|Of Bodyguards With Girly Grins And Thick Thighs

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If anybody can't tell, I really love looong chapters. ;) ;) ;)

Enjoy and don't forget to vote and be vocal about my writing.♡♡


||Of Bodyguards With Girly Grins And Thick Thighs||●•


The man bellowed, hands tightly gripping the chair's armrest on both sides, turning his knuckles pale. He leaned in, practically towering over the one glued in the chair.

"I'm asking again, WHERE...IS...SHE?"

He repeated, words making it out of his plump lips in a slow speech pressing on every syllable to emphasize, letting his face get closer to the other's who trembled in fear at the man's sinister eyes boring into his.

"I- I don't know.... I swear I don't know."

The one being questioned managed to let out, shrinking further down in the chair.

"I don't WANT your swearing. Tell me where she is or I'll shove this very gun up your ass so deep you'll wish you never had an ass in the first place."

The male under him visibly shuddered.

"I don't know-" by this time tears started staining his cheeks, "-I'm just their driver...they never tell me anything other- other than the location they want to g-go, I swear, please."

He pleaded.

"Where did you drop them off last time?"

The other inquired, suddenly voice calm as if he hadn't been thundering moments ago. Eyes cold gazing down at the one tied to the wooden chair with duct tape around his wrists.

"A-at their warehouse, on the outskirts o-of the city." He stuttered.

The male hovering above him straightened up, looking to the side he caught the eyes of another shorter male clad in all black, a P.90 peeking out from the waist band of his leather pants.

"San?" The male's stern voice called out to the shorter.

"I checked the warehouse-" San's eyes flitted to the one tied up with a death stare, "-they weren't there either boss." He ended, narrowing his orbs.

The Boss turned to the captive, his half-lided, stone-cold eyes silently urging the other to explain himself.

The other panicked, fumbling for words while his mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish.

"Th- they... never- never stay in one place, always keep moving around t-to ma-"

A hand slammed down on the wooden chair with a loud thud echoing around in the silent room.

"If I find out you're fucking around with me-" the Boss growled, gripping the captive's jaw and digging his nails in the skin. He roughly jerked it forward, "-I fucking assure you I won't think twice before drilling this whole shity ass mothafucking set of bullets in your pitiful excuse of a brain! You hear that?"

The captive nodded as the fear creeped up his skin like crawling ants, his breathes stuttered to shallow pants.

"I- I'm n-not fucking around-"


A plethora of groans and grunts erupted through out the room in unison.

"Director nim! this was the 6th try for this scene." The one playing the boss let out exasperatedly.

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