|How Fish Pee?"

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I'm back with the update!

Let's see how many readers could guess the hints I've been droping. If u couldn't, it either means I wasn't good enough or I'm simply too genius for this world! :D

☝My bet on the 2nd possibility ( ^~^)


There's depiction of blood and death in this chapter. In fact, the whole book might be like, a TW here, a TW there and I can't mark the chapters for the readers to skip the specific parts bcz they will contain important info so ahem...... yeah.


•●||"How Fish Pee?"||●•

(Play the above piece to get the feels)

The male's calculated steps reverberated against the walls of the deathly silent warehouse as he manoeuvered his way through the shattered glass.

Crisp sounds of scattered ruble crunching under his expensive black shoes poured the eerie quietness along with the clicking as his ringed thumb repeatedly flicked the safety of a Desert Eagle on and off, the silver colored weapon swaying by his side while he approached the centre of the desolate place. A lone flickering light bulb overhead filled the darkness of the night with its pale luminance.

He gracefully lowered himself in a chair and his unforgiving hazel orbs fell onto the two kneeling figures in front of him, hands securely tied behind their backs while four more laid lifelessly around them, bathing in their own blood. The thick crimson liquid stained the knees of the two living beings.

Heads hung low and bodies littered with bleeding cuts and bruises, the male's authoritive gaze studied the two shaking souls, piercing through their sweating skins.

His voice boomed across the abandoned space.

"What did you set up the warehouse for?"


Lips twitching in irritation, his hard eyes burnt with fire when the dead silence followed his question.

"What did you set up the warehouse for?" He pressed, tone a little sterner this time yet mellow and soft at the same.

One of the two tentatively raised his head up.

Quivering irises dared to meet the menacing hazel orbs above but his gaze fell back to the ground in fear as soon as they looked up at the figure.

"T-the warehouse... was to s-store the shipm-"


Eyes wide he stilled, feeling the warm blood gush out of the now gaping hole in the middle of his forehead and his body joined the dead pile with a resonating thump, the one alive trembled with dread. Bloody lips quivering and heaving ragged breathes at the gorey scene by his side.

The male's slender fingers twirled the smoking gun and he leaned forward, elbows resting on his manspread thighs and eyes tearing away from the now dead body, drifting towards the other shaking male.

"What's your name, boy?"

His sweet, honey dipped voice enquired, totally contrasting the viciousness in his eyes that forced the trembling male to let a whimper out.

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