyguard was able enough to deal with the situation.

Mr. Bodyguard Nim | A Taekook Bodyguard Au | Where stories live. Discover now