Luis mendoza Imagine

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You are adams twin in this imagine

Luis slept the night at your house last night since Adam and your parents weren't home. You guys didn't do anything,just watched movies.

You guys fell asleep around 2 A.M. the next morning you guys woke up at 9 since you had practice at 11.

You woke up first,and you were laying on Luis chest basically on top of him. You rolled off of him and laid next to him. You poked his chest. "Luis,cmon wake up" he stirred but still wasn't awake. "Cmon Luis,if Adam comes home he's gonna kill you" he still wasn't awake.

You started peppering kisses all over his face. You saw his eyes open real quick but quickly close. "Babe I know your awake" you started kissing his face again. "Luis I swear to god wake up" "fineeeee" he said while opening his eyes. "How'd you sleep Mrs. Mendoza" "I'm not your wife Luis" "not yet now baby how'd you sleep?" "Good how bout you" "I always sleep good while I'm next to you"

he came close to to and was gonna kiss you. You moved away from his face. "What was that for?" "I hate morning breath" "but it's my morning breath" " I don't care" "kiss meeee" "no love" he tried to kiss you again. And once again you swerved. " why are you being mean?"
"I just don't wanna kiss you with morning breath. Actually I don't care about your morning breath, I just don't want you tasting mine." "But I love every part of you" "well too bad babe. I think we can sleep for another 30 minutes, I'm exhausted" Luis didn't answer just laid back down. You laid on top of him and fell asleep.

"Shoot Luis." "LUIS WAKE UP" "what?" "We overslept it's 10:30" "dang it-" he said getting out of your bed. "You ahve some clothes here just change in the bathroom" "Ok" you started to brush your hair and Luis came out of the bathroom. "Give me a second and we can drive" "will do I'm going to run down to the kitchen." You could tell Luis was mad but he got mad over the littlest things.  I wonder if he's on his man period  you thought to yourself.

You got Changed and grabbed your duffel bag. You saw Luis eating cereal talking to your mom. "Cmon Luis we need to go" you kissed you mom on the cheek,grabbed your keys,and pulled Luis out the door.

When you got in the car you started it. After 2 minutes you turned to Luis, "what's up with you?" "Nothing" "don't lie" "fine... you didn't give me a kiss" "what" "you never gave me a kiss" "are you serious, your mad at me cause I didn't give you a kiss" "yeah" "your a big baby" "but I'm your baby" "ya I know" you guys pulled into the parking lot and started walking. You walked to the Locker room and everyone was staring at you guys. "What?" "Why are you guys so late" "we woke up late" Luis was just staying quiet. You guys changed then went on the ice and skated around.

"Hey you guys wanna go grab lunch?" Charlie said while everyone was changing. "Sure" Luis just stayed quiet. You guys all hopped into your cars and drove to this restaurant you guys usually go after practice.  You sat next to Luis who was still being silent. Averman sat on the other side of you. "Hey Luis" Adam yelled at him. He nodded. "Someone pissed in your Apple Jacks?" He just shook his head. "What's wrong?" Connie said looking at him. I didn't give him a good morning kiss." "Why not?" Charlie asked. "Cause I had morning breath" "Well did you kiss him at all this morning?" "no" "then what are you waiting for banks! Kiss him!!" You looked at Luis who still looked depressed. You grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. "You happy now?" "Yep"

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