Chapter 29

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Okay so once again the On The Road Again Tour. I would just like to say that I found this picture and I MELTED! Okay so here you have....


Alex's POV


Today is the day I would go on your with the boys. To be honest I'm nervous. What if the fans don't like me? What if they think I'm selfish and annoying? Okay I am a little annoying, but still. Our flight leaves at 4:30 a.m, and right now it is 3:39 a.m. Dylan an I don't sleep at these early hours. Instead we stay up all night. Dylan was showering at the moment so I decided to wake Harry. I walks out of my room and went across the hall over to where Harry's was. I opened the door to see him snoring and the bed nearly falling off. I chuckled.

I turned the light on and tip-toed over to his bed. I sat down so I was at level with his face. "Dad?" I poked his cheek. I repeated my actions until he woke up. He opened his eyes and gave me a lazy smile. Our noses were nearly touching. I looked at his nose with wide eyes. He laughed at me. "You're adorable." He sat up exposing his tattoos. He was in his boxers, as usual. "What time is i-it?" He yawned. "It is 3:42." I answered. "You should put on some clothes. We leave at 4:10, so hurry up!" I demanded. He chuckled. "Alright, hand me my phone." He put on sweat pants. "No, get off your lazy ass and get it yourself!" I snapped. My eyes widened as the words left my mouth. I looked at him and he had a look of surprise on his face. I nervously smiled. Suddenly, he ran over to me and started to tickle me just like he had done the other night. All you could hear was my laughter. "Please ... stop! Can't ... breathe!" I managed to spit out. The he stopped. I was left on the ground still laughing, gasping for air. I heard Harry laugh. He was now making sure he had everything packed, while I was looking at his pictures. His mother and sister, I'm assuming. "What are their names?" I blurted. I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders, his chin resting on my head. "That's my mother, Anne and my sister Gemma."

"What are they like?" I asked.

Harry's POV

"What are they like?" Alex asked. I was about to reply when Liam burst through the door. "We're loading the car, so get your arses down here!" I chuckled at his town. "Alright we're going!" I set Alex on my hip and she once again squealed. I laughed. "Liaaamm are my bags downstairs?" Alex dragged on Liam's name. "Yeah except your backpack. Perrie said that you'd have to carry that! What do you have in there?" Liam questioned. Alex furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know. I'll find out when Dad takes me there." She answered. I walked over to where my charger and phone were. "Can you put these in your bag?" I asked. She nodded. We reached her room and I set her down so she can get whatever she's getting. She was scurrying all over the room trying to find something. I think she eventually found whatever he was looking for and put on one of my hoodies. It was like a dress for her but she didn't really care. Alex put her hair into a messy pony tail and was out the door. I followed her down the stairs, out the door and into the car where everyone was waiting. Just to annoy me, she sat on the floor next to Niall. I rolled my eyes which caused her to smirk. She was dressed like me. Sweat pants and a white t-shirt with converse. But hers were blue and mine were black. "Ow!" Niall yelled. "What'd you do?" I asked Alex who was laughing. "We were playing rock, paper, scissors. Watch." She turned to Dylan and started playing. It was 1to 2 so Alex won. She was pinching his cheeks while Dylan pinched one of hers. Then Alex slapped him with both hands.

I was thinking of telling Dylan and Alex to go to sleep, but they both looked wide awake. "What time do you guys usually sleep?" I asked them both. "We sleep around 6 I think. I don't know we don't really check the time." Dylan shrugged. I chuckled. "So you guys are going to be up for most of the plane ride? Great..." I rolled my eyes at the kids. Alex got up and sat in between the passenger and drivers seat. "You're going to fall." Louis chuckled. "If I fall I'm landing on Niall or Dylan." Alex said. The radio was on and 18 started playing. Liam was about to change it when Alex slapped his hand. "Don't change it!" She hissed. That caused us all to laugh. Alex looked bored so she went to the back where Perrie and Zayn were talking. She squeezed into the middle with a smug expression on her face. "C'mere." I heard Perrie whisper.

I turned around to see Alex on Perrie's lap. "Hey, she's my cuddle buddy! Get your own." I whined. "No! You may be her father but I'm her aunt! She needs me!" Perrie stuck her tongue out at me. "She needs me to I'm her father!" I got up and squeezed in the middle with them. Perrie laughed along with Zayn and Niall. The rest of the way Perrie and I were bickering about who's more important. She said something about her being some kind of mother figure, which caused me to think about the future. I just hope Alex gets the best mother that's out there...

"Alex, would you rather be deaf or blind?" Niall interrupted Perrie and I. "Deaf." "Then you wouldn't be able to see u-"

"Blind!" "Then you couldn't see-" "What level of hell do you come from, Spawn of Satan?!" Alex shouted. Niall burst out laughing. I also started to laugh. We arrived at the airport seconds later. It was about 4:14 and it takes a long time to get past security. There blinding lights outside of the car. I set Alex on my hip but this time she didn't squeal, she just buried her head in the crook of my neck. "Here listen to this. It'll block out the noise." I told Alex. She nodded. You could hear the music blaring but she didn't mind, this was how she listened to it. I looked at her in the eyes and quirked an eyebrow. She gave me a smile which caused me to smile. "Let's go!"

I opened the door and was greeted with chaos. There was screaming fans everywhere. Security was doing their best trying to keep the fans from attacking us. Dylan was beside me grabbing my forearm making sure someone wouldn't hurt him. Perrie was behind him making sure he was safe. We hurried inside, checking our luggage to make sure everything was there.


We've been on the plane for three hours and four more to go. Alex and Dylan look like they could sleep for a week. Then they fell on each other snoring. "Should we do something about that?" Luke asked handing me a cup of tea. "No, if they wake up in another area they'll freak out." I said taking a sip of the drink. He laughed. Alex was still listening to the music, it was Fall Out Boy. She was listening to The Kids Aren't Alright on repeat. She loves them. I remember one time she wouldn't stop listening to their music I had to hide her phone. That didn't work she found it two hours later. I am overly excited for Alex to come with us, then again nervous. I hope the fans love her like I do, that would make things a whole lot easier. I looked down to see the kids. Dylan moved his arm which caused Alex's headphones to come off. She groaned and kicked Dylan. "Ow!" He pushed Alex from him. That's where she kicked him in the balls. Dylan groaned in pain. His hand made contact with her stomach. Then Alex's fist made contact with his jaw. They were still half asleep and on the floor so it was amusing to watch."Alright!" I yelled separating the kids. "Alex, apologise to Dylan." I demanded. She spit out the blood that filled in her mouth on the nearby sink. "I'm sorry for hitting your balls."

Dylan nodded. "I'm sorry for punching your stomach." She also nodded. "Can I trust you guys to sleep on the same couch?" I quirked an eyebrow. They both nodded. Dylan, who could barely walk, was crawling on the floor over to the couch. You could make the couch into a bed so I had Dylan wait awhile. Alex was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. "How're you feeling?" I asked. "I've been better." He rolled onto his side. I laughed. I picked him up bridal style and set him on the bed. Minutes later Alex came back with her hair down, it was messy as hell but I don't think she cares. She's going to bed anyways. She put the blanket over herself. "Good morning Dylan." She whispered. "Good morning Alex."

All you could hear was their breathing. I decided to take a nap so the plane ride would be that boring. I made myself comfortable on the couch before I let darkness consume me.



Ok so I finished the chapter in two days so it may be very short. I did this on my iPod so idk how much this is.

Ilysm 😘❤💋 wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!

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