𝓒𝓱𝓹. 6 - 𝓒𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮

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As Phil got everyone's attention and had told them about to wear. They were confused on what to wear. But Phil had told them to just go to their room because the maids had already prepared their suits and a custom Dress for Y/n.

"Wait what? For me?" You asked feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yes Indeed Y/n. Don't worry its not much trust me! The Dress and the suit Technoblade is wearing was hand made by fellow friends. Niki, Hannah Rose, and Eret." Said Phil giving a wink to Technoblade.

Technoblade was a bit confused on why his friends had made a custom outfit for him and Y/n but they just shrugged it off and headed to their rooms.

Once you get near your room you could hear slight whispering behind your door. You were confused and worried but you just thought it was just the maids here to help you out.

Once you opened the door you immediately got jumped with a hug by a short girl with short pink hair.

"Hello!" She lets go smiling at you. You were confused at who she was but felt like dying because of how adorable she looked.

"I'm Niki! And I'm here to help you with the dress! This is my friend Eret!" She then moves out of the way for you to see a tall man with glasses wearing a butler outfit with a strawberry choker on. Damn his style looks fuckin awesome.

"Hello there!" He waves.

"I uhm- I'm-" You then got cut off by Niki. "Y/n! yes! Technoblade's soulmate yeah?"

You look at her genuinely confused.

"Soulmate? What's that?" You asked. The both rolled their eyes playfully.

"Oh please don't act like you don't know sweets." Smirked Eret.

"I'm sorry but. I seriously don't know..." You awkwardly smile.

The two looked at each other confused and a bit worried.

"We'll lets just say~ a soulmate could be something similar towards a romantic relationship~ Y'know" Smirked Niki.

Your smile then fell into a frown. Your hear felt sunk after hearing the words she had said. You could feel your heart slightly burning making you cough.

"Hey there- Woah woah!" Eret took your hand and sat you down in a chair next to your bed.

"Sorry... I uh-... Theres a slight problem." You smile weekly trying not to make eye contact.

"You see. I'm cursed." The two look at you shocked.

"What? Huh?" Niki then worriedly patted your back.

"I'm forbidden to fall inlove. And If I do. My heart would slowly wither away." You sight as you clench on the armrest of the chair.

The duo looked at each other with a very worried look. Niki felt horribly sad as she couldn't think of words to cheer you up.

"Is there... A way to reverse it?" Asked Eret.

"There actually is." You nod

Niki's face lift happy again as she asked "What is it? Maybe we could help you!" 

"I have to save my brother first. He has this ring that I own that my mother gave me. I have his ring. We accidentally swapped rings when we both were stuck on a heavy fight. These rings are actually charms that are powerful enough to lift a curse or even curse someone. But all I really want to pay attention first is to find my brother." You smile.

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