Chapter 41

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How are things? Sorry I haven't been updating my chapters. I've been really busy and didn't have time to but now here I am and ready to update for you all.

Here ya have...



Alex's POV

It's hopeless. I can't get Harry to do anything. He doesn't talk as much. He barely smiles. He can't be left alone, or else he gets ideas. The doctor told us that we were very lucky he didn't die. I'm glad, but also deeply sad. Harry used to be so happy and full of life.

Now he wants to end his life.

Why can't he except that he's loved? I shook my head. I saw Harry leave the hotel bathroom, almost nervously pulling his sleeves down. "Harry?" I stood up walking over to him. He spun around surprised to see me standing right in front of him.

"I was just ... using the bathroom!" Harry quickly covered up. "Really?" I crossed my arms over my chest. You could easily see that the blood was soaking the material of his sleeve. "L-let me see your arm, Harry." My voice cracked. "There is nothing wrong with me." He lowered his head, avoiding my gaze.

"Then show me your arm!" I cried. "Fine! Now you see all the self-hatred I put into these cuts!" Harry pulled his sleeve down and I saw scars, words, bruises, ect. As I got closer Harry backed up into the wall. "Why?" I asked looking in his once bright green eyes. Harry didn't respond for a long time.

"I-I feel horrible inside. The v-voices i-in my head d-don't want t-to leave m-me a-alone, I can't s-sleep. So to end this misery in my head, I found o-one of your b-blades and-" Harry burst into tears. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" He started to yell, covering his ears.

"Harry, you're okay. You're with me. Nothing will happen to you, I'm here." I cooed. I brought him over to my hotel room which was empty. I made him lay down, he was still crying but not as hard.


I KNow this chapter is super short but i wanted you guys to have a little something because im putting the book until Tuesdayand wednesday. I know this is small but just bear with me.

Ilysm, wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!

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