𝓒𝓱𝓹. 19 - 𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓐 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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»»————- ♡ ————-««

After the party had ended everyone said their goodbye's. Felis and her father were the first ones to leave after getting embarrassed by the twins.

"You will pay!" Yelled the girl to you before leaving. All you did was flip her off and rolled your eyes making her even angrier and storm off.

"I have no idea what have gotten into her." Said Technoblade who still is surprised by his friends actions.

"Who even is she?" You asked.

"She's a childhood friend. I used to like her, but she rejected me because of my two lower teeths." He said with sigh.

"Well I find them cute. Gosh she has horrible taste of men." You joked.

Technoblade then let out a little laugh before he takes your hand bringing you back inside the castle.

"Man what a night!" Said Tommy who seemed like he had a little too much chocolate.

"Indeed. It was very lovely indeed. Congrats again big man." Wilbur then pats his brother at the back.


"Wheres Dadza and Mumza?" Asked Tubbo.

"Making us another little brother or sister" Joked Tommy.

Phil then peeked his head in the corner glaring at Tommy.

"I- Uhm- Aha Just kidding" Said Tommy who nervously shifted behind you trying to hide. Making everyone else laugh.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

[Technoblade's POV]

Today really was an interesting night. And probably the best day of my life.

Y/n and Ranboo finally returned from their journey. I'm now crowned king and I actually shared my first dance with her. 

After a moment... I remember something-

»»————- ♡ ————-««


"Phil. Do you really think she'll come back?" I asked feeling worried.

"If she does love you mate. She will come back. Don't worry." He responded patting my back.

"Well. Do you think she will like it?" I asked feeling even more nervous.

"Stop worrying Big man. For sure she will love it." He then says goodnight heading to his shared room with Mom.

I sigh alone at the west wing balcony. I'm just out here looking around hoping to see her at least. 

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"Hey.. Y/n... Can we go somewhere for a sec?" I asked nervously 

She then looks at me curiously "Where? Its almost 12AM you know." She responded.

"Trust me. Ill just show you something." I then take her hand once again pulling her out of the castle. I then turn to look at Phil sending him the signal.

Phil's expression went to grumpy to extreme excite and shock as he immediately runs to my room getting something.

I then send signals to Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur. They too change expressions, immediately running to different directions. 

'They better not fuck this up...' I think to myself.  

"So where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere you will never forget." I smile back at her.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

[No POV - With The Boys]

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"ITS HAPPENING. ITS HAPPENING." Yelled Philza waking up Kristine.

"SAY WHAT!?" Yelled Eret and Niki who bursted their door room open. They still had their face masks on scaring Tubbo and Tommy.


Tommy then immediately runs full speed to Ranboo and Y/n's room.

Tommy then kicks the door open breaking it on the process.

"RANBOO CODE 478!" Yelled Tommy making the poor Enderman jump out of bed.



"FUCKING DAMMIT GET OUT OF BED AND TELEPORT ME TO DREAM AND GEORGE'S ROOM!" Yelled the blonde who immediately pulls Ranboo.

Ranboo then smacks Tommy making them both teleport to Dream and Georges room.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BOTH DOING HERE-" Yelled Dream who had George sleeping peacefully in his chest 

"CODE 478" Yelled Tommy and Ranboo.

Dream only reacted with.

[ Loading... Loading...]

"OH. OH. OOOH!" Dream then shakes George waking him up.

"What the fu--..." Said George who squinted his eyes.

"Babe its Code 478." Whispered Dream. Making Tommy Cringe same with Ranboo.

George immediately pulls Dream and jumps out of bed holding on Ranboo.

"TELEPORT US NOW. IMMEDIATELY." George yelled with the most British voice ever. 

Wilbur already has all the stuff needed.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Ranboo.

Everyone around him yelled yes.

In a few seconds their out.

"Where the-" Said Tubbo who was late in grabbing the popcorn.

Ranboo then pops back. Hugging Tubbo like a stuff animal and teleporting back where everyone else was. 

»»————- ♡ ————-««

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