Chapter 26

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Hey guys! I just wanted to started the chapter by saying Lyss is super cool and is literally the best person you'll ever meet! ;)

___________________________________________________Harry's POV

It's was New Years Eve and Dylan couldn't make it do to him getting worse and Scarlett doesn't know what's going on with him.

I won't lie, I do fancy Scarlett. I invited her to the party hoping for the best. What surprised me the most was that she said yes. The party starts at 7 o'clock and right now it's 6:34. I'm wearing a red and black flannel with a white t-shirt under, black skinny jeans, and converse. Not that great but it'll do.

I haven't seen Alex, so I don't know what she's going to wear. I just hope it doesn't make that Lucas kid happy. I know, I know, I'm already such a protective father. I mean, c'mon, you have to at some point! I'm just really worried that Alex may get her first kiss tonight.

The thought makes the hair on my neck stand. I was walking up the stairs to tell Alex we should start setting things up for the party, but just as I was about to do so she opened the door revealing what she was wearing. I let out a sigh of relief.

She quirked an eyebrow. I shook my head grinning.

"Tell meee..." She whined. "No!"






"Yes! Wait, fuck!"

She laughed. "Tell me!" I let out another sigh. "Fine," I grumbled. "I'm just glad you didn't wear anything ... revealing, like high waisted shorts!"



"Because why...?"

"Because of boys, and how they are dirty, selfish, ignorant pricks that don't need to look at my daughter!"

She laughed. I heard her mumble of how much of an idiot I am. I scoffed. Alex chuckled. "C'mon we have to set up party stuff, we're nearly done we just need to put the drinks and shit on the tables."

"Alright!" She grinned.

^•^•^ It is now 9:34 ^•^•^

Alex's POV

It's been almost three hours into the party and its been fun. I have Lucas to keep me company and I'm texting Dylan whenever he wants to talk to me.

Lucas and I have been watching these videos of teens react. It's really funny but scary as shit.

Right now we are watching a video of this Outlast video game. It's the fifth of the five videos so the last one.

"AAAHHH!!" Lucas and I screamed. It was the part where the 'doctor' is chasing the person into the elevator. Turns out the person makes it and the 'doctor' dies.

(He was cut in half)

I let out a sigh of relief. "That was ... an interesting video." Lucas said checking under the bed. I nodded. "So what do you want to do?"

"I'm hungry, do you want to go downstairs and look for something that isn't alcohol?" He chuckled.

"Sure." So he led me out of the room with his hand on my back. In the middle so if Dad spotted us he wouldn't kill Lucas right away.

We made our way towards the kitchen, but having a conversation with drunk Niall first. "Sooo what're you crazy kids doin' tonight?!" He slurred. I blushed, and it looks like Lucas did the same. "Nothing, sir. We're just hanging out in Alex's room."

He had to shout over the music since someone turned the volume up. "Well, of you change your mind, USE PROTECTION!!" He had to shout his last words since I walked away holding Lucas's hand. There I found a sober Harry and Scarlett. Harry saw me holdings hands with Lucas and sent daggers at Lucas.

Scarlett watched with an amused smile. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"We were hungry so we came down to get some food." The music wasn't that loud in the kitchen considering the has is sound proof, but it was still heard.

Scarlett bent over and whispered into my ear, "If he's the guy your going to kiss, make it special. Alright?"

I didn't do a very good job at trying not to blush. I probably looked like a tomato. Harry seemed to notice and he narrowed his eyes giving me a questioning look. I shook my head as if it was nothing.

"Alright, but you have to do the same!" She gave me a questioning look then it dawned on her. She blushed madly. "Can you tell?" Scarlett asked. "It's pretty obvious!" I shrugged. "Okay can we talk about this when people aren't around us, please?" She then blushed deeper.

"Whenever you want, Babe!" I winked. I then just noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing a black dress about mid thigh, the dress was covered in lace, so were the sleeves but they were see through. And she wore black wedges with her hair in a bun. It was one of those where its messy but looks like you spent hours trying to perfect it.

"Nice dress." I grabbed a few snacks from the cabinets then took Lucas's hand. "Let's go!"

We made our way through the grinding bodies and up the stairs. Not before I heard a familiar song.

"Tell me baby is it crazy..."

I smiled and continued to walk towards my room. I dropped the food on my desk and set on the bed drinking some apple cider. I would feel bad but it's really good. And besides, some kids my age already lost their virginity so it doesn't matter if I drink apple cider, right?

((A/N I'm skipping the hours to get to the good stuff!! And if you don't want to find out, make your own little chapter of what happened to 9:34 - 11:59))

It was 11:59 and we were in the living room by the stairs talking. Everyone was buzzing about watching this ball thing drop. I was nervous. I mean what if no one wants to kiss me? What if someone does kiss me and I'm not a good kisser? I don't know but I'm hoping for the best.

I then heard everyone screaming out numbers. "10, 9, 8,"

It's coming. "7, 6, 5, 4,"

I'm literally almost shaking, I'm trying hard not to.

"3, 2, 1,-"

Ifelt someone's lips crash into mine. They were soft. I melted into the kiss.

I pulled back breathless. I whispered "Happy New Year."


So I don't know what to say but tell you, Harry is pissed! I know a lot of you won't do this but can you tell me some of your thoughts about the kiss?

I know it's weird but it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

Ilysm😘❤💋 wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!


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