Chapter 35

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Well, hello everybody I am on spring break and i couldn't be happier. i hate the bastards at school, and i'm pretty sure they hate me just as much as i hate them. so here ya have


CHAPTER 35!!!!!!


Alexa's POV

I was currently sitting down on Dylan's back, with frozen yogurt in our hands. He said his back hurt after jumping off the swings and landing on his back. We were in some park near the hotel so I didn't mind. Andi and Susan said the needed to go get ready for the concert. It was like three hours away, but I guess they needed as much time as they could get. "Hey, we should get back before the guys think we've been kidnapped." I said.

Dylan didn't say anything, he just stood up, making me fall off his back. He laughed, then started to help me up. "Thanks." I grunted. "Anytime, Babe." He winked. I rolled my eyes. I shoved him. He nearly fell, but clung to me so he wouldn't. His phone then started to ring. Mama by My Chemical Romance started to play. "Mama, we're all full of lies... Mama, we're meant for the fli- Hello?" I didn't want to pay any attention to his conversation.

The hotel was in front of us now, and he ended his call. I saw one of the security guards standing beside the door. "What are you guys doing here, you should be inside waiting patiently for they lads to finish getting ready!" He chuckled. "Sorry we wanted to walk around. Won't happen again, sir." Dylan apologized. I didn't want to talk to him so I just left, mumbling a goodbye. We went up the elevator not wanting to go up six flights of stairs. I unlocked the doors to see all the boys half naked. "Hey, Princess." Niall waved whilst Lou was putting on his make up and doing his hair, also trying to put on some blue skinny jeans.

I took a seat next to a shirtless Harry, wrapped his arms around me. He was scrolling through twitter. He tried to hide the mean tweets with his thumb but ended up clicking on them. Harry sighed. He eventually just logged out. I giggled. He looked at me, and kissed me nose. "I need to get dressed." He groaned. "Then go get dressed." I chuckled. "But I don't want to." He pouted. "Fine, I'll just hang out with Niall since he's wearing jeans." I stuck my tongue. "No, stay with me." Harry whined. "Then put on your clothes, you will freeze in your boxers." I demanded.

He scowled. I smiled. He quickly put on some boots, skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt. "There. Now embrace me!" He opened his arms. "No, I'm fine here." I jumped on the couch. He walked over to me and started to tickle me. I couldn't stop laughing. "Hey Dylan! You got your test scores back." Harry stopped tickling me. Dylan opened the envelope and his face broke into a grin. I ran up to him to see. He got a C- on everything. "What'd you do?" I chuckled. "I told all my teachers that if they fail me, they get me next semester." He shrugged. He caught hold of my wrist and ran out of the door. We started running around screaming.

"I'm below average!" He screamed. "Below average!" I screamed. We continued to run all over the hotel, not caring if we would get in trouble. We got back into the room tired. "Next time give me some kind of warning before you leave. Got it?" Harry demanded. We nodded panting. "Now, would you guys like some water? It looks like you might pass out any second." We once again nodded. "So Dylan, what were your test scores?" Louis asked. "I got a C- on pretty much everything, so I think I aced the tests." Dylan shrugged. Everyone had an amused smile on their faces. "Alright boys, it's time to go. Alex, are ya coming?" Stan grunted. I shook my head no head. "Alright, Lou stay and watch the kids. C'mon lets move."

I got kisses from everyone, even Lou, and she's staying. "So what do you want to do? I mean, you don't always get C-'s...we should let you decide." Lou asked. "I want to have ... a dance party! I also want to have weird slumber party things! Basically I want a sleepover." He said. "Alright since you listen to weird music, pick the ones that make you want to burst out screaming the lyrics, alright? I'm going to find a shirt hold on." Lou said.

So we basically spent our time, making weird food, forts out of sheets, dancing, pillow fights, watching movies, and basically anything that goes along with sleep overs.


Hello! If you can't listen to the song I put up there then the song is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. I hope you've had a lovely day and I love each and every one of you!

Ilysm 😘❤💋 wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!

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