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.this may be the Epilogue but I still haven't edited :/


So I'll add an extra authors note after this chapter and I'll give you guys some details of what I'm thinking of writing. I love you guys so muc! You've been amazing and you have given me so many reads and votes its unbelievable.

Here ya have...


I set my little brother on my hip and started to walk towards the kitchen. There I saw Harry and my soon to be mother Scarlette. They've been together for seven years, since the boys have been touring and haven't been home as much as I would like, it's been hard for them but they both pulled through. "Dad have you seen my prom dress? I left it in the laundry room to dry." I asked. "You see, I don't like the dress. I know you're 18 and old enough to dress yourself  but I don't think that's appropriate, especially for your Senior Prom ." He added.

I rolled my eyes, then I remembered something. I narrowed my eyes . "You liked the dress, and you were in the same room with Dad when he hid it... Do you know where he hid it, Nathan?" I asked my three year old brother. "Yes, he put it in his room under his bed in a shoe box." Nathan said playing with his fingers.

"Hey! I thought you were on my side!' Harry got out of his chair and took Nathan from my arms. "Thank you. I have to get ready!" I gave Nathan a kiss on his temple and stuck my tongue out at Harry. I ran upstairs into Harry and Scarlette's room and looked for the shoe box. It was the only one so it was pretty easy to find. 

I took the dress out and admired it for a second. Our school decided we would have a 50's theme, just to make it fun. I think it's a great idea. Since women back then had a flat stomach and a big ass, it was a little hard trying to find a dress.  I wore a black and white 50's halter neck dress. I smiled. The dress looked really nice on me. 

Recently, I cut my hair about six inches so it's a lot shorter now and died it a few shades darker than I would normally have it. "Scarlette! Can you help me with something?" I used the door to block my dress, since it would be the first time Harry would be seeing it on me. That's why it's not appropriate for prom. "Sure, hold on." I heard her yell from downstairs. 

Once she got to my door I quickly walked out of the way, so Harry wouldn't be able to see me. "You look gorgeous! What do you need help with?" She asked, complimenting me as well. I blushed. "Thank you, Can you do my hair while I do my make up?" I asked. 

"Sure, what look do you want me to do?" She took the hairbrush from my dresser, and started to brush my hair getting rid of any tangles. "I was wondering if you could put my hair up and wrap a red bandana around it, that would be great." i smiled. "Alright, I'll be right back, I'm going to get the things for your hair." Scarlette quickly left the room and came back seconds later. 

Not wanting to waste anytime, we just started to do both what we had to do. For my make up, I decided on some dark red lipstick , mascara, a little bronzer, and some winged eyeliner. 


"All done." Scarlette spun my chair around so I could look at myself in the mirror. I gasped. It was supposed to be a simple hairstyle but she went all out. It was beautiful. "Thank you so much! I love it." I hugged her. "You're welcome. Hurry up and put your shoes on, your Lucas and Maya are going to be here any se-" Scarlette was cut off by a knock on the door. 

Maya came in holding some converse in her hand, she had on some black heels and she hates them so I think thirty minutes in she'll be in those converse. "Wow, Alex. You actually got dressed. No more sweatpants on Friday mornings, no more of Harry's t-shirts on your bedroom floor?" She jokingly asked. 

"You guys know how I feel about waking up early!" I pouted. "Well, c'mon. Your Prince Charming is downstairs. Don't want to keep him waiting now do we?" She smirked. "I'm coming, just let me get my shoes and my jacket." I quickly grabbed my red heels and my leather jacket. I decided I would also be taking and extra pair of converse just in case my feet got tired. 

Maya was wearing a bikers outfit, which suited her perfectly. Dylan, Maya, Lucas and I decided we would give off the bikers look just to spice it up a bit.  I walked out of my room to see my family standing at the bottom of the stairs. 

Niall, Liam, Louis, Lou, Lux, Tom, Harry, Nathan, Scarlette, Maya, and Lucas. Lucas. He looked amazing in a leather jacket. People started to look at me in awe. I think this a very casual 50's look. I don't see it as anymore than that. "Woah. You look amazing, Babe." Liam complimented. 

I took my first step down the stairs. "Thank you. Liam." I smiled. I took two more steps. "You look nice for Lucas, Alex." Nathan giggled. Harry didn't like that and glared at Lucas. "Oh, be quiet Nathan, reckon he's way better looking than you." I kissed Nathan on the nose. 

"I don't care, Mommy thinks I look handsomer than Daddy." He whispered in my ear. "And it's definatly true." I smirked. "Can all of you stand next to each other? I want to take a few pictures." Scarlette asked. "I'm fine with that, guys?" I looked around to see if they were fine with it. They all nodded. "It's fine as long as you get my good side." Dylan winked. 

"You don't have a good side." I rolled my eyes but smiled none-the-less. 

These past couple of years have been hard on me but these boys have changed me for the better and I can't wait to see what's in store for me in the future. I've stopped cutting. Scarlette helped me through most of it. The little bit left, Harry helped me. 

With Scarlette I know I can trust her and I know I'm in good hands. With Harry I feel more protected and loved. I really like that feeling. It makes me feel wanted and I am worthwhile. I'll never forget the day Harry saved me. 

He's my hero.



There you go guys I hope you've a lot of fun reading this because I've had so much fun writing it. I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone who has voted and that read all of these chapters. Wow. So I'll just be going now. 

For the last time,

Ilysm 😘❤💋 wear a smile my Beautiful Warriors!!

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