Your guys first kiss PART 2

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Kenny: You,Kenny,Charlie,Averman,Julie,Adam,and Dean were all having a sleep over at the banks house since they were outta town. You all decided to play truth or dare. You and Kenny went on about 3 dates and you both fell for each other,the whole team knew. "Ok who wants to go first?" Charlie asked as everyone sat in a circle. "Well, I'll go." Julie said. "Ok Jules,truth or dare?" Adam said "truth" "borringgggg" dean said. "Ok Julie is anything going on between you and Portman. "I- well- were just friends." "lIeS" Portman yelled. Everyone laughed. "Fine we've been on a few dates." Portman smirked at her. "Well Kenny truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you too....... KISS Y/N!" "WHAT" "it's fine let's get this over with" you said while scooting next to Kenny. She pulled him in and gently pecked his lips. Kenny and you were a blushing mess.

Averman: You were working another shift at your restaurant,it was super late,probably 10 or 11. You were exhausted you were on your 3 cup of coffee. No one was even at the restaurant so you were cleaning. About 5 minutes later a few people walk in,and you greeted them with your waiter voice and a smile. "Hey welcome to Lizzie's food how can I help you?" You turned around to see averman,Charlie,Goldberg,and Adam. "Oh hey guys! What's up why's Fe you here so late?" You said with a smile. "Well,Averman here has something to tell you" Charlie said, Averman looked nervous. "Oh ya,What's up? Are you guys hungry or something?" "Oh no, well just leave you two alone." Goldberg said while they all walked outside leaving Averman and you. "Ok what's up Averman? Why are they acting weird?" "Well- Umm- I have to tell you something" "ok what's up?" He pulled you close and gently kissed you, at first you were shocked but you slowly melted into it. After a while you pulled away for air. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?" "Yeah. Did you at least like it?" You giggled "of course" You looked outside and saw Adam,Charlie,and Goldberg Whooping and screaming. "Oh my lord what geeks." "Yeah" You pulled him in for another kiss.

Dwayne: You and Dwayne were playing Pac man at the arcade. You had to teach him how to play PAC man and he was actually really good. It was super funny watching him focus on trying to beat the game. "Hey cowboy,wanna go get something to eat?" "I can't I have to beat the high score." "Oh come onnn~" "One second I almost beat it." "Alright imma go get a slushy I'll be right backkkk" You went to get you guys a slushy you got cola flavored and got him blue raspberry. You went back to the pac man machine and saw Dwayne focusing. "Here ya go Dwayne." "Thanks y/n" A few seconds later you were watching Dwayne and he was so close to beating the high score. Then he did it. HE BEAT THE HIGH SCORE. He did a loud "Yee haw" you screamed and hugged him as you were both laughing. He pulled you in right there for a kiss. You could feel him smiling in the kiss. When you guys pulled away he said "We did it,I beat pac man."

Fulton: You two were taking a walk and talking about random stuff, then Fulton said about how Charlie thinks you two would make a good couple. You liked Fulton a lot and Fulton liked you. "Yeah, Charlie thinks we would be good together." "Oh- That's funny." "Yeah..." "Do you agree with him?" You looked at him with hope in your eyes. "I mean...." "Well are all these "dates" just friends." He just stayed silent. "Ok well I'm going home." You started to walk away. Did he actually not like you, Did he think of you as a friend,just a friend. He never came to get you,to tell you different. You walked to where you were staying with Dean, he saw you you didn't realize you were crying till he pointed it out. "Hey sis what's wrong?" "Nothing just not drama" "With who?" "Fulton..." "EXCUSE ME?" "No it's ok Dean I just caught feelings for the wrong one." You went up to your room and got ready for bed you just sat there. About 30 minutes later you heard someone come through the door. It must have been Julie. You heard a know at your door. "Come in" "Hey Buster" "What do you want, Ya know I hate to break it to ya your the last person I wanna see." "Ouch, I just need to say something I didn't say earlier." "Im listening." "I really like you y/n,I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.That's why I'm here,to make up for that." "What do you mean" he came and sat on your bed. "I mean this" and he kissed you it was gentle and soft,like he was scared he would break you. When you pulled away for sure you saw Dean standing in the doorway. "Oop- hey Brother." "You know I'm not even gonna say anything, just make sure NO BABIES I DONT WANNA BE AN UNCLE AT 16."

Jesse: You and Jesse knew each other for a while and he was always there for you,to be your shoulder to cry on,and to beat up the people who made you cry. Youve been with many guys,considering you are very pretty like drop dead gorgeous. But they never worked out. You finally think that your attracted to Jesse,your best friend. Aw you couldn't be I mean look at the kid. You decided to tell him. You walked to his house and rang the doorbell his mom answered, "Oh hey darling,looking for Jesse?" "Yes mrs hall" "great he's in his room" yoy walked in and walked to jesses room. "Jess? Can I come in?" "sure" "Hey Jess" "hey bug,what's up." "Nothing just needed to tell you something." "You have another boyfriend?" He said rolling his eyes. You sis da quiet, "no" "what's up then?" "Can I tell you something" he nodded "Jesse I've been with so much boys and it never works out. I think it never does cause the boys aren't you, what I'm saying is that I like you Jesse,like,like like . And I get if you don't feel the same I just needed to tell you." He ran up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I am so happy you told me." Then he crashed his lips into yours

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