Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

After Alex agreed that I adopted her I went to go sign the papers. Just as I walked in the caretakers were smoking pot and didn't realise until I said,"Excuse me". Then all the attention went to me and they tried to cover the fact that they were clearly smoking. "Sorry did you find someone you like, even though I highly doubt it." The lady said. "Um yes her name is Alex?" I stated but came out more like a question. "Oh her yes we are glad to finally get rid of her! She is horrid!! But yeah the papers are right here." She then handed me the papers.

*skip the signing*

"Ok you're all set you can go get that piece of shit out of here and you better not send her back I don't want to see her again in my entire life!!"that bitch said. Instead of saying anything I would regret I nodded and went to go find Alex and the boys. MAN THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!!

Alex's POV

As soon as Harry left the boys asked me a couple of questions like:what's your favourite colour? What is your height? Do you like sports? Do you like Twilight? Are you gassy ? Are you afraid of anything? Are you allergic to anything?. So I said" Black. 5'3. Yes. No not really. Peanuts and smoke." But as I said smoke Zayn looked really worried. "What's wrong Zayn?" I asked. "Nothing it's just that I smoke." He stated. "Oh."was all I said. "Soooooooo hi?" Louis said. "Sup" I said put I popping the 'p'. "How are you?" He Asked. "Faboulus!" I yelled in a girly voice. "How are you?" I asked in the same voice. "SSSUUUUUPPPEEEERRRRMMMMAAANN!!!!!!!" Louis screamed. But I don't know why he did it. "Ok let me get this straight, you feel like Superman?" I said rather confused. "Yeah! Do you

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