|Unidentified Invading Emotions

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Look who's posted this time!

Yup, it's me. Yay.

Kindly ignore the mistakes and let me know your thoughts so I can do better in future.

That being said,

Let's gedditt.♡♡


•●||Unidentified Invading Emotions ||●•


Taehyung sniffled, wiping his runny nose with the hem of his sleeve. The sweeter paw felt damp against the delicate skin of his thin wrist by the amount of times he used it to dry his tears.

"Stupid, utterly stupid Kim Taehyung!"

Eyes a shade of crimson, puffy and itching, the thick curtain of long lashes stuck together as two pearly beads leaked out of the orbs, glistening over his bread cheeks in the various bright lights hung over head.

For the past ten minutes Taehyung had been generously awarding himself with every species of titles that declared him a knucklehead.

For letting his emotions get the best of him in front his bodyguard.

Embarrassment clawed at his skin, seeping into his bones and melting out of his body and every couple of minutes Taehyung curled into himself cringing at all the words he spewed towards the raven head.

If he could, he would definitely go into hibernation and come back only when Jungkook would be gone.

To his badluck, humans don't hibernate hence he took shelter in his secret chamber. The bunched up paper and various tubes of oil paint haphazardly laid scattered beside him on the tiled floor after several failed attempts to draw his frustration out.

The honey haired just wanted to itch his skin raw till the mortification of the words practically seeped out of it.

He would rather prank his bodyguards and enjoy their misery than have his heart cut open in front of them about why he disliked the security personnel, but with Jungkook things were a little different ever since the beginning.

Only Taehyung knew how hard he tried to defy the urge, resist the ravenette's obsidian eyes that made him want to cower in submission whenever they bore into his skin. The need and want to clarify why he became so worked up with the raven head while Taehyung never really bothered to excuse his behavior with any other of his security personnel.

Not to mention the the strange bouts of unidentified emotions that silently crept into him whenever he was with the bodyguard, the thoughts filling his mind that he pushed away with little success.

It all but overwhelmed the naive boy when he couldn't understand things around him. Things within himself. The conflicting emotions came rushing out in the form of tears when words failed to describe his obvious dilemmas.

His eyes that he couldn't tame, wanting to linger on the ravenette just a little longer. His heart that danced wildly when the bodyguard inched closer, the gazes that Taehyung couldn't control, then the remorse he never felt regarding his bodyguards before except now and in his inner conflict the boy convicted Jungkook for being the reason of it all, right off the bat.

For a minute the honey haired thought he might be the case of Unidentified Invading Emotions, a term he coined for his Seokie hyung and according to his judgment, was extremely lethal!!

The soft knocking on the door demanded his attention and he rapidly blinked to clear his blurry vision, wishing to steady his hoarse voice before speaking up.

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