When he asked you to be his gf

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Charlie: After you and Charlie kissed you guys kinda dated but not officially. Coach Bombay didn't know how to feel about you and Charlie hanging out but he kept to himself. One day Charlie asked you to meet him at this garden place you guys always go to,it was kinda your guy's place. He asked you to dress up and go there. It was kinda weird cause he didn't usually care what you wore but you Still wore a dress. The dress went to your knees and was dark blue (or whatever color you want). You left to go to the garden at about 5:30 it was only a 10 minute walk. When you got there you saw a picnic blanket laid out nicely and Charlie watching the sunset (stay gold😭). "Charlie?" "Oh- I didn't know you were here, you look amazing." "You don't look bad either" you said laughing. You guys sat down and ate the food Charlie made a few hours before. Before you knew it it was 7 and the sun started going down. You watched the sunset while Charlie was looking at you. He thought you were beautiful. "Hey y/n,I need to ask ya something." "What's up Char?" "Well it's just..." "what's wrong Charlie?" "I- willyoubemygirlfriend?" "Ok slow down" "fine will you be girlfriend?" You were shocked. "Really?!? I mean YES!" He was so happy you said yes words couldn't describe it.

Adam: You and Adam were gonna have a movie night like you do every Saturday,it was your guys thing. You always have it at adams house because his house was nicer. It was around 7:30 so you decided that would be a good time to go,you told your parents you were going to the bank's and they said alright. It only took you like 10 minutes to g eat there and when you did you just opened the door and let yourself in Mrs.banks and Mr.banks were used to it since you come over often. You greeted them then went upstairs into adams room. He was just lying on his bed reading a book. "Heya Cake-eater,whatcha doinggg?" "My lord what did I tell you about calling me that." "Sorry but still what movie are we watching?" "I have no idea you can pick." You flopped down on his bed besides him. "LETS WATCH THE OUTSIDERS!!" "Come onnnn we always watch that!" "BUT MATT DILLON IS MY FAVORITE ACTOR" "Only cause you find him hot" "don't get jealous banksie,your good looking too." "Whatever." You turned on the outsiders and you guys started to watch it. When bob was being a jerk to Cherry you turned to Adam and said, "Ya know banksie I would be pissed if my boyfriend acted like that,you know you make great boyfriend material." "Well then how a bout I become your boyfriend,then no one else could have me." You looked at him. "Did you ask me to be your gf?" "I mean only if you-" you cut him off my kissing him. "Of course.

Guy: "GUY WHERE ARE YOU!" You ran around town screaming his name. You heard a girl from your school,Britney,talking and giggling. You hated Britney,she got everything she wanted,she was filthy rich,and just a jerk. You followed the voice and heard someone who sounded familiar talking to her. You turned the corner and there they were,Britney and Guy. They were talking,but oh lord she was close to him. Twirling her hair and giggling at his jokes. "Oh guy,you know I'm sure every girl would want you.your just so sweet." "Yeah,well I have my heart reserved for one girl,and one girl only." "And that is...." "None of your business." "But is it me guy tell me?" Then guess what she did,she pulled him in and KISSED HIM!!!! You walked away before you had to get your heart broken again. Little did you know that guy pulled away right after you walked away. He ran away from Britney and found you crying in a alley. He slowly walked up to you. "What's wrong?" "Oh well I just saw the guy who I thought was into be kiss a girl I hate." "You saw  -" "you and Britney yeah I did. And to make it worst you love a different girl. Who is it?" "You" "what" he pulled you in and kissed you. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. But now how a bout you be my girlfriend?" "You are so stupid but I guess."

Dean: You and Dean were chilling at your house doing nothing. You were just sitting there in silence,but it was a comfortable silence. Today was a cloudy day and hopefully it would rain. I mean let's be honest rain is so fun. You turned on the TV. and was scrolling through the channels,the weather channel was on. It said it was gonna rain. You looked outside and saw it starting to sprinkle,you turned to dean. "Deann" "what" "do you think it'll rain." He looked out the window. "I mean clouds are covering the sky and their are dark so probably." "I hope so" you slumped back down in you bed. A few seconds later you heard thunder very loud thunder. You went closer to dean since you didn't like thunder very much. "Hey what's wrong?" "I don't like the thunder very much." He pulled you closer to him,so close you could hear his heartbeat. You started hearing little tapping on the roof. You moved away from dean and looked out your window. It was poring,like really hard. "DEAN ITS RAINING!" "I can tell.." "COME ON LETS GO OUTSIDE!" You yelled while getting up. "Fineee" You guys went out of your room and started to run to the door. "What are you guys doing?" Connie said poking her head out the door. "First tell me what you and guy are doing." "Ummm no." "Fine we are going in the rain. "Be careful" you ran to the front door basically dragging Dean behind. You guys went outside and immediately saw and smelt the rain. "Come on dean come dance with me!" You said as you pulled him in the rain. "IM SOAKED!" "No crap Dean comeee on dance with me." You said as you twirled yourself. He held your hand and your waist and you guys ballroom danced in the rain. Little did you know Connie was talking Polaroids from her window. "Y/n?" "Yes?" "Will you- um date me? Like be mine?" "Really?!" You said as you looked him in the eyes. "Do I look like I'm joking?" "Of course!" He leaned down and you two shared your first kiss as a couple.
(Ngl this is my favorite)

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