Chapter 10

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Ok so I want to make a few changes to the story. Instead of Alex having normal brown hair she can have blue, white, pink, I don't care I wanted to let you guys vision her like how u guys want to. And her outfit choices don't have to be the ones I pick. Ok now start reading!! :)

************************************************************************************* Alex's POV

I woke up the next afternoon, at 3:00. Last night was CRAZY!! So when we wanted to watch a movie everybody wanted to watch something else. Liam wanted Toy Story, Niall wanted Finding Nemo, I wanted Let Me In, Dad wanted Love Actually, Louis wanted Annabelle, Perrie and Zayn didn't really care because they were off snogging in their room. I now know what snogging means, so every time someone mentions it I start giggling. I call Harry, Dad now, but only in my mind. So we did watch all of the movies but from youngest to oldest. I wasn't complaining. I ended up going to bed I think at 2:00 in the morning. I remember the boys starting a pizza fight around midnight, it was fun until Louis "accidentally" hit Niall in the face. I got up and went through my drawers trying to find some undergarments and clothes. I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom. I started to strip out of my clothes. I looked in the mirror and saw the scars all over my arms. I like to think my self as a tiger that earned her stripes, I mean c'mon whats a tiger without its stripes? I took about ten minutes in there until I turned the water off. I dried myself off and started dressing into a pink plaid tutu dress, white tights, black pumps, and a grey sweater that ended about where the tutu started. Since Perrie was taking me to get my hair and nails done, I didn't do anything with it. I walked out of my bathroom and room, down the stairs, into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. I got a bunch of strawberries and started cutting them in half. I put them in a bowl, and started to put a lot of whipped cream on top. That way the breakfast is healthy and not healthy. I don't know if that made sense. Oh well. Right then, Dad walked through the kitchen doors groggily rubbing his eyes. "Good morning, Dad." My eyes widens in realization.

In that moment I felt someone giving me a really tight hug. "I love you!" He said. I wrapped my arms around him as well, "I love you too, Dad!" I told him. I could feel my sweater getting soaked but I didn't care. After what I think was the last of his crying, my dad looked up. His eyes were a bit red and puffy, "Do you really think of me as a dad?" He asked. I gave him a cheeky smile and said, "Do you think I think that you think of that I think I think of you as a dad?.

I was trying to confuse him and I think it worked. "I don't know what you said but I'm going to take that as a yes!" Dad said messing up my hair. "Do you want some?" I asked. "Sure, I'm going to go to the bathroom." He said. "Ok." I muttered. As soon as he left, that son of a bitch entered to kitchen. "What are you looking at, dick?!" She snapped. I smiled and replied,

" My name is not dick, so keep it out of your mouth bitch!". Brianna rolled her eyes. She got a glass of water then said, " Are you going to eat that because it doesn't look like enough to feed a fat slut like you!" Brianna snarled. I clenched my jaw. I didn't say anything just got two forks and left the kitchen. I sat on the couch and waited for Dad to come back. He came out of the bathroom a minute after. "Are you ready to go shopping with your Auntie?" Dad smirked. I groaned. "I don't want to go! I rather slam my tongue on a car door!!" I grumbled. "Doesn't matter! Your going shopping wether you like it or not!" He said still smirking. We ate in silence watching the Telly. Forty minutes later Aunt Perrie came down the stairs all dressed up, and ready to go shopping. "Yay you have more color on today!!" She yelled enthusiastically. "Ready to go shopping?" Aunt Perrie asked. "I guess!" I grumbled.

************************************************************A/N ok so this is a filler chapter to keep you guys happy. Ilysm <3 wear a smile :)!!!!

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