Dean portman imagine

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You were about to fall asleep since it was 2 and you have practice tomorrow. You heard a knock at your front door. You were wondering who would come at this hour. You grabbed a knife from your kitchen just in case. You looked through your peephole and saw your boyfriend,Dean Portman, standing at your front door. You realized he had a cut lip,a bloody nose,a lot of blood on him,and a black eye.

"My goodness Dean,what happened?" You said as he walked in your apartment. "I got in a fight" he said not making eye contact. You absolutely hated when he got in fights. You just didn't like them. "Dean I told you,no more fights" " I know love,but this guy was a jerk" he said while walking to your bathroom. "What'd he do?" "...he said you were hot" "portmannnnn" you said as he sat on your toilet so you could clean him up. "I know but your mineeee"

"Sweetheart, I know I'm yours. But you don't have to fight other people cause they think I'm hot" you said getting peroxide and putting it on a cotton ball. You pressed it gently on his cheeks to clean up this nasty cut. "Did he pull  out blade?" "No,he wore rings" "Portman,are you trying to turn into Johnny?" "Maybe" he said looking up at you. You started cleaning up his bloody nose, after that you went to cleaning up the blood on his forehead. "Love,you look really good from this angle." "You only think cause... nevermind" he chuckled.

After about 10 minutes of cleaning his face,you got him some new clothes so he could change out of his dirty ones.

"Ok Portman, I'm going to wanna stay?" "Like here, with you?" "Yeah,it's 3" "ok" you guys laid in your bed and he snuggled right by you.

"I love you" "I love you too Dean now go to bed"

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