𝓒𝓱𝓹. 5 - 𝓕𝓸𝔁𝓮𝓼

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Its now sunrise 5:00AM . You wake up seeing that someone was beside you. You sit up rubbing your eyes before yawning and stretching. 

You turn to see who was next to you and spot a familiar pink haired man deep in his sleep.

You fell shock with your heart beating rapidly once again. You always get this feeling of sickness on your stomach every time your near him. A feeling of butterflies in your stomach. You didn't know why so you just shrugged it off thinking you we're just sick.

You notice it was very cold in the room and the fire in the fire place had already turn into ashes. You stand up looking around for something to cover him up.

You spot a familiar red cape hanging in the laundry room. You check if it clean and dry. You then take it and quietly run back to the living room. 

You then put the cape around him to keep him warm. You notice it was still cold. Its the Middle of September so it explains why the weather is so cold. 

You then start morphing into your full on half Enderman ability. Half of your hair had turn pitch black with neon purple streaks. Your face had more Bigger black marks surrounding your right glowing purple eye. You look out the window checking if you can spot sticks around or branches. 

You spot a. orange fox roaming around holding a big stick on its mouth. You teleport infront of it startling it.

"May I have that little one?" You asked gently while crouching down.

It looked terrified but was calmed by the aura your giving it. It nods at puts down the stick. 

"May I ask. Where else can I find stick like these?" You asked smiling while petting it.

It didnt run away but instead made a weird sound startling you. Soddenly you hear little footstep running towards you. You felt your heart beating thinking you were about go get eaten or even worse just straight up killed.

But then more white foxes appeared with stick on their mouth. You felt shocked as how many foxes were there.

"Oh my- Thank you so much!" You laugh and smile. They all drop the stick into your arms while making more weird little noises.

"Ill be back with food okay? I love you little cuties" You smile feeling your heart melting.

You teleport back into the living room quietly placing the stick's. Your then cast a purple fire setting the sticks on fire. But the glow of the fire was purple making the view look somewhat beautiful. 

You then teleport to the kitchen spotting a basket of berries. You take 1/3 of the berries inside the basket and teleported away not noticing Tubbo, Wilbur and Tommy eating cereal staring at you in confusion.

You then placed the berries on the ground where the foxes were waiting.

"Here you go! As I promised! Bye bye little ones!" You smile waving at them before teleporting back in the kitchen facing the out the window where you look at the foxes eating.

"Y/n-?" Said Wilbur

You yell getting sacred before turning around holding up your hands ready to fire back.

"Woah woah Its us!" Said Wilbur who immediately Hid under the table same with Tommy and Tubbo.

"Wilbur?!" You whispered yell.

"Yes! Yes! Its me Tommy and Tubbo-!" He whispered yell. 

You sigh in relief as you turn back to your normal human form.

"Holy shit Y/n what form was THAT?" Aske Tommy

"Its nothing. Anyways I didnt know you guys were awake jeez-" You laugh

"We have been here ever since we spotted you stealing berries." Laughed Tubbo

"Ah sorry about that- You see some foxes out there were helping me collect sticks to create fire for Techno to warm up in the fireplace. I had to repay them back of course!" You said trying to hide your red cheeks

"You spoke with foxes-" Asked Tommy

"Well I spoke to their leader? I think that was their leader. It was an Orange fox with a cute hat and a collar." You said as you sit down next to Tubbo.

"wait wait... What did the collar had on?" Asked Wilbur.

"Oh! Its name was Fundy!" You responded while eating some berries you had.

"That wasn't a fox. Well Technically he IS a fox but hes an anthropomorphic fox that can morph into a little fox. And He's Wilbur's son" Said Tommy

You stared at Wilbur confused. "Son?! A Fox!?" You asked

"And He fucked a Salmon" Added Tommy.

You were straight up confused at how Human + Salmon = Fox.

"Dont ask." Said Wilbur facepalming

"I wont. I wont" You said looking away while still eating your berries.

 »»————- ♡ ————-««

After you all finished you all went to the living room to check if Technoblade's awake.

When you got there Tommy immediately points at the purple fire in the fire place.

Tubbo and Tommy ran to the fire place staring at the way the fire danced and glow. 

"Did you do that?" Asked Wilbur completely amazed 

"Yes... I don't know how to light a match... Or start a fire with a flint or steel-" You said feeling embarrassed 

Suddenly you felt a tug on your arm. You check who or what it was and saw Technoblade awake rubbing his eyes yawning.

He looks up and noticed his hand holding yours. He immediately lets go looking away. 

"I uhh- Sorry about that. Bad Habit.." He said apologizing 

The others just started laughing while you laughed and said it was alright.

Footsteps were heared from the hall ways and when they saw who it was. Its was Phil all dressed up and ready.

"Oh nice. Everyones awake. Go get ready. Were going to visit Dream, we must go formal." He commanded and the rest of us followed so.

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