Birthday Pt. 2

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. Hello!!! Long time no see, huh? Well here is the chapter I promised soooo..... READ!!!******************************************************************************************************************Aex's POV
I came out of the movie theatre laughing. Dad looked tramatized or something it was so funny. "So Dad, where to next? Dad? Dad? DAD?!?"

"Huh? What?" He said. "I asked you where to next?" I told him. "Oh, well I told the lads I would meet them back at the flat at around 3 o'clock, and it's 2:30. So in twenty minuts we'll be heading back, alright?' he asked.

"Sure that's fine. But why do we have to be back at 3?" I asked. "Because we'll open presents when we get home.'' He stated. "And Lou probably doesn't want to wrap the rest.'' He chuckled. "Louis was wrapping the presents? Is that the reason why I didn't see him this morning?" I asked.

"Yeah, poor lad. He was trying all night trying to wrap a box the size of your pinky!" Dad laughed. I laughed to. "He rally stayed up that late trying to wrap a Box that small?" I chuckled. Dad nodded. "Stupid, Lou.'' I sighed. We arrived at park seconds later. "Why are we here?" I asked. Dad shrugged. "Well I know you didn't have a normal childhood so I thought maybe we could spend some time here.''

"That's nice.'' I said. "Well I am a nice guy ,so...". That cheeky bastard. I realized I called my Dad a bastard but it was a nice way. Not a mean way, so don't judge! Dad grabbed my hand and pulled it gently. "What game do you want to play?" Dad asked. I thought for a moment. Before i cold even reply, Dad pushed me gently and yelled 'tag'. Then sped off. If thats how he's going to play might as well play the same way.

I started to run after him, he was fast, but I was faster. I caught up to him a few seconds later since we didn't really give head starts. "TAG!" I yelled. "Hey no fair! you're young! I'm an old man! I think i shoud get a 30 second head start!" He complained. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.'' I chuckled.

Dad smiled.

(20 minutes later).

Dad and I were lying on the grass. We were playing until Dad tripped and fell. I tried to help him, but he pulled me down with him. "What time is it?" Dad asked. "It's time for us to head back." I said looking at my old watch. It was like four years old, its a wonder how it still works. It's fallen, stepped on, been broken twice, and it really rusty.

"Let's go home.'' Dad said enthusiasticlly. I chuckled. I actually don't want this day to end, it has been the best birthday ever and it probably still hasn't started. Dad and i held hands as we made our way home. We got ther shortly after, even on time. Dad fumbled with the keys but eventually opened the door.

I noticed everyone was here except Brianna. The 5 Seconds of Summer guys were here to. "ALEX!!" Luke shouted. "LUKE!!" I shouted with the same amount of enthusiasum. Louis came in the room with a grumpy look on his face. His features became more rlaxed when he saw me. "Happy birthday, Alex!" Louis smiled. "Thank you, Lou.'' I politely replied.

"Present time! Me first!" Dylan shouted. I chuckled.
I started ripping the peper open when louis shouted,''Hey! I spent a lot of time on those. Unwrap them easy and gently!''. I shrugged and continued ripping them, which caused Louis to roll his bright blue eyes.

The box was really big, I opened it to find another box. Then another one, then another one, until the box was the size of my palm. I raised and eyebrow.

"Just shut up and open it!" Perrie demanded. "Alright! Calm down!" I chuckled. I opened the box to see it was a charm bracelet. It had the words , Happy Birthday Alex, written on little charms. The only person that knew I wanted a charm bracelet was Dylan. Did he buy this? "What do you think?" Dylan asked nervously.

"How did you afford this?" I narrowed my eyes. "Dad." He replied. I know his Dad would have never given him money so he probably had to 'borrow'. I didn't feel guilty at all because Dylan and I always 'borrow' from his Dad.

"We'll it's really nice. Thank you friend." I smiled. "You're welcome, friend" He smiled back. "Alright, shut up about this friend stuff and open my present!" Niall grumbled. "Alright!" I chuckled. I opened the medium sized box to find, a black SnapBack that said Princess in pink letters.
I laughed. "Thank you, Niall!". "Mine next!" Perrie squealed. It was in a small box, I opened it to find a pair of shoes, a white crop top, and a black pencil skirt. Perrie then handed me another box the same size. My eyes widened.

"I couldn't help myself!" Perrie blushed. "It's fine, I just hope you didn't buy the whole store again!" I chuckled.

She shrugged. I opened this box to find another white crop top, some black leather shorts, and a SnapBack with the word BOY in bold white letters. Everyone was silent as I opened the presents. She put another box on my lap. I shook my head, which caused Niall to laugh. I let out a small giggle because of Niall's laugh, it's contagious.

This time I got a grey pencil skirt with black flowers on it, a white shirt with the the London flag or whatever on it, and some suspenders to go with it.

Perrie handed me another box. "Aunt Perrie? Is this the last one?" I asked slowly. "Yes! Now hurry up and open it before I do!" She demanded. I opened it to find another outfit. Shocker, right? Well this time it was a black and white suit thing or whatever with some sunglasses and a very nice pair of shoes. "Thank you for all the gifts that you brought.'' I smiled. "You're welcome.'' She replied smiling.

 ''ME NEXT-OI MICHEAL STOP DOING THAT!" Zayn shouted as Micheal was slowly moving his hand up his thigh. "You're cheating on me with Micheal!?!" Perrie shouted playfully. Zayn's eyes widened. "What?! Baby I'm sorry will you ever be able to let this go?" 

 "I don't know. Maybe it'll have to last till midnight!" Perrie smirked. I laughed. "good one, Micheal!" I said. He smiled. "OK so here is my present.'' Zayn said. He handed me a bax almost the size of my hair, and it's pretty long!

 I opened it to find pictures, but not somerandom pictures. It was the first picture Zayn and I took when Dad adopted me. It also has the other guys in it, but the weren't in color, only Zayn and I. Overall it was a really good present. Probably the winner. "Thank you, it's a lovely picture, Zen'' I smiled up at him. He chuckled. "You're welcome, babe.'' Zayn replied. ''Hey, first Niall calling her Princess, now you calling her 'babe'

     ! What do I get?!" Dad shouted. "You get to call me your daughter,Dad.'' I said. It now dawned on Dad that I was his daughter. I chuckled at the sight of Dad. His mouth was opened but he had a smile on his lips.His eyes looked even brighter than usual to. He's adorable, and I say this in a father, daughter way. 

  He wrapped his arms around my small frame. It looked like a person hugging a gant teddy bear, really. But then again it was just me and Dad.

  Everyone continued with the presents until it was finally seven o'clock and i heard the doorbell. "I'll get it!" I said before anyone else could say anything. I left the kitchen to the living room. I opened the door to find.....

 *^*^*^*^*^**^*^^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* A/N Hey guys. Well the birthday is now over even though it is still her birthday. I don't know if that makes sence but, ow well. I wanted to leave a little cliffhanger for you guys. So, who do you think was at the door. Please let me know if you think you know who that person is. Ilysm wear a smile!!!


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