What they would do when your on you 🩸

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Charlie: Be very helpful and get stuff for you, you guys mostly watch movies and cuddle

Adam: at first he didn't know what it was and why it happened so you explained it to him he tried to help as best as he could

Guy: My lord he didn't leave your side he would sit there and cuddle you and talk to you it was adorable

Dean:At first he thought it was kinda gross since he can't deal with blood then he remembered that a lot of women have it so he helped

Luis: He was as helpful as he could be and cuddled you all day

Kenny: he wasn't able to come help you so he called you and made sure you were ok

Averman: you were having really bad cramps and was rolled up into a ball so he was making jokes to cheer you up

Dwayne: You explained it to him and he still didn't get it but he helped you as much as he could

Fulton: He also wants the biggest fan of blood like dean but he still was right by you

Jesse: Periods were not his thing. At all. But he loves you so he Dealed with you being moody

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