|Like A Flutterby Pt-1

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Hi *waves hand enthusiastically albeit sleepily cos its 2:35 in the morn here*

Yup, im alive and back with an update finally. Woohoo to me!!

This is the part one, part two will be published, ofc separately because the draft alone was 5k words, halfway into it, it reached 10k!! So had to split it but there's taekook, taekook and taekook all the way *grins*

So, without furhter ado, letsgeddit!!


You and I are not on good terms if you don't play the recommended music during reading. *Puffs cheeks*

•||Like A Flutterby||•

"And then, he FUCKING gave me a veterinary's number, that junghole- bruhh really?!!!! Can you fucking believe it?? Because I CAN'T!!!! That's next level bitch assholery!!!"

Sprawled on the bed inside his room, Taehyung cracked a box smile listening to his friend rant about a certain raven head and the heartbreaking betrayal that according to his brown headed best friend, "robbed me of my self-confidence and I plunged into the unending depths of darkness!! They said there's love in every corner but my life must be a circle!!!"

Whatever excessively dramatic tendencies Taehyung has in his personality, it's thanks to one excessively dramatic, drama queen Park Jimin and his excessively dramatic ass.

Like Jimin, like Taehyung!

"My hopes were soaring high, Taehyungie!"

Jimin sniffled, and the honey head could practically picture his friend with a kickced-puppy face, wiping off the fake tears that were never there!

He sniggered into the phone, his button nose scrunching cutely and eyes going up in crescents.

"Your hopes flew too close to the sun, Jiminie."

See what'd I mean?


"I have NEVER been insulated in my life!"
Jimin huffed a breath out, hoping his miserable state would work on his best friend.

"Maybe you don't pay much attention!"

And what's a best friend if they don't roast you further into your misery!

"I would really like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your love life, but, unfortunately- I can't relate, Jiminie."

In an ulterior motive, Jimin was trying head over heels to frame Taehyung so he could get him the handsome-butt bodyguard's number since 'bagging a handsome hunk' hopelessly failed, but all the sobbing and mourning immediately ran out of the window once Jimin realized that he's barking up the wrong tree.

"You're the worst at this comforting thing, asshole."
He grumbled with no trace of previous forlorn sadness in his voice.

"Why tell me-- I have known it since I was a foetus in my mother's womb!"

Taehyung sassed.


A soft knock sounded on the door, snatching Taehyung's attention as he slightly lowered the phone from his ear and voiced a come in while simultaneously listening to Jimin's faint voice bombasting through the speaker.

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