|How To Train A Taehyung

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I'm backkkkkk *inserts Hobi's iconic entry in lollapalooza*

First of all, I love you guys for being so patient and understanding while I was gone as well as I'm really sorry for making you wait all these months, *bows deeply* I really can't express my gratitude in words to my old readers and the new ones that found this ff in my absence, for keeping up with my unstable updating schedule, and for waiting patiently, for being so encouraging, I love u guys with all my hearteu *bows deeply again both in gratitude and apology*

So without further ado, letsgeddit, the much awaited 8065 words crackhead update that I promised.

•●||How To Train A Taehyung||●•

Day four of Taehyung's definitely failing mission.

lay attention ori from the descendants of the sun to get the feels😎

Kim Taehyung suspected the world was up against him. Whispering behind his back, scheming his doom, totally plotting his downfall and on a sour note with him.

That was the only reason why the morning breeze he used to admire dearly now looked so eager to have a bone to pick with him, stubbornly bulldogged, messing up his already tousled locks and making them look like a heap of dried twigs sticking in every direction and it immensely ticked him off.

His hair looked like a hydrogen bomb just went off a millimeter away from his honey head!

His face a whole different story, set in a variety of frowns and grimaces mapped like ancient ruins.

The only reason why the morning birds had made it their mission to croak out their worst scratchy song under the bright sunlight as if their vocal chords had been wrapped with barbed wire and Taehyung did not like it. AT ALL!!

And the only reason why he had been keeping a ledger on how many times the sun had illuminated Jeon Jungkook's incredibly annoying yet handsome smirk in the past ten seconds like a lit Christmas Tree in a dark night, making it all the more visible to his furious eyes and he absolutely despised the glowing fireball for it.

Or it could just be that Taehyung had an urgent wish to strangle Jungkook's strong neck and feel the unblemished skin twist under his itching hands, watch his tongue lolling and eyes squeeze out but was unable to bask in that satisfaction because he had NEVER expected THIS to happen.


Groggy eyes, bloated face and disheveled hair.

He was a mess all over the place listening to the ravenette quack about something that really went a mile high over his head when Jungkook had knocked on his door early morning, at six o clock.

But then, like a light switch had flipped hearing that one word and boy was he regretting ever opening his big mouth.

Perhaps, Taehyung had spoken too soon last night.


He wanted to take his words back now that he was looking over to the ravenette loading a pistol as the muffled sounds of heavy gunshots going off in the distance resonated in the air.

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