Chapter 31

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I'm starting this by saying, I love you and you look beautiful today! So now start


Alex's POV

My thighs hurt.

My wrists hurt.

I was sitting in the tour bus bed alone staring at the ceiling. We were driving to the stadium the boys are playing at. It's 6:27 and I'm tired. But I have to make it through the concert first. I felt the bus stop, and heard footsteps nearing. Harry opened the door. "We're here, Alex." He mumbled. I didn't look at him once, just kept staring at the ceiling. I got up and walked past him, like he wasn't even there. I looked at myself in the mirror. I've been crying. But my eyes were slightly less red. I put on eyeliner and mascara. I got out of the tour bus and put my best fake smile as I walked toward Liam and Zayn. We made a small talk as we walked inside. It was just like the interview. Everyone was rushing by trying to get everything ready, even though by the end of the concert it'll look like a tornado passed by. I went backstage to see Luke, Calum, Ashton, And Michael running around throwing food at each other. I smiled and walked past them. I walked straight into the bathroom. I changed the bandages. Even though I just put them on but they're already soaked. I quickly did that and left making sure there was no blood left on the sink. I walked on stage and decide to explore. As I started to walk around I saw there was a piano. It was a big black shiny piano. What happens during these concerts? I looked around making sure that no one was looking. I climbed up the big steps and made my way towards the piano. I started to play a few keys, but then I found myself singing Not About Angels.

"How unfair is just our love?

Found something that's out if touch..."

I didn't notice that my voice got louder, or that fans could be watching me. I just focused on singing the song. My eyes were closed and I don't know how I still haven't messed up. I finished the song with my hands still on the keys and with my eyes watering but I didn't want to cry. I heard clapping, but it didn't sound like it was close. I turned to see about twenty fans spread out. I smiled weakly and waved. A few of them squealed others whispered excitingly to their friend. I started to walk towards them which caused them to scream. I laughed. I walked towards the first group of girls. "Hi!" I was going to shake the girls hand but she wrapped her arms around me. "Group hug!" I yelled. The girls that were standing behind us jumped over the seats to hug me. "Princess?" Niall asked. He had his mic and since this place has very little people it echoed. "Yes?" I asked letting go of the girls. "What're you doing?" He asked getting closer to us. "They heard me say something and now I'm going to pay them to not say anything!" I joked. He burst put laughing. Some of the girls were crying. "What did you guys hear her say?" Louis asked scaring me.

"We heard her sing, but I don't think we were supposed to." The red-head said. I probably looked like a tomato. "Oh so little Alex becoming confident all of a sudden?" Louis teased. I face palmed. "I didn't know they were here." I mumbled. "Yeah, okay." Both of them scoffed and took pictures with the fans.


Harry's POV

"Shit." I was nearly hit with a bra. I heard Niall laugh from afar which caused me to chuckle. Right now we were answering twitter questions. "Hey Harry! Look at this one!" Niall pointed to the screen. What I saw made me both sad and happy. My face broke into a grin. It said 'Can you bring Alex on stage?'. "Who asked that one? Oh wait she's right there!" I walked towards where Liam was pointing. "Do you guys want to see Alex?" I asked the fans. I heard a lot of screams and a lot of yes's. "I'll be right back!" I yelled over to Liam. He nodded. I quickly made went backstage trying to find Alex. I found her playing tag with Dylan. "Alex, the fans want to see you on stage." I said. I think she got it. The two kids ran out, continuing their game.


Alex's POV

I was greeted with a lot of screams. That made me run faster. "Get over here!" Dylan shouted. "No leave me!" I shouted. I jumped off the stage in hope he would stop following me but that didn't work. Now I have Dylan chasing me and fans trying to grab me. So I tried to cartwheel my way on to the stage and I did! I let out a sigh of relief. I stopped for a second to catch my breathe but then I was lifted onto someone's shoulders. I screamed and clung to ... Harry. "Jesus Christ! Don't ever do that to me!" I playfully smacked his head. He burst out laughing. Then literally from the big screens, you see me singing Not About Angels. I probably would have run off stage by now if I wasn't on Harry's shoulders. I heard a few fans singing along. "Who did that?" I asked. "Well there was a camera on the drums and I don't think you noticed. So now you're singing in front of 60,000 people, somewhere around there." Harry explained. My eyes widened. "Okay I want to go back with Luke!" I said trying to get off his shoulders. "No! They want you here and I want you here." He said looking up at me. "Well they've already heard me sing so, I should leave." I did a back bend to get off his shoulders, and it worked. "I could do that to." Harry said stubbornly and showed me. I decided might as well do it to. "Like father like daughter!" I heard Liam say into his mic. I'm pretty sure everyone's eyes were on us now. I got up to go find Dylan. I was just about to walk away when Harry took my hand in is and wrapped his arms around me. "Please don't pick me up!" I shook my head. But that was the exact thing he did. I rolled my eyes, but clung to him. "You're embarrassing." I mumbled. I must've said that into the mic because some fans started laughing.

This was another eventful day but, aren't all?


I know I said I would update on saturday or Sunday and today's a Monday...

It's because yesterday was my moms birthday and no matter what she made me stay with the family so I couldn't update but today I finished so here you go!

Ilysm 😘❤💋 wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!

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