Chapter 21

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All of you are amazing!!!! Last night I almost had 800 but now I have 900!!!!! That is amazing I said it once before and I'll say it again, I love you all so much, literally to the moon and back.

Alex's POV

I went to sleep around 3 am last night. Dylan was with me the entire time, I'm grateful to have an amazing friend like him.

I looked down at my bandaged hand, then at my thighs. There was a lot of blood on the bandages.

I decided to take the one on my hand off. I slowly unwrapped it.

My knuckles were bleeding a bit, but the cuts on my fingers and hands aren't bleeding anymore.

Since today was a Monday Dylan had to go to school. He usually gets out at three, sometimes four if he has detention, which is almost everyday.

I was in the sweat pants, white T-shirt, and the blue converse I was wearing yesterday. I didn't care.

I've been in my room all day, not eating anything, just staring at the ceiling.

Niall then barged into my room. I tried to act if nothing was bothering me.


"Come downstairs, you haven't eaten anything."

"Yes I have!" I pointed to the pile of empty bags and candy wrappers, Dylan and I ate yesterday.

"Real food. Now come down stairs!"

"No I don't wa-" I got cut off my Niall throwing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I was hitting his back, but it didn't faze him.

"Stop that tickles! Haha!" He erupted on laughter. He now set me on his hip.

I glared which caused hip to laugh harder. We got to the living room and was surprised to see no one was here.

"Where is everybody?"

"Asleep. I was the only one that didn't want to get wasted. But Zayn and Perrie went out on a date last night. I don't know where they're at."

I nodded. "What time is it?" I say down next to him. "Nine turdy-two."

"Nine turdy-two.". I am now going to have so much.

He raised an eyebrow, I copied his actions. He smiled, I did as well. Niall made duck lips and the peace sign, looking like the popular girls.

I grabbed some of Perrie's giant glasses for Niall and I. I put them on for Niall and myself. Then I went into the pose he was in a while ago.

 He burst out laughing, and guess what?

I did to. "Can you not laugh so loud?!" Brianna stumbled into the living room.

I ignored her. "Hey! What's this on your hand?" Brianna smirked.

She was looking at the scars I have all over my wrist.
"Did you know about this?" Her smirk get bigger and bigger.

"Yeah, all of the boys know, too.". Her smirk dropped replaced with a blank expression.

"And you aren't mad at her, you don't want to hit her, like... I don't know... super hard to make her go to the emergency room?"

Niall looked horror struck. "I would never lay a hand on her! What kind of sick question is that?!" Niall was mad. It was so weird.

I pulled my arm away from Brianna, not wanting her germs all over me. I cringed.

"It was just a question!" Brianna stormed all the way back into her room.

I sighed. "What now?" I asked. "You need a shower! You smell an awful lot of alcohol!" It was his turn to cringe. How do I smell like it?

"Fine! But not because you said so, because I wanted to!" I grumbled.

"Okay, but hurry up I'm making breakfast." Niall shouted as I made my way up the stairs.

Niall disappeared into the kitchen. I stood there for a couple seconds, staring at the door wondering if I should go help him.

I shook my head. I should get in the shower. As I came up the last step, Harry stumbled out of his room.


"Good morning Alex. What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take a shower while Niall makes breakfast. Can I go now?"

He looked a bit taken back.
"Yeah, go ahead." That boy looked utterly confused.

"Is everything okay, Alex?"


"Perfect!" I put on my best fake smile.

I hurried to my room, grabbed what I was going to wear and headed for the bathroom.

I carefully unwrapped the bandages. It looked like a lot of blood. But once I washed it off so it'll look cleaner, or something.

I quickly showered and got dressed so I could spend more time with Niall.I ran out as fast as I could. I walked into the kitchen to find no one there. 

  I turned around heading for the door when Niall jumped out screaming. "BLLAAAHHH!!!!". I screamed which caused Niall to laugh hysterically.

 "That's not funny!" I pouted. "It was really funny!"


 " No!!! I'm sorry, Princess! Will you ever forgive me?"

 "YES!" I jumped on him which caused us both to fall over. Needless to say I didn't feel a thing. I laughed. Right now I was in such a good mood.

 "When is breakfast going to be ready?"

 "Yeah about that.... I can't cook so I'm probably going to get you lot Mc'Donalds."

 "Alright so what should we do yo waste time?"

 "PLAY TWISTER!!". Before I could say anything he was already running to his room looking for the game.

 Oh, Niall.

 Seconds later he came back holding a box. "Do you know how to play?"


 "Then let's get this started!". He did this little dance afterwords. I laughed at how childish he was.

Today was going to be eventful.


A/N : First off I know its short and doesn't say much i just wanted to give you all a chapter. SEcond can more of you please vote i feel like you guys think I'm just another shitty writer.

 Ilysm       wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!                                                                                

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