Your guys first kiss PART 1

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Charlie: You guys went on a few dates,this one was simple though. You guys just walked around in the light of the city. Charlie already knew he found his person,his love. He turned to you and said, "Hey y/n,I've been thinking." "Well Charlie that's never a good sign." "I know,but I've been thinking about us." "Well what about us?" "It's too hard to put in words.So I'm hoping when I do this you don't tell coach, or try to kill me." "What do you mean-" He pulled you close and connected his lips with yours. At first you didn't know how to react,but after a little you guys pulled apart.
"Wow- I mean- that was great y/n, I should be taking you home coach will be worried."

Adam: It was you and Adam's 5th date,you guys went to your favorite place, the lake. It was the afternoon and you decided to take Adam to your favorite place it was only about 3 blocks away and around a little forest. You guys were dipping your feet into the water when you turned to Adam. "Hey banks?" "What's up shorty?" "Nevermind" "No what's up?" "It's fine" "Just tell me" "I can't put it into words" "Then show me?" You pulled him gently by his neck and laid a gentle kiss on his lips. He was in shock. "That's what I mean banks" you say in silence for a few seconds. "But obviously you aren't into me the same way I am into you." You got up grabbed your stuff and started to walk away. "Wait y/n!" You turned around and saw him, the guy you just kissed. This time instead of you pulling him in he pulled you in a planted a delicate kiss on your lip. You guys pulled apart and looked in each others eyes. Then you heard a familiar voice,your brother. "Y/N MENDOZA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Oops- looks like I gotta go. Bye banks!"

Guy: you guys were about 12, you and guy never had a first kiss so you guys decided that your guys first kiss should be with each other. "Guy! I just had a great idea! Wanna hear it?!" "Uh- sure" "since we both haven't ever kissed someone we should have our first kiss be with each other." "Hmm, I mean it's not a stupid idea.... Let's do it." "Ok..." you guys both leaned in and he pecked your lips. He got up and ran away giggling, probably to go tell Charlie.

Dean: You we're lying in bed and had cramps you got your period today,you've had your period before but your cramps were bad this time. You were curled up in a little ball on your bed,when you heard rocks being thrown at your window. You squirmed out of your bed and went to your window. You opened your window and looked down, when you did a little pebble hit your head. You cursed and saw Dean standing there throwing rocks at your window. "Ohhh hey y/n." "What do you want dean?" "Geez,ow that hurt." "Sorry my cramps are hurting." "Oh where's Connie?" "Out with guy." "Oh ok well I'll be back in a few unlock your door." He said then he ran away.oh lord what is he up to. But you still went downstairs and unlocked the front door. About 20 minutes later you were reading a book and you heard someone open the door. "Dean?" "Yeah it's me" you went back to reading then dean stumbled through the door. "Hey y/n!" He had 3 bags in his hand. He came and put the bags down on your bed. You put your book down and looked at him, "My lord Portman what do you get?" "Well, you said you were on your lady days, I got you some stuff." "Oh Portman come here" he came by you and sat on your bed next to you. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. You guys moved in perfect sync. When you pulled away you said a quiet, "thanks Portman"

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