Them as things i said pt.2

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"I just had my biggest yolo moment of my life,like I stuck my hand through a gate and this dog could've bit me but now we are besties"

"I just... I watched the movie called my girl and I've never cried so much."

"I want a puppy so bad,I'm going to cry so hard"

Dean: *in the car with my mom and she's going too slow* "mom cmon floor it" "we could die" "YOLOO"

"I'm so hot,like how"

"I think I'm going insane,like I'm sorta the softy friend"

*my friend telling me a deez nuts joke* "sToP I'm going to piss myself" (I was crying laughing in my world languages class)

*talking to my 4 year old little brother while we were driving in teh middle of no whete* "hey guess what, these are where the yee haws live" "what are yee haws? Are they animals?"

*calling my friend* "I'm going to cry,I just saw a cute boy at Dave n busters. And I made the frat boy face at him. Cause I didn't know what else to do." *friend laughing* "help he's looking at me"

"I'm going to spit on whoever made math,"

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