|Heart Laid Bare In Your Hands

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Its me, u guys still remember me, right? So I'm back yet again after idk how long, sorry for the w8 i put u thru but I'mma make it up to u, pinky promise ☆

Since we're going thru the matters of hearts, so the chptr titles <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> also, how many times I've used the word HURT in this chptr, I've lost count so- yea.

This chptr is dedicated to anonymouslydivine. This author wishes you
all the best for the milestone that u just completed today. ⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠)

Edit: WHY THE HECK CAN I NOT PUT MEDIA UP THERE(⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

ALSO, this is a 10k treat for u, by me, for being so late.


●||Heart Laid Bare In Your Hands||

Life is frail. Nine months and a whole lot of struggle to live it according to one's dreams and ambitions but when the time runs out, all it takes is an unfortunate moment, a single flicker of a second, a flash in time and it is taken from one - proves how brittle life is.

Taehyung knows it, the weak bond of breaths tied to a beating heart, needs all but a moment to break, the strings of soul to body cut down forever but it's one thing to know, and another to face the brutal reality of it first hand. He realized how fragile it is when Jin laid soaking in his own blood and Taehyung had felt his beats and breaths come to a sudden stop.

Even now, as he stood facing the said man, his feet had glued themselves to the floor right at the threshold of Seokjin's hospital room. Eyes blown wide out of shock, taking in the damage Seokjin had suffered with an unblinking stare that remained stuck to the man's leg, the entire thigh of it disappearing under the layers and layers of thick bandage that looked as if it had been changed and dressed recently, neat and clean, the once flawless skin of his face sported several cuts, them too cleaned and taken care of but of course, scars take time to fade away. Taehyung could see another set of bandages peeking from under the hospital gown, over Seokjin's shoulder and he didn't wanna know what those bandages were for. Taehyung for sure as hell didn't want to know anything about the injuries unless there was something that indicated that they weren't severe despite knowing this current situation was mostly, his own fault.

Seokjin though, had a wide smile, splitting from ear to ear aimed at the stunned honey haired who had been standing at the door in a stupor.

"Need an invitation to come give your hyung a welcome hug, bear?"

Taehyung promised himself but he wasn't exactly cut out for holding his emotions back to be honest.

Two fat tears rolled down his cheeks hearing the cheeky voice he had been craving to hear that prompted him to hesitantly drag himself into the room and towards the older's bed, eyes refusing to leave the other's frame that seemed paler and weaker than usual yet radiant than ever. Words rushed to his mind but died at his tongue. Words of apology to his hyung, to let him know that Taehyung was sorry, that guilt was eating him up inside out, even more so now that he had seen the cost to his prank.

Words within words but none of them could be uttered for his throat bubbled up with sobs and he did the only thing that felt right at that moment-

-gently placed his head on Seokjin's chest, mindful of his injuries and let his eyes close.

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